The new extra mode doesn't really add anything new to the story. Some of the added death's and puzzle changes make you go "ah ha, nice trick," but not really a necessary play through.

I do not enjoy most of these mini-games

The cars felt so i bad i stopped caring

I put myself through the pain of mining EVERY SINGLE planet in this game, left a sour taste

Little Mac activates my caveman brain so fucking hard, makes me very happy

Really fun game to go unarmed/punch in

"Qi" is the strongest scrabble word to exist

I made mpreg an integral part of a story

I had to play an extra 40 minutes of this because I missed a collectable and it doesnt let you backtrack if you get far enough in

I first two set of missions were good, City Escape was awesome. The really did not like the last 3 levels, and i HATED the last 2 bosses. Egg Dragoon was confusing for me, and I did not like the ring mechanic for the last boss. Need rings to stay alive, cannot see when rings are coming up, also when i attacked the boss as 2D sonic i fell out of the world.

This game was a surprise hit for me, I didn't really have much expectations for it; I thought it was just gonna be random garbage that I got for free. It's just one of those 2000's hidden gems. Has a nice kinda campy horror movie vibe since its tryna go for nosferatu. It can be a bit buggy, but not like game breaking, so its charming. It is also one of the punching games I have played; you can play this whole game by punching on easy.

This dlc really tries to expand upon the combat in interesting ways, i played it on nightmare so I couldn't really engage with those ideas that much because the best thing to do is just to run away, but they are still neat ideas to thrown in with Alan Wake's flashlight system.
The ending boss fight thing is absolutely horrid on nightmare difficulty. Possessed objects are the least fun thing to deal with because dodging sucks ass and they take way too long to destroy. It sucked on that bridge segment in the main game, and it sucks even harder here.

i did the first loop and did not want to play through 2 more loops

I really like moving the flashlight around