Peak Pokémon, peak JRPG, peak video game.

Often gets underrated because of its admittedly awful story and characters. If you can look past that, it's actually a really strong Pokémon game with the best gimmick in the series (Mega evolution) and some really memorable battles.

I never understood why people hate on this game so much. It's the best looking 3D game in the series (easily more visually appealing than the switch games) and has an extremely unique setting and some fresh ideas which the series desperately needed.

Crusty ass, outdated ass, annoying ass, blue-hair looking ass game.

Probably cool when it came out, damn near unplayable today.

Even as a series veteran, this is one of the most rage-inducing video games I've ever played. Most characters have around 50-80% hit rate, so any given fight is essentially a coin toss. Also, Kaga thought it would be cool to make every character do about three damage but also give enemies 20-40 HP, making every single map a complete slog. Oh wait! There's also an inordinate number of swamp and desert maps on top of that!

The saving grace of this game is Alm, the Pegasus knights, and the Warp spell which actually make this game kind of bearable.

All in all, still probably better than Awakening.

Simultaneously has some of the coolest, most unique gameplay mechanics in the series, as well as some of the most outdated, annoying, and dusty-ass design choices in the series.

It's also hard to overstate how good FE4's story and atmosphere are compared to the rest of the series. There's real emotion there, with an overarching story about love, betrayal, and friendships that manage to span generations against all odds. It's the only time Fire Emblem has ever really had a worthwhile story beyond "Evil nation invades, then local blue-haired guy and his friends have to go kill a dragon."

Has a somewhat interesting premise that gets absolutely zero development whatsoever with some of the most repetitive music in the series and probably the most underwhelming main character in any RPG ever!

That being said, it's still Fire Emblem on the GBA, which is a perfect fit. It seriously feels like FE was destined to be on GBA since its inception. Amazingly tight gameplay packed with some of the smoothest menus and animations in series history.

Overrated to hell and back, but for good reason. 3DS Fire Emblem is peak and Awakening introduces some of the best graphics, UI, and character customization the series has ever seen. However, many of the characters are boring archetypes and the difficulty curve is atrocious if you don't plan on grinding levels.

Laughably bad story + God-tier gameplay + 3DSFE = Peak gaming

(I am a Camilla fan so my opinion is invalid)

This game loves to take your valuable time and trickshot it straight into the garbage can. Every level is designed to be as excruciatingly long and painful as humanly possible. That being said, it's still 3DS Fire Emblem, which means endless customization in an almost sandbox-like strategy game. I love it and I hate it.

Best music in the franchise, best visual presentation in the franchise, best voice acting performances in the franchise.

Along with a handful of some of the absolute worst maps in the entire franchise.

It's a breathtakingly beautiful game with some really rocky moments.

This game has a lot of flaws, but it also offers some of the most content and some of the best gameplay in the series.

The graphics are awful, probably because it was made in the Warriors engine, but the voice performances are impressive and the soundtrack is one of the most creative, beautiful, and inspiring in any video game I've ever played. The gameplay is standard, Fire Emblem tactical action with a random calendar mechanic ripped straight out of Persona.

It's an absolutely colossal game with four complete story routes and hundreds of hours of genuinely great replayability. However, a lot of that replayability comes from lazily reused maps and overworld exploration, which gets old quick. Still, despite its flaws, Three Houses has more than enough good things going for it to make it worthwhile.

Horrendous story paired with God-tier gameplay and music. The quintessential Fire Emblem experience.

Superb game with a fumbled ending that leans way too hard into Kingdom Hearts territory. It's a good thing the gameplay, graphics, and music are all absolutely stunning, which more than make up for the goofy ass ending.