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That ocean floor run was fucking terrifying.

First horror game to give me trouble sleeping.

Cute game, last case goes hard.

What the fuck were they smoking when they created this frog that one-shots you?

Despite some glaring flaws, the old resident evil formula is just always fun.

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Aside from some very cool story ideas, just feels like a worse version of the original. (Which is sort of the idea, anyway).

Some of the most charming elements of a soulslike are lost when transitioning to open world. Still, an incredible achievement. Obviously.

About as good as you could get with remaking such a classic.

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Sitting with the homies around the campfire, playing one last jam while the world ends.

Definitely up there as one of the most impactful moments in a videogame.

Easily the highest average boss quality in a fromsoft adventure game. Figuring out how to time the dance with each boss feels so good.

Replaying this game to find it has only gotten better with time, and I have become much more like the protagonist. Incredible

Plip plop, splish, splash, drip drop