how the fuck did they make it control this well in 96?

middling combat system, good presentation

one of the three good sonic games


probably arkane's best game at this point. They've had better combat systems in the past but they recontextualized their usual style of non-linear level design within an interconnected map and it works really well. the atmosphere and art direction are great and i particularly like the music by mick gordon.
it feels somewhere between metroid and deus ex and i think that is a wonderful combination.
the story is really nothing worth caring about but i do recommend the game, it's highly enjoyable.

probably the best-presented snes game i've played. the visuals and sound design are fantastic. the map design is also much better than most metroidvanias. i could do with samus being a bit less floaty but that's a minor issue all things considered.

it's a lotta fun even if the story's a mess and the world's empty

pretty major improvement over the original, the set pieces are better and they're paced better with the stealth gameplay. i like the story more too

good stealth gameplay but too many set pieces, some of which are good, some of which aren't

my favorite game on the super monkey ball engine

not much reason to play it now that ultimate is a thing