Gameplay is great but have you ever be asked if slaves were evil for trying to get freedom? Lmao narrative is dogshit and deserves to be called dogshit

It isn't even really a game, just a demo lmao

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This is the best Zelda game I ever played. Like, the story is tear jerking, incredible, wonderful, left me speechless. You play as Zelda, a man with a simple ambition, to Link your crossbow training (whatever that means). Anyway, in the game, you fire Zelda's crossbow into wooden targets. When you shoot your first arrow, it is like youve stared into the asshole of infinity. The time knife, if you will. Throughout your fifty hour campaign you reveal several twists (which I will not spoil because that would be rude) but it made me CRY OH MY GOD. Link's Crossbow training is not a training game for a cross bow, but a training game for your life. Aim your cross bow, and shoot the arrow of love and passion into your fiery, steamy heart.

This game used to be an absolute masterpiece, and over the years the company has completely destroyed everything fun about it. I played this for a decade and regret ever playing past season 8.

Baking cookies for my love, I stir and mix


It's a good game overall. The character designs are cool and the game is simple but fun to pick up. I guess my only gripe is character balance, how some are brain dead and can unga bunga their W while others do mass calculus and die to one mistake. Overall fun game would recommend


ST EP On thE GaS

This game is brimming with content and is insanely fun, I just hate the always online DRM. Would be 5 stars if not for that.

This game is super fun, I just wish I could play it in public. I hate the over sexualization of the characters, it's nasty.

Gameplay: 10/10
Writing: made me consider heroin

It isn't as bad as people say, it just isn't good either

A wonderful game that inspired an iconic and legendary series

Why is there more dlc than base roaster for like nooooo reason good god

Everything is incredible, only complaint is combat does not really have anything revolutionary, but a must play.

Actually kinda fun, and free, who can complain?