2023 ranked

I promise you that I like things and you just caught me at an awkward time in game design philosophies.

Now has a sister list.

In all honesty, this is a fine game and I understand (most) of the initial praise. This just has absolutely nothing I like in CRPGs and the people whose only exposure to the genre is this game are incredibly annoying. 5e D&D players are shit-scared of playing anything else, and I dread the idea of the same thing happening here.
I grew up as a child on Super Mario World. It presented a place that was whimsical, wriggling, impossible to fully define, and always had a card up its sleeve and a grin on its face. It's impossible to overstate how happy I am that a new generation of kids are gonna have the same experience, and that I got to feel that joy and exploration another time.
Every decade deserves its own MGR, and frankly this one is at least self-aware that it's a rhythm game with a focus on spectacle. It's not what I love in action games but it's what I love in AAA games; something that actually has a shitload of money visibly in it, but is unafraid to be unlike anything else on the market.
ahahaha how the fuck did they make a bethesda game without exploration bro spent eight years with the stove off hahaha
Insanely fun but I had too many friends shittalk ken while I was in the vc and now playing the game just makes me feel sad :(
The Herald of Darkness is the single best thing to come out of AAA gaming in the last five years and frankly it's my own fault for expecting the rest of the game to be on that level. Sadly, I can't fix my broken brain.
I don't really like 2D Sonic's focus on routing and memorization and this is basically a Sonic game wearing Wario Land's verbs like a skinsuit. Love the art style though!
The celebrity role is actually fantastically-directed and a perfect fit for the actor, unlike the base game, and I really fucking love what this does in its final hours. I will always love stuff that gets this intense with its aesthetics while repudiating the base game's entire thematic core, and the structure of its tragedy is really, really effective. Maybe it's supposed to hurt.
The scene that this game is entirely built around also has basically nothing to do with anything else in it. They could've inserted it into Infinite Wealth or made this a Kaito Files and it would've been more effective on every front.
It's really goddamn weird that this reduces the emphasis on platforming to become a score-oriented Tony Hawk-style game when scoring is not really interesting at all either. Love the art direction and music, love that JSR fans are suddenly eating this good, but it makes me sad that something with such an offputting core and an unchallenging presentation is attempting to bring back punk.
I got Sonic CD'd.
I beat multiple bosses without ever touching the left stick. I literally just hit the parry button and R1 and the game's animations played themselves.
Chrono Trigger is a fine RPG, but I need to stop trusting people who immediately jump to it as the watermark for a Truly Great Japanese Role-Playing-Game. This shit boneless and Partitio drives me insane.
We will all be forgotten one day.
Theyber is an amazing character and I love them a lot, but I'm incapable of playing this game for very long because the stagger gauge is so poorly handled. I'll probably give this a 4/5 when I come back to it with a cheat trainer and can actually have fun with bosses instead of literally 5+ minute stretches where I just wail on their secondary healthbar and there's no hitstun or anything and their main health doesn't tick down and it feels like total ass.
I don't like the main narrative at all, but the mechanics here are a fantastic basis for the sequel. There's a sense of alienation from being this figure dropped into a world subtly not built for you that is absolutely not intended but it gives the entire world that fucked up vibe I love about certain games. You know how sometimes you find an entire corner of the map with no items, no enemies, and it's just full of overly-detailed stuff some designer put their heart into? Cyberpunk is like 60% of that, for a hundred hours straight. I can't really say I like it, but few other genres can bear this much ennui and live.
The El Shaddai team is too busy making dungeon crawlers, so I'm very glad that some random dude descended from Canada to whip these guys into shape and make a sequel over here instead. It's also very cute to see Platinum make a full-on Zelda game after so much of the progression in Clover-descended studios stems from it.
I really hope this did well enough to let the studio make more action games. Hits my Pathfinder brainworms to degrees I didn't expect, but it is a surprisingly great translation of the Swashbuckler class to a 3D action game. Manages to be more interesting about parrying and dodging than action games made with an order of magnitude more money and manpower.
For all its issues, it has the two best games of all time and there's already mods on PC to play it in 4K. Don't care what else anybody has to say about this shit because MGS2 is still more tight than anything else anybody has ever made.
I'm sorry, bros.
I feel so fucking bad putting this here when I haven't beaten it yet, but in my defense... I have no defense. This game slaps and I feel guilty every time I click on Monster Hunter in steam instead.
You can tell that Capcom was involved in this because it's somehow both deeply cynical and miserable to play with its grindy dark patterns, but is also completely horrible at actually making me want to pay money to ease my suffering. The worst of both worlds!
It's a fun brainteaser, but I get frustrated too easily at glomming onto a theme and trying to figure out which ones are actually a dumb gotcha. I got really into crosswords because of this, and that's something I will always appreciate it for.
This is probably what it felt like to play Nier at launch. Some day, the rest of the world will see the vision, and if that doesn't happen, I'll feel guilty for not spreading the word more.
It hits.
A lot of queer narratives make me feel like a fake human being who should kill themselves from how little their attempts to tap into universal queer emotions resonate. This is a game made by a little with an ABDL kink and occasionally-questionable taste in anime, things I don't share at all, and yet the sheer unabashed sincerity of its intimacy and character writing makes it more engrossing than a thousand weepy movies.


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