2024: Games Completed

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There's a lot I like about Max Payne 1. There's some neat camera work, the soundtrack is superb, the graphic novel motif is neat, shootdoging is just fun and of course, James McCaffrey's narration. However, the game is just too hard to be fun. Having to quick save after every little encounter, hoping I having fucked up too much to make the later parts too hard is just more annoying than it is enjoyable. I get that's how PC games used to be but man, it just makes the game so much longer and annoying. Also James McCaffrey is undeniably great as Max.... but some of his readings in this is questionable at best. It's early voice acting and I know for a fact he gets better later in his career but really he's reading lines like he has to be out of the studio in 15 minutes. The game became much more enjoyable once I turned on god mode and infinite ammo.

Update: So after beating Max Payne 2 I came right back to one and played on a harder difficulty and found it be much easier, and much more enjoyable overall. I dunno what changed in how I was playing but I guess I just needed to git gud. Still think McCaffrey's reading is a bit too hasty but I'm feeling much more positively towards the game/

Markedly better than the first game. A more satisfying difficulty curve, better feeling gameplay and a fantastic McCaffrey performance, this time he actually paces himself rather than reading at the speed of lightning. I'm sure the first game was under various monetary/time constraints thus leading to the speedy voice over but regardless, this is the definitive Remedy Max Payne game. In fact the only way the first game is better is in the fact that it used Sam Lake's likeness for Max Payne.

It's janky in some very annoying ways but it's easily the best 3D sonic game. A good story, told in an interesting way, a lot of varied gameplay and of course, the chao garden!

Unbreakable, Incorruptible, Unyielding

This game still fucking rocks. Compared to Eternal it felt kind of bare bones for the first 3/4 but once the game kicks it up a notch for those last few levels it's just as engrossing.

Fucking hated 99% of the story bits that weren't lifted from FF7 but man playing that ending was pretty affecting. Ugh, all signs are pointing to the remake turning to shit.

Yup, still the best one. The story, the city, the protagonist. It's definitely the best work/writing R* have done.

Foolishly decided to look into mods for this near the end of the game and now here I am, starting from the beginning immediately after finishing it >.<

It's been 4 years and I still can't believe they're remaking this.

It wasn't until re-reading my past entries for this game and now replaying that I remember how much of this game is kind of a tedious drag. I still love it though. The way this game uses nostalgia to compensate for it's monotony is masterful and as a statement about the future of this 'remake', I think it's very effective. I still roll my eyes at all the anime bullshit (and boy is there a lot of anime bullshit) but I'm still very intrigued about where the story is going, as well as spending more time with these characters who mean so much to me.

Part 2 can't come soon enough.

For the first half of this I was questioning if I really wanted more Spider-Man games... But once the story starts picking up steam it reminded me of why these games are still awesome. That being said, hopefully with the Wolverine game on it's way there'll be a longer gap between these games because other than releasing for a new generation of hardware, im not sure how they keep this formula fresh.

And with this.... I think I've completed every mainline non-mmo Final Fantasy game? The ones I beat 2 decades ago I'll have to revisit to have any sort of tangible thoughts about but I'm pretty sure I've beaten them all in some capacity. Neato.

For this entire game I tried to adopt the mindset of somebody who thought this was better than 7 and it wasn't until the entire story had been told that I was able to see where those people are coming from.

Along the way there is some dodgy writing and lack of set ups for some of the plot points but by the end they do a good job of telling a complete, and compelling story. SQUALLS character arc is great, though I wish the other characters had as much time invested in them.

The junction system has some neat ideas, but in practice it becomes a major drag. I felt using the 3x speed cheat really robbed me of the original experience, but honestly without it I wouldn't have finished the game (which may have been the reason for my previous failed attempts at finishing this).

The high point of the game would definitely be the CG and general graphical fidelity. As endearing as Clouds toaster hands were, it's hard to deny how much better SQUALL generally looks. Though I don't think it did much to change, or increase, my investment in the story.

Funny to me that they took a character whose very presence in FF7 is entirely optional, and therefore his impact on the story is basically nonexistent, and made him into the most important character and the only one capable of saving the world.

I'm honestly too close to the world of FF7 to adequately judge whether or not this is actually good. As a game, it's not challenging, nor does It build upon it's own mechanics in any way, but it's kind of fun....for a PS2 era third person shooter.

Played with the ray traced lighting mod

Still awesome. more so with fancy dynamic lighting.

omg this game is so cute it makes me want to die

there are at least 2 games I would have bumped off of my 2023 goty list for this

It's a shame this is the least expanded of the three remakes because the original was maybe my favourite of the PS1 RE games. It's still a very good game though and the design of Nemesis remains the coolest variant T-Virus monstrosity.

Portal with RTX version.

What a weird game to get a ray tracing update with an official release on Steam. Not that it doesn't look great, but the game is so bright overall that it doesn't make for a great showcase for the nuance of the lighting. Either way, got me to replay this classic so \o/

This is maybe the best looking/designed Gears game to date. The encounter design is some of the best in the series, constantly presenting new ways for you to shoot dudes. It's also, on a technical level, incredibly beautiful. The story is alright, there are aspects of it that would have benefitted from a little more attention (specifically regarding JD's character development) but overall , it provides enough forward momentum to keep the shooting dudes interesting.

Having things teased in Gears 3 finally pay off in some form was neat, though I can't say it inspired much more a simple surprised "huh"

a brief break from the Final Fantasies for a forgotten rhythm game
On Veteran. Still awesome. Noticed that I've replayed this every 3 years since 2018. Let's see if the urge to replay strikes me again in 2027


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