I think this game is mediocre at best

It's not TERRIBLE but if I got a VR for xmas and this was the first game I played, yk full well I'm returning that 😭

The quality is dookie, the characters look pretty poor, the shooting is okay but could've done with a bit more work and the story is pretty much non existent

I can only hope one day we get blessed with a W game for the fans :)

Jak 1 was amazing and a really good, classic PS2 title that reminded me a lot of spyro

Jak 2 was too harsh of a switch up imo. Gameplay took a major turn and it felt like it was just following the trends in that time period

Jak 3 took the issues with Jak 2 and just made an overall better game. I haven't got much else to say about this one other than it is Jak 2 but better

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A lot better than MW3 and also a bit better than MW1. I can see why people class this as the best in the trilogy and this remaster looks SO good

The whole thing with price coming back was cool asf but ghost dying wasn't as impactful to me as it probably was back when the game came out - still a bit crazy how shepherd did that though

decent game overall but at the end of the day, it is a COD campaign so it can only be so good yk 🤓

Again, just like the rest of Gamemills GOTY contenders, I don't think this is the fault of the developer. The game was for sure intended to be good but I imagine there was time restraints and crunch so the end product was once again mid asf

There's no collectables at all which, while amazing for a trophy hunter, fell short for practically everyone else that enjoys a collectable grind.

The story assumes you've watched the show and leaves a decent chunk of it down to little paragraphs before you start the next mission

The film grain setting is ass and idk why they would actually recommend it to be used at all and to top everything off - the combat is very bad and the game glitched on me a few times, locking me out of a trophy at one point too

not the best game in the world

This was okay. Nothing insane but also kinda commendable for trying something new in a time where gimmick controllers felt washed

I think if I had played this back in 2009, in the lounge with my family, this would've been so so fire

The main drawback in my opinion is just how HARD the board is. It's solid plastic, built really really well but it KILLS your feet. I tried wearing slippers, putting a rug under the skateboard and even using my hands instead of standing but it was just a really uncomfortable experience

oh yeah and the sensors on the board are shit :)


How did this release after the Last of Us 💀

I'm a big fan of the movies and to be fair, this wasn't great BUT it wasn't bad either

It's an average movie tie in game made to 100% exploit fans of the movies but it does offer a look into the events post KFP2

The main issue I have with this game is that it's handled like a Simpsons episode. Nothing in this game matters as it can't interfere with the 3rd movies storyline. What happens in this game could've easily not happened and no one would've had a clue

other than that tho, not an awful game yk

I wanna speak to the person in charge of this game and ask them WHY they decided to make the 2 player mode local co-op only

To 100% the game, you literally need another person to sit with you for over 10 hours to get this done 💀

Cannot explain how bad this game is

pls never ever ever ever ever ever play this game

A great entry into the ICO trilogy but I feel it falls short coming off the back of SOTC.

As it's own game it's amazing but I do think Team ICO/Gendesign had a bit more in them

I loved the ending though, was such a cool moment and the sunset from the tower is beautiful

An overpriced game for sure but 1000000% worth it for me

The game looks incredible and to have the Left Behind DLC also remade too is amazing. Everything fits so well with TLOU2 now and it's crazy to see all these characters I love actually have visible emotion

It's basically everything I wanted when it comes to a remake of TLOU but I think it was too soon lowkey

Overall the game is amazing but I think the story could be a tiny bit better

Everyone justifies the story being eh because RDR2 makes up for the plot holes and makes you feel for certain characters - which is fine - but RDR2 was not a thing when this game released so it's not a valid excuse

I think the story needed a bit more padding and if it were to release now, with the way rockstar has been with storytelling, this would've banged 10x harder for sure

Story was okay but only really got good at the end ngl

Spec ops was HARD ASF but we got through it


I didn't play it on release so I wouldn't know how bad it actually was but genuinely, this is probably one of the best games I have played this year