Warning : spoilers

What happens to Edith Finches = 2 hours of wow moments.

What makes a linear narrative game able to remain a game and not just a narrative movie? I believe this game brings interesting propositions.

These are essentially random thoughts.

- Great creativity in the interactions between the character, the environment, and the text.
- Breaking the laws of character movement.
- A whimsical architecture made up of accumulations of rooms and secret passages.
- Playing with a form of media history: glasses-photos, the unfolding book, comics, photography, the flip-book, etc.
- The swing scene: just incredible. It creates tension in a sequence that only aims to tell a short flashback. Much more interesting than a QTE sequence in most games of this style.
- A lot of humor too: references to Halloween the movie. Walter's radio music styles changing over the years. The "Pulp comic" moment as well.
- Relatively simple story: a girl seeking to understand the mysteries of her family. When you see the family tree, you might think it's heading towards something relatively boring, like reliving all the stories of the family. Yet, it's the game's mastery to make the visit to this family album interesting.
- The "Lewis moment" is a strong moment (if not the strongest) of the game. I don't think I've played many games where each hand controls a different part of the screen. You are truly immersed in Lewis's delirious thoughts. Anyone who has done a repetitive job can empathize with this character.
- Duration: 2 hours is more than enough.



When I was a teenager, I used to see this game on the shelves of game shops and think to myself, 'Who would want to play that? It looks like an old, ugly arcade game.' How foolish I was.

Rez has so much style. It's actually quite difficult to describe because it's both a geometric and rhythmic experience. This game encapsulates a certain idea of 2000s techno music. Musically, it falls between trance, synthetic acid house, and hard tech. It's important to note that the artists who created the music for this game (Ken Ishii and Joujouka, at least) are recognized electronic music producers who were important in the 1990s and still are today. One wonders if the game was created from the music or vice versa.

The level design remains a mystery to me: it feels like constantly diving into a neon fractal in a world that defies all physics. Level 4 is particularly epic. The game operates solely on its flow, linking a certain form of visual abstraction that perfectly syncs with the electronic music played as a mix, not track by track. The game can truly take you to an 'out-of-body' state that only a nightclub with lasers, strobe lights, and smoke machines can evoke.

You can still feel Sega's total mastery over the arcade game genre.

Done in just after DS1. All the playthrough I was thinking "cant wait to finish it so i can play DS3".

Everything in this game could fall into the /r/oddlysatisfying category: its universe, its items, the sounds (we're talking 8-bit ASMR), and we find ourselves strangely comfortably settled in this damp cave filled with neon animals. Its graphics are very close to Environmental Station Alpha with added scanlines (which, for once, bring something interesting graphically).

The key to a successful metroidvania: managing readability on multiple levels. Each screen poses 3 questions: 1. Can I traverse this obstacle? 2. I can't traverse this obstacle yet; I need an upgrade to progress in the game. 3. I can't traverse this obstacle yet, and I will get an optional reward. In this sense, Animal Well perfectly succeeds in its level design and progression.

We can also commend the fact that the game's creator took into account what Hollow Knight brought to the genre in a positive way (the map system, what a joy) and in a negative way (long and frequent run-backs are avoided here).

Animal Well has perfectly accomplished its mission as a metroidvania: annoying me just enough and wonderfully managing its 'EUREKA, let's do this' moments.

Even though the combat aspect is absent, the game still requires some skills. The hunting scene with the dog (or cat?) is particularly memorable. I admit having experienced some frustrations in certain passages that require a lot of item swapping. For some passages, the simplest solution is to open the inventory (which pauses the game) to select your item. This solution is far from elegant and somewhat disrupts the game's rhythm.

Animal Well is a little feat of craftsmanship from a single mind, and what a mind. Bravo Billy Basso, bravo.

Boy, oh boy, I've been putting off this moment for a long time. Quick background: I was born with the Super Nintendo. My entire gaming discovery revolved around 2D platformers (the Donkey Kong series in my case). I played the N64 vicariously at friends' houses because, according to my parents, 'why get a new Nintendo when you already have one at home?' (the original 'meme' before its time). Anyway, all of this to say that I don't have nostalgia for this game. Maybe a tad bit of envy for not having had an N64? Perhaps.

After 4 hours of trying Mario 64, I threw in the towel. I can't get used to the camera controls. I feel completely insecure in all my movements. To make matters worse, I'm frustrated. Maybe the emulated version through the Nintendo Switch Online subscription doesn't do justice, or isn't as good as the version offered by the recently released Super Mario 3D pack, but overall, it's outrageously expensive if you're a fan of physical games.

It's been a long time since I've had such a frustrating gaming experience.

FR : Boy, oh boy, j’ai longtemps repoussé ce moment. Rapide perspective : je suis né avec la super nintendo. Toute ma découverte s’est fait autour du plateformer 2D (la série Donkey-kong dans mon cas). J’ai joué à la N64 par procuration chez des amis car selon mes parents : « pourquoi avoir une nouvelle nintendo alors que tu as déjà une nintendo à la maison ? » (le meme avant l’heure). Bref, tout ça pour dire que je n’ai pas de nostalgie pour ce jeu. Peut-être un chouïa de jalousie de ne pas avoir eu de N64 ? Peut-être.
Après 4 heures d’essai sur Mario 64, j’ai jeté l’éponge. Je n’arrive pas à me faire au contrôle de la caméra. Je me sens totalement insécure dans tous mes mouvements. Pire que tout, je rage. Peut-être que la version émulée sur via l’abonnement Nintendo Live Switch ne rend pas justice n’est pas aussi bien que la version proposée par le pack Super Mario 3D récemment sorti mais globalement hors de prix si on aime les jeux en physique.
Ça fait longtemps que je n’ai pas une expérience de jeu aussi frustrante.


almost perfect short game. The lack of UI + textual narration makes the "lore" way way more interesting. Less is more.

The first game I 100%. my ankle still remembers when I tried to push the skateboarding adventure IRL.

The game that makes me quit WoW. The most immersive adventure (200hours) that you can only experience once (in my opinion)


I have finally finished Bloodborne, and I'm ending it with an unpleasant feeling: I completed the main game without realizing that I wouldn't be able to access the DLC content (and I can tell you that Father Gascoigne in NG+ is truly nerve-wracking; I gave up after 10 attempts). These sometimes critical mechanics that FromSoftware employs can be infuriating, although I admire their boldness in many other aspects. This, along with the blood vial farming, are two aspects that particularly frustrated me.

However, let's not kid ourselves; the game is simply incredible. The eerie Lovecraftian atmosphere is masterfully depicted. This game has taught me to play better, and I look forward to starting another Souls game to see the difference. Few games involve us as players to push ourselves to this extent.

I will cherish an unforgettable memory of it. I will replay it someday to experience the DLC in NG and not NG+...

FR: Je viens enfin de terminer Bloodborne et je le termine avec une sensation désagréable : j’ai terminé le jeu principal sans penser que je nous pourrais pas accéder au contenu du DLC (et je peux vous que Father Gascoigne en NG+ est vraiment une torture pour les nerfs, j’ai abandonné après 10 tentatives). Ces mécaniques parfois critiques qu’opèrent parfois FromSoftware m’exaspère bien que j’admire leur radicalité pour beaucoup d’autres aspects. Ceci et le farm bloodvials sont 2 aspects qui m’ont particulièrement enragé.
Toutefois, on ne vas pas se mentir, le jeu est tout simplement incroyable : l’univers glauquissime de Lovecraft y est très bien rendu. Ce jeu m’a simplement appris à mieux jouer et je me réjouis de relancer un autre souls pour voir la différence. Rare sont les jeu qui nous implique en tant que joueur à nous dépasser à ce point.
J’en garderai un souvenir immémorable. Je le relancerai un jour pour faire le DLC en NG et non en NG+…

Objectively, I spent more than 6 hours in panic, fearing penalties and the death of family. The sound of the fax indicating my mistakes will remain etched in my memory like a sound of terror. For 6 hours, I was lied to straight to my face, corrupted, broke up families, and allowed the law of retaliation and drug trafficking.

But for 6 hours, I also saved lives, offered a box of pencils (which costs as much as rent, that damn kid better take care of it), allowed a couple to reunite, and sparked a revolution. In short, I had a good time.

Note: I do not recommend playing this game on a smartphone or tablet – digital paperwork quickly becomes unmanageable on small screens. For a VR experience of the game, play it on an ill-suited desk and an unbalanced stool. Let a draft cool the room and drink bad chicory.

FR : Papers, please
Objectivement, j’ai passé plus de 6 heures en panique, craignant les pénalités et la mort de famille. Le son du fax indiquant mes erreurs restera ancré dans ma mémoire comme un son de terreur.
Pendant 6 heures, on m’a menti au visage, j’ai été corrompu, j’ai brisé des familles et autorisé la loi du talion et le trafic de drogue.
Mais pendant 6 heures, j’ai aussi sauvé des vies, offert une boite de crayons (qui coute le prix d’un loyer, il a intérêt à en prendre soin ce foutu gosse), permis à un couple de se retrouver et qu’une révolution se mette en place.
Bref, j’ai passé un bon moment.
Note : je ne recommande pas de jouer à ce jeu sur smartphone ou tablette : la paperasse numérique devient rapidement ingérable sur des petits formats d’écran. Pour une expérience VR du jeu, jouez plutôt sur un bureau mal adapté et un tabouret déséquilibré. Laissez un courant d’air refroidir la pièce et buvez de la mauvaise chicorée.

The first game in the series that I've played. I've never been so relieved to see the end credits. This game is both boring and addictive at the same time. I was completely blown away by episode 1 and thoroughly disappointed by the rest. I think the highly repetitive nature, especially in the music, drove me completely 'loco.' Not sure if I'll continue with the series."

FR :
Premier jeu de la série auquel je joue. Ça fait que je n’avais été aussi soulagé à voir les crédits de fin apparaitre. Ce jeu est à la fois ennuyant et addictif. J’ai été totalement soufflé par l’épisode 1 et complètement déçu par la suite. Je crois que l’aspect très répétitif notamment des musiques m’a rendu complètement « loco ». Pas sur de faire la suite.

A one time adventure that still haunted me. The music, the voice acting, the graphics : everything fits perfectly
(don't play it on switch )

I'm not really sure I've grasped all the nuances of the game, which, at this stage, seems too easy to me (at what point is it advantageous to shoot oneself? The magnifying glass is clearly overpowered, isn't it?). But in any case, hats off for the atmosphere of the club's backroom, which is indeed unhealthy and oppressive.

If the game had a « skip the cutscene » feature, the game would be beatable in less than 20mn.

Joking aside, I almost feel empathy: they were trying so hard to do well, yet they failed in every direction.

Famous actors... but they're animated like lifeless puppets.

A complex narrative with various branches... but it hides an ultra-linear gameplay and a story full of constant flashbacks. It's also way too long.

Thrilling cutscenes ... but they're spoiled by the stiffness of the character animations. In comparison, Metal Gear Solid 1 managed to breathe life into a story with far fewer technical means.

Taking control of Jodie... but with tank-controls reminiscent of the worst PS1 titles.

Taking control of Aiden... but literally feeling nauseous because the camera is so sensitive. Moreover, there's no nuance in the interaction with this character: whether you snap someone's neck or press an elevator button, Aiden does it with the same intensity.

Dozens of characters ... who are all clichés of clichés.

I think in 20 years, we'll look back on this kind of game as the "golden age of video game B-movies."