Maybe there is a good game hidden beneath the mountain of clumsy design decisions. The Mantis quest was awesome though.

Made for 2 player coop from the ground up this platformer shines with interesting settings, varied gameplay and charming writing. Perfect to play with a partner who is a non/casual gamer.

Raz's unexpected return is a glorious comeback of a long neglected genre. This brilliant 3D platformer is bursting with wit and creative ideas.

I'm sad to have finished this masterpiece but happy to have my life back.

In this sleek version of a classic formula Samus escapes the depths of a hostile planet while looking more badass then ever. The dense atmosphere, exciting boss fights and rewarding exploration are some of the best seen in the genre.

This soulslike has it all: nerve-wracking fights, a motivating RPG system and lots of style and atmosphere.

With intruiging style and fast paced gameplay Neon White feels fresh and pleasently nostalgic at the same time.

The stuff that happens between levels is always dumb and sometimes hilarious.

With this maximalist take on the Zelda formula established by Breath of the Wild, Nintendo turns everything up to 11. More playful, even bigger and better in almost every aspect, this game makes the predecessor obsolete.

The intriguing premise of this relaxing puzzle game is the intimate experience of piecing together the story of a lifetime by just unpacking one person's belongings.

A fun platformer with cute presentation and a surprisingly subversive subtext.

One of the best coop experiences around. Rock and stone to the bone!

Beautiful, daring and completely bonkers.

Stunning visuals and fast paced combat almost make up for the lack of thematic cohesiveness.

Cruel and beautiful. Sekiro will break you down and lift you up, if you persist.