2022 List

This is a list of all the games I played that came out in 2022

You can pet the dog
It's still better than Postal 3.
This has been the most apathetic I've felt for a game this year
This sure is a D-list platformer at best.
For what this game is (IE a very simple game made by one person) I think it's pretty alright, it could have been better but the premise does feel a bit stretched by the end, but I still had a fun time with it, and it had fewer glitches then the brand new 60 dollar Pokemon game.
I don't have that much to say about this one it's just straight-up stupid fun
Finally an excellent replacement for Friday the 13th the game.
A boring Animal Crossing clone that doesn't know what made those games good
I don't have much to say other than it's just a really well-made remake of a pretty janky PS1 game.
At a glance the game is really pretty and a lot of the weeping alien architecture looks hauntingly beautiful, but compared to other games of this type (Limbo and Inside) it has very little to say in both presentation and visual narrative, along with the puzzles feeling very static and non-engaging.
As a whole I think the game is pretty good with an amazing style that goes well beyond a stylistic gimmick and does some pretty unsettling body horror imagery with the rotoscoped pixel art, on the story front however is where Iโ€™m more uninterested with and have no strong feeling one way or the other.
Is this is worse remake/remaster of all time.....no god no, BUT I feel like this does lose a bit of the magic that the first and second games had. I still wouldn't condemn someone who played this version first over the original version but I'd still point them in the direction of the original version.
I may have enjoyed my time with said game but the copim has run dry and I can't defend this the same way I defend Agents of Mayhem.
For what it lacks in basic modern day game design and quality of life it excels at being one of those weird cult classic jank as fuck PS2 games (that's most likely based on an anime), and I don't mean that metaphorically or rhetorically, poetically,
theoretically or in any other way. It's feels like a PS2 game stright up, and I am here for it.
If Nintendo won't make a new Pikmin or a better Paper Mario game I guess it's up to the indie devs; AGAIN.
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Best 5 dollars I've ever spent.
This game has emotionally drained me the more I think about all the wasted ideas this game had. The most Iโ€™ll go into is just because you write a good idea out on paper does not mean itโ€™s a fully fleshed out idea, there is a reason why concept art never represents the final product.
I honestly would love to just go off on this game but the idea of writing another 7+ long review for a game Iโ€™m depressingly ambivalent towards makes me wanna stress vomit.
The best aspect this game has going for is its art style, the gunplay is pretty meh but other than that it's alright.
While not the best open world ever made, and is in all honestly very unmemorable. I still had a fun time in a very turn-your-brain-off kind of way.
I'm so tired of this.
It's a fun romp at times but overall fails at attempting to recapture the fun of Until Dawn, at least poor Lance Henriksen got paid.
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The perfect TMNT game through and through.
A genuinely hard game that rewards the player for understanding and learning the game's mechanics. It's honestly sad that we don't see more games like these besides a handful of Soulslikes.
The same great game with some new content that's pretty ok.
I went in only excepting another Zelda-like game with a super cute Fez-like aesthetic. I came out with one of the most exploratory-rich games I've ever had the pleasure of mastering.
By no means is this game bad, hell even with all its faults I still think this is probably the best Lego game we've had in a long time; but with that being said I feel like it might be a little too ambitious for its own good.
Midsommar but better
Can't believe Elden Ring ripped off Kirby.
I got banned from this game before being able to play as Rick so fuck this game
I don't have anything else to say other than I'm glad the last game I'm playing this year actually meat my actually met my expectations and then some.
You'd get the same fun experience watching paint dry while throwing glitter and small knick-knacks at it.
My Snorlax is a beast in heat and will kick your ass.


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