Banned Video Games

TW: Mentions of violence, sexual themes, gambling, alcohol, drugs, minors in sexual acts, homophobia, racism, terrorism, rape, nudity, cruelty and nazi iconography.
Message to Backloggd mods: If you decide to take this list down I won't try and object but please remember that all these games are still featured on your website. (Only added this here because of how this list talks about some dicey topics that I don't know are allowed to be talked about on the site.)
Games have always been at the forefront of controversy, even all the way back in the 1970s, so it makes sense that some countries would want to ban certain games for their content. If you know of any more banned games or know more information about the games already on the list please leave them in the comments and I will update the list and credit you. Also if I got something wrong please tell me! Thank you :).

Was banned from distribution for violence.
It is considered to be the first banned game.
Was banned in Germany and New Zealand for violence, homophobia, racism and being able to urinate on people.
It was also accused of inspiring an arson and theft spree by three 19 year olds in 2008.
Was banned in Germany, Malaysia, New Zealand and South Korea for violence and disturbing scenes.
It was also banned in Ireland but was later lifted.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in select stores in the US for violence and sexual violence.
It was the game that caused the creation of the ESRB rating system.
Banned in some countries including Brazil because of violence.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Germany for including Nazi iconography though was unbanned in 2019.
Was banned in Brazil for violence in 2008 but was unbanned and released in 2016.
Was nearly banned in Florida.
Was also nearly banned in the UK but averted it by changing the name to "Canis Canem Edit".
Was banned in the UK for sexual imagery.
Banned in Germany for violence.
Was banned in Australia, Germany, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and South Korea for violence.
It was also banned in New Zealand but was unbanned in 2023
Was banned from distribution due to having scenes of minors in sexual acts.
It is also explicitly banned on Twitch.
Was banned in Germany and Australia for violence.
Was banned in Germany for including Nazi iconography.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Australia, New Zealand and the UK for obscene violence and cruelty.
Was banned in Germany for glorifying war.
A censored version exists.
Was banned from being sold in select US stores possibly due to realistic violence.
Was banned from Australia and two other countries due to sexual violence.
Was banned in China for including a talisman that said "Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh" (習近平小熊維尼), a reference to a meme that compared the Chinese general secretary to the Disney character Winnie the Pooh.
Banned in Australia, Argentina and the UK for sexual violence.
Banned in China for violating Chinese law by including Tibet and Taiwan as separate countries.
Was banned in Singapore for violence but was later lifted.
Was banned in Germany for violence though it was lifted in 2019.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Germany for violence though it was lifted in 2019
Was banned in Germany for violence though it was lifted in 2019.
Was banned in Germany and South Korea for violence.
Was banned in Indonesia for violence and depiction of communist symbolism.
Was banned in India and China over concerns over data security and user privacy.
Was banned in Brazil for violence but was later unbanned.
Was banned in China and Taobao because of users creating anti-government messages in-game to react to the Hong Kong protests.
Was banned in Iran, China and Thailand due to security concerns.
Was banned in Belgium for lootboxes which are considered gambling under the country's law.
Was banned in Belgium for lootboxes which are considered gambling under the country's law.
Was banned in Belgium for lootboxes which are considered gambling under the country's law.
Was banned in China for violence.
Was also banned in Afghanistan for being a bad influence.
Was banned in Pakistan for depicting the country as a failed state where terrorist organizations openly operate.
Was banned in Belgium for lootboxes which are considered gambling under the country's law.
Was banned in China for violence and vulgar content.
Was banned in China for discrediting China's national image.
Banned in China as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Was banned in Germany for violence.
Was banned in Germany for violence.
Was banned in Germany for violence but was lifted in 2018.
Was banned in Germany and Saudi Arabia for violence, gambling and nudity.
Was banned in Germany for including Nazi iconography.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Germany for violence.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Germany for violence.
A censored version exists.
Was banned in Germany for violence.
A censored version exists.
The ban was lifted in 2018.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for gambling, sexual themes and alcohol consumption.
Was banned in India for cultural sensitivities.
Was banned in Belgium for lootboxes which are considered gambling under the country's law.
Was banned in Japan for violence.
Was banned in Malaysia for cruelty, sexuality and depictions of Judeo-Christian hell iconography which was against Sharia.
Was banned in Malaysia for depictions of religious deities.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for sexual themes and featuring homosexual content.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia and the UAE for suggestive outfits on some characters.
Was banned in New Zealand for sexual violence.
Was banned in New Zealand and Saudi Arabia for promoting the exploitation of minors and the use of coercion to compel a person into sexual conduct.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for sexual themes.
Was banned in New Zealand for violence.
Was banned in Pakistan for depicting the country as a failed state where terrorist organizations openly operate.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia and the UAE for violence.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for violence.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for sexual themes.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for including a kiss between a gay couple.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for nudity.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for including religious and sexual content.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for violence, sexual content and nudity.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for featuring homosexual content.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for violence and nudity.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for violence and sexual themes but was later unbanned.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for sexual themes, violence, drugs and alcohol consumption.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for sexual themes, violence, drugs and alcohol consumption.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for it's depiction of Dubai in a state of ravage and destruction.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for hacking and nudity.
Was banned in Saudi Arabia for hacking and nudity though the ban was lifted.
Was banned in Singapore for violence but the ban was lifted a week after.
Was banned for featuring homosexual content though it was later lifted.
Was banned in South Korea for portraying military and political actions against North Korea. The ban was later lifted in 2007.
Was banned in South Korea for portraying military and political actions against North Korea. The ban was later lifted in 2007.
Was banned in South Korea to avoid controversies.
Was banned in Thailand for claims that it would affect peace and order in the country.
Was banned in the UAE for contradicting with customs and traditions.


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