never wanted to break my control so badly 🥰

I can understand why people love this and are attached to this, for it's time it must've been really impressive.

However i couldn't find much enjoyment in a lot of this game as it felt like i was shooting the same things in the same looking huge environments for 8+ hours and it felt like a slog to complete.

I've heard the other games in this series are better then this but i just feel overall skeptical seeing i didnt really enjoy this one much.

The vehicle combat was pretty fun tho

starts off really charming but i found it pretty tedious towards the back end of the game, i really do like the art design and something tells me that i would be super into point and click adventure games, but this one was just fine

one of the best and most unique platformers i've played

that final boss fight had my head spinning

note to self: play this on shrooms


dumb founded how well this still holds up, one of the best fps of all time

it’s cool, i wasn’t immediately into it unlike everyone, but as the story develops in the bakers household i found myself very immersed and spooked

the game gets very silly towards the last leg of it, but besides that it’s a really solid survival horror game that i can see myself going back to time again

this game makes me feel like a kid again

i never grew up with this or tekken but for some reason i feel some sort of nostalgia over this all, the music, character designs, the gameplay etc

i don't know a lot of games i've played in my adulthood that have made me feel this way but this is sure one of them, therefore i must say this game is brilliant

i will fucking deck anyone when i play king tbh

this is not as awful as everyone says it is

but it's still fucking bad lol

don’t say it.. don’t think it
don’t say it.. don’t think it
don’t say it.. don’t think it
don’t say it.. don’t think it

P a R t Ne R