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The Legend of Zelda: Better than Breath of the Wild

This game is everything that I ever wanted Breath of the Wild to be. Most issue's I had with its' predecessor was remedied in this game. Incredibly boring story? Gone. Boring Shika Slate abilities? Bye bye. Uninspired Divine Beasts for dungeons? See you later. While the last thing isn't completely remedied in this game, I think that TotK's dungeons are the closest we'll get to dungeon's in an open world Zelda title. Unfortunately unrealistic to expect the master crafted dungeons of the older 3D Zelda title's AND have open world. That being said, the dungeon's in this game are fairly good, especially the Wind Temple. The story in this game isn't anything to write home about, but makes BotW's story look like fanfiction. The abilities, specifically ultrahand and fuse, carry this game in terms of enjoyment. I never got bored of building wacky contraptions or sticking some random item on my weapons. I still wish Breath of the Wild wasn't so bad and that this game is just what we got originally, but I am glad we got it in the end.

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"Hey, let's take everything that makes a Zelda game great and just get rid of that stuff, yeah?"

I hate this game. I hate that this game even exists. It is a stain on the great 3D Zelda's of old. This game is fine and fun to play, but it shouldn't be called a Zelda game. If it was just called Breath of the Wild and it wasn't tied to Zelda, then yeah this game would probably be like a 3.5 or 4 stars. Let's go through the checklist of great Zelda elements this game decided to get rid of: Interesting and fun bosses, challenging and thematic dungeons, enjoyable and versatile arsenal of items, worthwhile and deep side quests, and a story you can get invested in. This game has none of those things. As soon as you meet Impa in Kakiriko village, the story is over until you kill Calamity Ganon or find some meaningless memory fragments. Oh yeah, let's also take one of the more dynamic villains in the series, Ganondorf, and just make him a big mindless robot/stink cloud. What happened to the extremely human feeling Ganondorf of Wind Waker? The mustache twirling villain of Ocarina? Heck, even the last minute appearance of Ganondorf in Twilight Princess is better. I get the main draw of this game is the open world, but it doesn't feel very alive. All you do is find Shrines, which are why this is a 0.5 and not a 0/5. At least they did ONE thing right. However, the "Divine Beasts" replacing dungeons is just ridiculous. They feel completely uninspired and each contain a Calamity Ganon Blight to fight....yay? Finally, the Shika slate abilities are mostly boring. What's better than one bomb? ANOTHER BOMB BUT SQUARE!!!! The time stop ability is fun but loses its' novelty almost instantly. Link constantly swims under the ice blocks I make and break them with his fat head. Magnesisis just sad, because it could have been so much more....luckily a better game will fix that.

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Divinity Original Sin 3: Preview Edition

Jokes aside, this game is fantastic. This was my first true experience with Dungeon's and Dragon's, and I would say it left a pretty good impression. The customization and opportunities in this game are insane. Want to be an overpowered wizard and cast insane spells? Want to be a big scary man whose main attack is throwing random garbage at people? Want to be Brittany Spears that roasts people to death? All of these and more are possible in this game. BG3 probably has one of the most in depth and customizable character creation's I have ever seen. When people say they spend hours making their character, it's possible they're not joking. The world and character's in this game are pretty fascinating. Most of the companion's (sorry Gale) are extremely compelling with their own unique backstories and quirks. The main story is mostly fine, and falls apart a little towards the end, but it's serviceable enough. There is TON'S of side content to do in this game and a lot of it is fantastic. Most of my favorite side content happens in Act 3, and you really have to look for it as it can be easily missed. The only thing I can criticize this game for is something that is out of the developers hands; the 5e rulebook. I believe that Larian nailed combat and character building in their previous game, Divinity Original Sin 2. I think this could be the GOTY easily if you combined these two games into one. I definitely would give BG3 a try, even if turn based rpg's aren't your thing.

I still believe that Team Fortress 2 is the greatest casual hero shooter to ever exist. I just wish Valve felt the same way. If you've never tried this game before, give it a go. I promise you'll have a great time.

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This is still and probably will always be my favorite game ever created. Majora's Mask isn't just the perfect Zelda game, I would argue it is a perfect game generally. I could gush about this game forever, so I'll just cover the reason's I love this game so much in basic form. This game has one of the most unique, terrifying, and interesting world's I have ever played in. From the bustling streets of Clock Town to the swamp's of the Deku Palace to the graveyard that is Ikana Canyon. This game nails atmosphere so perfectly. The moon will fall on Termina in 3 days and kill everybody, and the characters you find in this game all seem to have a different reaction to it. The denial of the mayor and lead worker, to the despair and fear of the master swordsman, cowering in a corner crying to himself because he realizes he's about to die. The theme's of each area in this game are also fantastic, and best experience yourself. Above all Majora's Mask has the best side content in any of the Zelda titles. Each temple is a masterfully crafted, with the Stone Tower Temple being the greatest achievement the dungeon team has ever created. Please give this game a go, even if the three day mechanic scares you. You may just find that you love it as much as I do.

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The Darks Souls of Dark Souls games.

To be honest I don't have a lot to say about this game that hasn't been said already. The first half of this game is simply incredible. The way you navigate places from Firelink is really interesting, and finding the shortcuts back is pretty fun. The bosses up until Ornstein and Smough are mostly pretty good to decent. My gripe is what most people have an issue with, the second half of the game. Barring how obviously bad the Demon Ruins, or whatever the place is called, the game just feels like it takes a bit of a nosedive in terms of quality. Most of the second half bosses are pretty forgettable to me, besides the final boss just because he has a cool soundtrack.

That being said, the DLC slaps. Absolutely loved most everything about the DLC.

Wow this game is a hot mess, but I kinda like it....I can fix her....

Dark Souls 2 was my first Fromsoftware game, and to be honest for a while it was at the top of my list. However, after playing some of the other games the developers have made, I can't really in good faith write a great review of the game when Smelter Demon exists. Jokes aside, this game has fantastic world building, and I really digged most of the lore associated with this game. However I cannot deny the facts. The ADP stat is just plain stupid, and while there are some really good bosses in here, most of them are real stinkers. I've heard great things about the PvP in this game, but I have never been into PvP in these games. Overall, I enjoy it and think that it is a better game than the first, but not nearly as much as I did before, and it certainly has many faults. The DLC's are all fire though.

Woah, is that a fucking DARK SOULS reference?!?!?

See my biggest issue with this game is I played it before Dark Souls 1, so I didn't get a lot of the fanservice this game dishes out. That being said, the game is kinda just....alright? Idk, I know many think this game is perfect but it never really gripped me. A lot of the bosses for me were mostly forgettable, as were most of the areas. The game does have a great soundtrack though, one of the best in the series. That being said, the Ringed City DLC is fantastic and pretty much carries my opinion of this game. Gael and Midir are some of the most difficult fights as well as the most enjoyable bosses to fight. The area's in the DLC are also all amazing.

I just wanna play the DLC man.

Listen, this game is perfect. It nails atmosphere, storytelling, world building, challenging and fun combat, and a list of fantastic bosses. The fact that I played this game via PS Now on my PC and I still rate it this way should say a lot. This game NEEDS a remaster and port to PC. It's simply not fair that people haven't gotten to play this. Also the PS Now version didn't include the Old Hunters DLC so...gimme gimme.

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"See look, he'll attack any second now......anyyyyy second now....."

That sentence summarizes my feelings about the bosses of Elden Ring. How do we combat people getting increasingly better at these types of games to keep it hard? Make the late game bosses one shot you if you don't have a truckload invested in vigor, and keep the player guessing on when they'll eventually swing at you.
Ok, I feel better now. That last bit is pretty much my only issue with the game. Fromsoft nailed the open world experience of this game. The Lands Between feel incredibly satisfying to explore, with at least something waiting for you around every corner. While the late game bosses do give me some grief, the total roster of the bosses is mostly really good. This game also feels like you can build your character a million different ways compared to the other Fromsoft titles. If you've never been a fan of the Dark Souls games, I would at least give this one a chance. It's just different enough that you may enjoy it.

Sekiro was a game I was a little scared to play at first, but I am really glad I did. A lot of people warned me about how absurdly hard this game is, but I found myself enjoying it quite a bit. The combat of this game is incredibly satisfying, and even when I was getting my ass kicked I was still having a good time. Some of the bosses have also made themselves my favorite across the Fromsoft games. I'm also a sucker for Japanese history and folklore, so that aspect of the game really drew me in as well. My only tip: don't play this game with a shitty Xbox One controller.

The prequel to that one game that may or may not be real.

Hollow Knight is an interesting game. I don't usually play Metroidvania's besides...well...Metroid. It was recommended to me by a good friend so I gave it a shot, and turned out to be very pleasantly surprised. You can tell this game has a ton of passion behind it. From the level design, to the tight controls, to the bosses; a lot that this game has to offer is great. There's also some incredibly interesting lore if you're the type of person who cares to look for it. Overall this is really just a stellar game, I don't really have anything negative to say about it.

The mountain is a metaphor for....oh I get it!!!!

Celeste is a pretty fun game. I played through it when I was bored one day, and had a pretty good time overall. The only real issue I have is with this level where you jump off clouds and....well....skill issue. The controls of this game are insanely well done. I can see this games overall theme resonating with a ton of people, so it makes sense why it's so beloved. The soundtrack is also a bop! I have yet to do any of the like...sides? I've heard about unlocking harder levels by doing specific things, and something called Farewell. I just need to get around to actually doing that content someday.