I didn't finish this game, but from the little I played I can say that it's incredible, it didn't captivate me as much as the first one, but I loved the Parkour system and Emily's choice not to use dark powers

Whenever I play a Stealth game, I try not to kill anyone, or kill as little as possible, it's like an internal challenge of mine, and seeing that in this game you can literally not kill anyone and that CHANGES THINGS IN THE WORLD, I found it incredible , it's a game that captivated me from start to finish, because the game is relatively short, it presents you with mechanics at all times, the story is incredible, that's it.

I loved playing this game for the first time, if I played it the first time and never opened it again, it would be a 5, but after discovering that your choices don't change ANYTHING in the game, I found it a bit boring, what you do doesn't affect almost anything in the world , I know it's a 2015 game, but imagine playing a game of choice, where the ending is always the same in every detail

I don't know why, but I find the game extremely boring, I'm not saying it's literally bad, but it certainly didn't please me, I don't like playing it, it doesn't look cool at all

I don't know why I give Batman games such a high rating, I'm not even that much of a Batman fan, but the games awaken something in me, it seems like all the games are extremely fun

I don't know why I give Batman games such a high rating, I'm not even that much of a Batman fan, but the games awaken something in me, it seems like all the games are extremely fun

I don't know why I give Batman games such a high rating, I'm not even that much of a Batman fan, but the games awaken something in me, it seems like all the games are extremely fun

I thought it was cool, but also nothing special, it's like those generic RPG games that you download for free on the internet, it's just an RPG with a lot of stuff but nothing special

This is one of the best games of all time, and I don't say that out of nostalgia, even if someone plays it today for the first time they will understand

1- I don't know how it's possible for a game to have so much charisma, Ryder is simply a lot of fun, CJ seems like we create a bond with him, Big Smoke is incredible too

2- Something that many games don't have nowadays, a world that you feel, GTASA, is not that big in terms of Map, but everywhere you go looks like it was sculpted by hand, you look to one side and there's an Easter egg, for the other there is a ramp, it's always something incredible, you never spend 1 minute riding in a car and think 'I didn't see anything different'

I haven't finished this game yet, but I didn't fall in love with it either, I tried to play it several times and stopped, I found the game a bit slow, it takes too long to get to places, it has some weak mechanics, this one in particular didn't captivate me, unlike Demon Souls that I simply loved.

The narrative of this game is 11/10, I just don't give it a 5, because mechanically this game is not impressive

I've played so many things in this life, that it's difficult for me to love a game, but I loved this one, I got addicted to this game in a way, all I wanted was to kill angels, the design of the villains is incredible, the story isn't even mentioned , I love this game

I thought it was an incredible game with a lot of variety.


I literally loved this game for a while, unfortunately I can't play it anymore because my computer is bad, but everything about this game definitely made me fall in love with it.

I've played and replayed this game so many times, that if I added up all the hours of play I have it would be over 1000, I don't know if I'd say it's the best game in the world, but what I know is that it's a game that If you invest time, you'll never forget it, every year in your life you'll stop and think 'I have Skyrim, should I play it today?'