This game flip-kicked ass so Sekiro could run.

I never got to play this game, but I did get to watch my rich “friend” play through it while refusing to let anyone else touch the controls. Seemed pretty cool at the time. (The game, I mean, not the “friend.”)

Absolutely infuriating social awkwardness simulator masquerading as an open-world mystery game. Guess the robot conversation cues right or get fucked, I guess.

Na NA, na na NA na na Na na...

More platformers should have stories. This game rules.

You haven’t lived until you and your siblings have beaten this thing three times over Thanksgiving break.

Remember the first time you saw one of the movie scenes transition to the game models and it blew your 13-year-old mind?

I don’t know if I actually loved this game, but I played it probably 6,000 times, and in the end isn’t that kinda the same thing?

This is the best 2D Mario game, SNES fans go home.

So far AWAAAAAAY we wait for the DA-AY-yeaaaaaah, for the LIVES all so WASted and GOOOOOOONE
We feel the PAAAAIN of a lifetime lost IN a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames we carry OOOOOOOOOOOOOON

Nearly unplayable now in light of modern control standards, but you have to appreciate how hard it was going for it.

Can’t imagine who in their right minds would try to play these games today, but I love watching those crazy folks on YouTube.

The Mary Poppins of roguelite action platformers: practically perfect in every way.

A beautiful, probably flawless little game that made me realize I just don’t love puzzle platformers all that much.