2022 - ranking the games i beat

only including titles i hadn't finished before

intriguing but that's about it. the meta aspect sucks

sidenote: the sequel is visually neat but it frames this disturbingly broken girl as being more uwu quirky and i hate that
one of the worst platformers ive ever played
john carpenter's "the mid"
wise fwum yo gwave
where the fuck do i go
i get the whole sprawling level exploration appeal but this is still a very linear game that offers no reward for exploration beyond sated curiosity, and it's absolutely riddled with pace breaking bullshit you'll get fucked by until you memorize everything
hard fucking core

pretty cool successor to stranger of paradise. neat story and vibe but i like playing ff2 more
fun to play while listening to a podcast
cool story but takes way too long to get going gameplay-wise
wave my beloved
06 did crisis city better
gg aleste but better
agetec has done it again
when the liveleak logo appears
altered beast but good
much better than the first
idk if i like it more or not but this is a great remake despite having an entirely different design philosophy
evil game
using this instead of the main game because it's better. joe baker solos ethan cringeters
evil final boss
working designs my beloved
metropolis > oil ocean
evil game
extremely hilarious and super stylish - totally makes up for the gameplay itself being average
iron checkpoint crate
the only golf game i've ever beaten
please let this be a sign of things to come
more people should know about this
they made one of the best survival horror games ever also one of the best first person shooters ever. god damn
gonna shake things up like old times
most technically impressive nes game period
(radical dreamers edition)

tell me all about how this ruined chrono trigger so i can laugh at you
juggles parody with scathing realism very effectively. if you know, you know

i'm glad ame didn't end up being some uwu cutesy girl that the game encouraged obnoxious self deprecating teens to model themselves after
the best third person brawler i've ever played and it's genuinely not even close
digital eclipse should make every game compilation
what source games would be like if the were actually good. the shooting feels similar to hl2 but with a million times more weight, and the enemy ai is goddamn brilliant
weird as shit. cool as shit. controls like...

actually it controls fine you're just bad
tell me all about how this ruined twewy so i can laugh at you
this shit is so addicting send help
jack garland's journey is just like mine. anyway this is the best action game to come out in i genuinely don't even know how long


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