I knew I wouldn't like this as much as TBOGT but God this is unplayable! The checkpoint system makes this game insufferably frustrating and its shitty character with boring cutscenes make the gameplay seem hardly worth it for the story.

I never got the chance to play TBOGT or TLAD before because of xbox issues but now I have the PC port and I had a great time.

It's not one of the best GTA experiences; the side content is very bland and repetitive and it has the issue of Ludo narrative dissonance that SA-RDR1 have but the realistic combat, fun story and addition of fucking checkpoints!!!!!!!!! made this a great time for me.

I do think I'll come back and carry on from where I left off but I'm just not in this at the moment. I kind of want to play some other games and I underestimated how huge this game is. Also the release of the remake made me feel pressured to join the hype.

I like the game fine so far. I'm not a huge JRPG and turn-based combat fan so I was never going to have the best time but I genuinely prefer super paper Mario on both a gameplay and story front so I'm not loving it as much as I had hoped.

I'll almost definitely come back to this but I have some games I'm more passionate about to play at the minute.


I am as biased as possible when it comes to Luigi's mansion. It's such a wonderfully tight experience with so much charm and fun exploration. It's like the perfect resident evil game.

I think my only complaint is the boos towards the end with ridiculously inflated HP that you have to chase from room to room, but apart from that this game is just so perfect.

I don't have super well thought out reasoning, this game is just a delight to play and boy have I played it over and over and over again. I have no doubt I will play it many times more too.

I also just have to add that Luigi crying with joy seeing Mario again is maybe my favourite moment in any Mario game ever

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This game is an apology written to me by Hideo Kojima for the character writing in MGS2.

I think this is the most accessible game in the original trilogy. It's freeing gameplay and more understandable and character-driven story definitely has a more mainstream appeal that completely works for me.

It's important to note my main issues from the first two games are still here, those being the awful forced action sequences and boss fights; in fact I'd say these bosses are the worst of the first three. Not only does the stealth control scheme not translate to boss fights, making the fights themselves awkward and frustrating, but the character you're fighting don't even have interesting personality or stories besides the Sorrow, Volgin and the Boss. Luckily the action sequences are only in the end but God does the ending of this game suck gameplay wise. It goes shitty boss fight-awful action sequence on the bike-slightly less shitty boss fight-more bike shit-the worst escort mission I have maybe ever played-another shitty boss fight. If the story wasn't so good the ending of the game would be an absolute failure.

That being said, this definitely has the best gameplay of the first 3 games. I haven't played 5 in a while and I've never played 4 or PW but this feels like the blueprint the rest of the series builds off. The ridiculous amount of freedom you're given is absolutely delightful. I've had to say goodbye to my beloved "FREEZE!" from MGS2 but in return I've had the most fun with a stealth game ever.

But most importantly for me, this is the best story in the franchise. Gone are the shitty, annoying characters of MGS2 and tell don't show tendencies of the first game. Kojima really has improved and matured as a writer as of MGS3.

I never really cared about snake or the team in the first two games; they were fun to watch and likable enough but the only time I felt for them at all was the Colonel's goodbye to Snake in MGS1. And MGS2 is a whole different beast. I'm glade Snake isn't as much of a misogynist any more but Raiden, Rose, EE, Otocon and Vamp are some of the most annoying characters in gaming.

The characters are leading the show in MGS3 though. Big Boss is a million times more likable and interesting than Snake or Raiden. Hayter's voice acting has greatly improved and it's just one factor that makes him feel like a real human instead of an archetype we're told things about. He's still a closed off solider but more of his emotional centre is slowly revealed. He can joke about with his team, he has chemistry with nearly everyone and even his cheesy badass features add to his characterization as loyal to a fault. His character arc from a slightly more likable Snake to the seeds of the villain of the OG metal gear games leaves those last 10 minutes or so as one of the greatest moments in gaming.

The more simple approach to storytelling actually show me things to think about rather than talk at me about complicated ideas and literally spell out the message at the end of the game (I love MGS1 but that ending was ridiculous). By crafting a story that focuses on its character rather than its ideology, we have been gifted with one of the most tragic origin stories in gaming that I can finally just call amazing instead of ambitious.

Yeahhhh I still don't like this game. I really don't get what all the fuss is about. At least I can laugh at RE 5 with a friend

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This was my first MGS game and I didn't entirely know what I was getting into, nor what happened in the game. I haven't played it since I was 14 and ooooooh I have some thoughts now.

As of writing this section I haven't given this game a rating yet because I'm really not sure how I feel about it. Overall I really appreciate what this game is going for; it's incredibly ambitious ideas and approach to storytelling is mind-blowing and a kind of creativity we don't see often in any form of art, games included. However, I think said ambitious, post-modern and exciting ideas distract the majority of players from some fatal errors made in execution.

Passed on from the first game-the boss fights are still awful. I'm not a huge fan of boss fights generally unless they're in a game by fromsoft but they are especially atrocious in these two games. The controls meant for tactical stealth don't transfer to boss fights which just makes them awkward, unengaging and frustrating (Besides fat man which I weirdly enjoyed and couldn't tell you why).

Gameplay is mostly an improvement over the first game. The addition of first person makes me feel so much cooler and able to tackle stealth missions, making the core gameplay generally more fun. I found myself not using many tools outside of my guns though but that may just be because of my playstyle and how much fun I was having telling enemies to "FREEZE!"

Despite my love of the gameplay, I was given much less of it in this game which leads into some of my thoughts on the story.

Unlike its predecessor, the pacing is very off in this one. The game begins throwing you into its most complex, difficult levels and then pulls back when you start playing as Raiden as it goes back over an unskippable tutorial that players of the first game know already and new players were just forced to figure out in the tanker chapter. What follows is a few bite-sized fragments of gameplay consistently being interrupted by an absurd amount of CODEC calls, making the early section of the big shell chapter almost like a parody of a MGS game.

Now I've heard some people say that this is part of the story. The opening Raiden section is annoying to make us kind of hate him at the beginning so we can slowly build that relationship up. But I think this kind of illustrates my issue with this game and its response. Kojima and the team came up with a cool idea, it feels shit in the moment of playing but in understanding that decision, people just accept this flaw. And for some people things like these aren't flaws which is great and I'm not telling you that my opinion is correct. But I do genuinely believe this game is given a lot of slack because of its ambition.

This problem extends to the characters for me as well; most of the cast feel like archetypes with traits I'm being told and not shown about. I think the poor character work is my overall problem with this game. While the first game presented mostly interesting characters with engaging archs, this game's eye roll worthy emotional scenes and poor voice acting from some important characters (Raiden and Rose) feel completely looked over by most people because of the admittedly cool ideas Kojima and his team tackle.

Even then, these ideas that is most of what I believe distracts people and admit are interesting aren't as fleshed out as they could be. The calls with GW at the end are cool but they stop way too quickly and I don't feel sufficiently mind-fucked given their reputation. Also, the exposition dump of and ending doesn't organically present these ideas; it kind of feels like Kojima came up with the twist and just decided not to write the 3rd act and share the bullet points with us.

I know this review has focused on the negative but I do like this game. Not as much as the emotionally engaging stories of 1st and 3rd games but I really appreciate the experiment this game is, even if not everything works. For me, the game still hits the fundamentals, leaving it as an incredible idea that resulted in a fine -bordering on really good- final draft that I understand the acclaim for, even if I think a lot of missteps are overlooked.

Watching this game and talking shit with the person playing with the whole time probably beats playing this game so I'm glad I did that.

I had the privilege of watching my partner's first time through this game. I encourage anyone who loves this game to share it with people; it's probably the closest you'll get to the joy of your first playthrough

I've only ever played MGS 2, 3 and V as well of a few side games because of this game and 4 being on consoles I don't own. I've always known what's happened in this game due to my love of its sequels but I'm so glad I've experienced the actual thing for myself.

It's far from perfect; I hate the boss battles and non-stealth sections, the story falls into some shitty action movie cliche's, there's some poorly aged stuff about women and it's not as ambitious of it's sequels, but overall this game stands the test of time. It's a remarkably paced, emotionally engaging classic that I'm so glad I finally went back and played for myself.

For every genius idea this game has it then bring in 3 absolutely fucking awful ones. I don't think any game could better define the phrase "a mixed bag."

This game has been my relief during my A levels. That's why it took me so long but I had a great time!

I've played this game so many times its ridiculous but this most recent playthrough was my first since the tv show came out and I played through it with my girlfriend who'd only seen the show and I've really found an appreciation of how amazing of a story this game has despite some arguably lacklustre gameplay.

Just played this so my girlfriend can show me their catalyst skills. This game is stinky and dated.

I feel like when this game game out people over hated it, then people discovered it's not nearly as bad as people said which has now led to the game being built up for me and yet again, I still don't like it. I'm sure if I stuck to it I would have a fine experience but I currently have many games I'd rather play and everything I don't like about this game apparently gets worse as it goes on like the boss runbacks and uninteresting level design. I'll probably come back to this once I've played dark souls 3 and Elden ring and I desperately want the experience of playing the more metroidvania esque souls game for the first time again