Created Characters

Want to list all the characters I have created that I like.

Hilga. Like Club, son of Club, another offspring enters the Lands Between. Hilga, daughter of Hildr comes ready to PUNCH. Definitely reminds me of some characters I've seen in MMA type mangas. TBH, not my favourite creation, but she's cool.
The Elden Club, son of Club (DS3). Bearing a striking resemblance to his father, he carried on his will unto this new world and conquered it a newfound brother in arms (The mimic tear).
The Proto Club. My first Dark Souls Character. Kind of just copied OneyNG's solo LP of DS1 where he used the Great Club/Halberd. Started my journey of using the Great Club.

He is the progenitor of the Club family, long forgotten, but immensely important.
Purple Zombie girl. Originally she was supposed to be way bigger, but the game crashes if you make them too big.
Jack Frost. He wanted a nuclear winter.
Drooth. I decided I wanted to use the Great Scythe this run, so I tried going for an old woman Death vibe. Thats why I deleted the nose for a skull type thing, she kind of looks amphibious with the colours.
Mike Stevens, former football player, current high school football coach. Just sorta of shaped him into a real looking coach type dude. Used a faith build and the rapier, the rapier doesn't really fit him, but the loving God part does. Love his outfit cause it does really look like a football suit.
The first official Club. A complete refinement of the original DS1 character. Now looking caveman-ish, and bearing the title "Club".
Hildr, a golden haired Valkyrie. Made for my replay of the souls series. Although she does rock the Club, not official lineage. She kind of reminds me of Laura Dern.
Kahjiit Wrestler. Made a punch build in Skyrim (Modded) and designed his outfit around championship belt and a mask. Love this guy.
Goblin. Played THUG on PC so I could import a texture of my face onto the MC. Sometimes I edit pictures of myself into grotesque goblin/gremlin like caricatures for the lolz, and I wanted to play as that.
Didn't really play the game much, just thought this looked cool.
Another Droogle
I fucking love her and the outfits i got for her.

Also, can't forget Dilbert. My wonderful little sad old man
Breton Punch Girl. My Oblivion punch character. This is with whatever the Oblivion character model upgrade mod is called, but I eventually had to turn that off. It did drastically change what she looked like, and I know I screenshoted that, but I have no idea where those are. She didn't look worse though, just different.
V. Another Dark Skinned battle babe. (Please note she doesn't actually have nipples, but I censored just in case).
Droogle. Usually when I name a character Droogle, they are just to look cool, possibly how I want to look. Used Cestus.
Orangutang I really wanted to try and make an Orangutang loosely based on this. Can be considered another attempt at Club.
Club, The Forbidden One, named so because he is a taboo topic in his family's ancestry. He did use the clubs, but eventually renounced the family ways to use the King's Ultra Greatsword.
Harriet. Hands down the best looking character I've ever made in my opinion, at least realism wise. DS2 has that secret character sauce somehow.
Droogle Boss. Another dark skinned muscle, battle hardened girl, I love them. Gave her a Russian accent and it ruled.
Reddit Manhattan. At some point I just goofed and made another funny character during my playthrough of SR3. I wanted to make Mr. Manhattan for some reason, and this game has a fucking Reddit alien antennae so just made Reddit Manhattan. I remember me and my friends bullshited out some funny lore for him but that shit is flushed out my brain.
Droogle. My last attempt to play Fallout 4, made a punch girl. I think I was attempting to make a Brazilian Capoeira user (inspired by Batuque).
Pakunoda. Tried Wo Long through game pass, and it was my first time hands on with a Team Ninja character creator; pretty cool. When I make girls they are either dark skinned battle babes, or pale blonde girls, and I was attempting to make that when it dawned on me I could maybe make Pakunoda, and I did. That tattoo on her back is the best I could do to give her her Troupe spider. The star on her shoulder is because my friend and I jested she likes Terryman.
Droogle Boss. Ported her over to Saints row IV, except that game DOESN'T have the Russian accent so I was really sad about that.
Tried making Ashley Graham from Resident Evil 4. Think I did pretty good at it. Play the game for a couple hours and quit so im sad I didnt actually get to play as her long.
Derbert. Made this little freak because I got this game from Humble Bundle, wanted to try a wrestling game. The creator creator is pretty fun. Dude kind of looks like Joker Markiplier.


1 year ago

Oh my god, I love this. I wish I could get decent screenshots of all those CAWs I made in my old wrestling games, lol.

Droogle rules.
big fan of harriet

1 year ago

Fellow great club enjoyer, I kneel
a perfect list. thank you. need more lists like these

i would like to ask for hilga, v & breton punch girl's hands in marriage . i think we could live happily ever after <3

11 months ago

i can't believe i forgot Dragon's Dogma

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