this is basically completely unplayable these days but me and some friends had fun with it when it first released. still it's not much of a game

I'm not really giving this game a score because how good this game is entirely depends on whether or not it's around in 3 months. I know I'm not the only one who was very interested by the concept but stayed away because they assumed that the game would be dead on arrival and have no players. The few matches I've played have all had bots and the future doesn't look too bright for this game despite it being pretty solid. It's a fun time but I don't really want to invest time into clearing the battle pass when I absolutely get the vibes that this game is not surviving 2024.

I am not a fan of the source material so just as stuff to clean it's alright. I do think this one is asking a bit much for 8 bucks, not a super long dlc, even compared to the relatively short spunch bop one

Rarely does a game that asks philosophical questions give the player an answer. Usually you're supposed to determine that for yourself, but Talos 2 has a lot to say, more than its previous installment by a country mile. It's an incredibly smart game that I think will legitimately bring a lot of optimism for the future of humanity to the 6 or 7 people that play it. I certainly feel a whole lot more optimistic after finishing it, which I'm very happy to feel these days.
The gameplay is exactly what you'd expect of a talos sequel with the only noticeable change outside of new mechanics being that star puzzles are actually reasonable this time. It's also exactly what you'd expect out of a talos sequel in that it completely doesn't matter. You're here for the story, and it's great. It's actually got a fair bit of RPG blood in it this time, with lots of characters to talk to and different routes to take. A very satisfying game, highly recommend.


A good expansion for doom 1 which unfortunately is still doom 1. Expect a lot of cacodemons and barons because all the other ways to inject challenge into the wad came in doom 2. Still it's good level design and a bangin soundtrack.

This is a free hidden object game very similar in style to hidden folks. Unfortunately it's got one map, a 10 second stock music loop in the background, and is a cheevo game where you get a new ding for every single cat. Took me like 10 minutes to beat. It's free and the art is cute so give it a go if you don't care about your achievement ratings I guess. Just made me wish hidden folks was back

It's cute but needs more long term goals. Plus as a neko atsume successor it doesn't have as many identifiable bnuuy characters. I'll always remember tubbs.

It's a game that manages to recreate the bizzare off the wall strategies of early siege in a fast paced arena shooter setting. Time will tell if this game dies in a year but I love it.

I dont usually give out a whole lot of perfect scores. My criteria is generally just a vague "I know it when I see it". With that said, this is the most I've ever felt that a game was perfect after playing it. I don't think it's aged a day, especially with the pixel remaster. It was an achievement at the time and still stands as one of the best RPGs ever made.
It's kind of crazy. Going back and playing FF4 it's great but you can feel the limitations of the SNES even on the remaster. I don't feel it at all here. Maybe that's because they spent an extra year polishing up 6 in particular, or maybe that's because it's just that good. The only problem I can see with this game is that every rpg for a decade including the final fantasy series itself copied elements from this without getting it right.
This game is like, apocryphal at this point. You've heard kefka's laugh. You've heard dancing mad. You've seen the opera scene. But somehow everything around it just makes it much much better instead of feeling like a highlight reel. I can't recommend it enough, for JRPG fans and haters alike.

Wanna write a drama movie but don't have the chops to cut it in hollywood? Cut your movie into pieces and let the audience "piece it together". Now your mediocre drama is an emergent interactive video game based neo-experience. Her Story at least had an interesting premise, this just sucks.

I think if I say too much about what I like in this game it'll give away some of what made it special so I'm just gonna say that anyone interested in survival horror should give this a go. It's a very creative and interesting game and despite some issues I had with it that knock the score down I think everyone should play it. Shotgun is absolute dog water and enemy AI is very dumb but it's an unrelentingly clever and unique game.

This is a weird game. In the influx of slender knockoffs this game isn't that. I remembered it from ages ago and had to play it again just because it felt so odd. I won't say it's a hidden gem or anything - in fact it's not a good game period - but there's a strange feeling to this game that I do like a lot. With a few tweaks I think you could put this game on a CD and drop it on a doorstep and someone would legitimately think it's cursed.

it's cute, it's 2 bucks, and the puzzling is fine. i will probably finish this on a plane sometime

I got the pokemon scarlet + dlc pack for christmas and have been loving it. It's solidified my love for the game, but this dlc kinda didn't. Obviously the game still visually is a mess, even moreso in Kitakami than Paldea because of awful screen tearing. They fixed the most egregious bugs and the frame rate never dipped for me, but this is still in a pitiful state. On top of that, Kitakami is absolutely barren. They needed a few dozen more trainers in every area at least, because while the actual geometry of the area is interesting, there's barely anything to do in this cool map. Main story is good, I enjoyed it, but it's also very barebones. I dunno, I'm having fun exploring for the last few ogre clan trainers but this needs more stuff to do in it. I didn't play the SwSh dlc so I can't really compare it there but it feels more like a hoenn postgame than a johto postgame if ya feel me.

they managed to make it worse because there's nothing funny that happens and it's just boring. the puzzles all suck, the story sucks, game is ass