I find this game completely unenjoyable unless I am playing as my favorite character Marie Poppo and ruining the experiences of other people in the voice call. Then it's pretty fun

Very solid start to the series but going back to it, there's some serious growing room to be done. Stealth and combat are both good but not all there yet, and the environments are pretty samey. Still, it's a great time, and an easy recommend.

It's a solid BR game that I've won a few times, but not one I ever really feel the call to go back to on my own.

A game that has been completely ruined by esports. I hope everyone who was pushing for games to be considered real sports in the 2000s and 2010s gets kept up at night by all the games thoroughly ruined because of that. When it was good, it was REALLY good, but it's completely impenetrable to newcomers these days and every edge has been sanded off to create a very sterile, very balanced game that vaguely resembles the chaotic and inventive fun it used to be.

See Valhalla works because its side quests are all bite sized 10 minutes long at most events that could be creative and fun. Odyssey is a bloated mess that tries to be 10000 different things and excels at none of them. I guess it doesn't matter because Ubisoft has given up entirely on this style of game, but yeah.

A game that will fucking ruin your life

See I can only give this game half of the 9/10 it deserves because square enix fucked with it so bad that it killed the franchise. An amazing game chopped in half because of studio meddling. I don't even care that much about the deus ex series as a whole but the second half of mankind divided is one of my most wanted games ever. One of the best immersive sims of all time butchered like this. Fuck you square enix

The puzzles in this game are fine, but the story is an absolute standout. One of those Nier Automata type games that not only asks philosophical questions, but answers them too. I really should play the sequel

I love this game. It's stupid, perfectly aware of that, and just has fun burning as many ideas as possible. It is pretty buggy and unbalanced, and there's a serious lack of anything challenging, but it's an unforgettable game.

A weird tonal mess inbetween the semiserious tone of 2 and the jackoff goofiness of 4. You either love 2 or 4 these days, and this is the awkward middle child between them. It's a good game with some good moments, but just play 4.

When are we going to admit that this game spawned a genre? Katana Zero, Deadbolt, My Friend Pedro, I could go on.

Not as good as the mona lisa is still pretty good

This game has been on its deathbed for years now. I don't know if it ever will die but every time I poke my head back in it's worse than before.
edit: knocking this down 2 points for the ff14 blunderville gamemode <3

yeah i'm just going through games by playtime on steam and rating anything i never plan to play again, it's amazing what i was willing to put up with as a kid just because youtubers played it

an exercise in frustration for no real endgoal