244 Reviews liked by Schafsinn



Incredible title. So glad I finally played a game that shaped some of my fav titles ever, and it turns out, it is amazing on it's own.

this game has a racist dog in it! what the hell?

OK so this game started out great, stunning looking but is a stutter mess better then launch tho, combat is fun with sekiro and BB gameplay integrated, artstyle and initial bosses also good, level design was pretty linear unlike any other souls like but it was still good, 2 world concept started out basic but then it become quite integral part to move around.
But holy shit this game have one of the worst and confusing level design as it goes on after the initial section, like I can't comprehend how horrible this shit is, the combat become stale after a while as new weapon drops and other shit are pretty generic, but the level design is so shit I just couldn't bare it and had to just drop it

Fun game for co-op, engaging combat and boss encounters, ridiculous story and banger soundtrack, my only complaints are the controls sometimes ruining tight encounters, the annoying cutscenes with out of nowhere QTEs, and the final boss fight being ass

Yeah man this is my "The Last of Us", in the way people adore it to death. Following the development of this game so closely up to release, experiencing said release moment, and beating the game is one of those experiences I still hold dearly, and this replay reminded me of that; This game is quite literally the reason why I pursued game design, and it put me on the path I'm in now

I finished Ghostwire tokyo really good game, addictive gameplay, unique lore and enemy design of , mythology are the highlights of the game, the visuals are not cutting edge but the Tokyo rendition is very detailed, the open world itself is very ubisofty like and sadly void of life, i wish it had that yakuza type crowd density to make it feel more lived in cuz once you do side objective kill all the enemies in a certain district it become empty.
Main story is serviceable the main character and KK relationship is quite good and it progress as the story goes on and ending is the most memorable part of the story imo, side missions are not the best and not the worst pretty okaish but the boss fight and unique enemies are really fun to fight in side missions.
the performance on PC is a mix bag it had some pretty heavy shader compilation stuttering at some instances. but 70% of the time game runs fine

Lots of conflicting feelings when I think of the essence of Dragon's Dogma 2, but one thing for certain is that this game, just like the first one, is the definition of "It's about the journey and not the destination" and while that didn't click for me in Dark Arisen, I completely fell in love with the second game

Props to this game for trying out new ideas and concepts that I haven't seen other 2d games tackle before. Fun, entertaining and doesn't overstay its welcome

This was a really special meal no doubt. Just needed a bit more salt......and some sauce........and French Fries on the side would've been nice too !

Starting out I wasn’t feeling this more open direction/ more light hearted journey but the more I played, the more I enjoyed being on this more campy ride and these “side tasks” felt kinda fun. Costa de sol and cruise ship is still very memorable to me. I don’t love the open world activities, but I still loved a lot of the mini games and queens blood. Although the ending was kinda losing my interest, I did love Clouds journey and the way him and tifa dealed with their past. It isn’t my fav game or even one I love fondly but it was an enjoyable ride even if the plot kinda lost the point for me. Especially when they decided to answer 0 mysteries and questions and only give you more, but it was more about the ride than the plot for me

It grew on me during replay, i gotta admit it, i will give it up Kojima.

The one reason I don't hate this game like other people do is because I was never around the graphics controversy. I literally never heard of it until I saw it on a store shelf back in 2014 and bought it because of man with gun on the cover.

As for the game itself, still a great premise but with middling execution. Gameplay is stellar but with some weird difficulty spikes, but regardless one of the reasons that makes Watch Dogs unique and why I love this series, but the story is vapid, not really worth caring, but it has its moments, like Jackie's obsession with the pizza guy, the human trafficking ring subplot (which is unfortunately flat), T-Bone's entire existence and his cool ass scrapyard, and the set-piece involving Lucky Quinn towards the end.

It's just another Ubisoft game being a Ubisoft game fr fr

Loved the shit out of FALLOUT show, and thought give FO4 another try at least this time I managed to play a complete hour of it.
the gameplay seems fine ig, but it do need a lot of quality-to-life improvements, and Fuck Bethesda Creation engine, mods do make it look somewhat good, story and other shit couldn't care less, but its funny when u choose rage-out options lol.

Finished POL
Phenomenal water painting art style, Zen sound design, good music, and simple yet effective puzzle design.

the only negative I can think of is that the gameplay is basic af wish it had more variety there.

I had to emphasize again on how great the art style makes u feel, especially in grasslands with howling wind and leaves bristling sounds are just soothing af.

Very well put together Metroidvania with exceptional quality of life features making it very smooth to play. Ubisoft have clearly taken inspiration from gems of the genre such as Hollow Knight and Ori (particuarly Will of the Wisps).

First impressions aren't great, with basic movement abilities, dull character work and a nothing-burger of a storyline. The title soon picks up speed though, with each new unlock offering interesting usage in both traversal and combat.

The map is large and full of optional platforming challenges and simple puzzles. Except for one late game area featuring a naval battle frozen in time, there is not much originality to the locations you'll be jumping around. The expected temples and forests give way to sewers and mountains respectively. Each area would have benefitted from a few more traversal or combat tweaks specific to the locale.

It is refreshing seeing AAA studios tackling a genre that has been predominantly served by the indie scene in recent years. I hope both Ubisoft, with Lost Crown, and Nintendo, with Metroid Dread, see enough success to greenlight sequels.