my top 25 title screens, ranked

-it has to be a dedicated title screen.
-it has to have either music or ambience.
-there has to be motion from something other than the text and the particle effects
-this does not include pre-title cinematics

in consideration is!!
-the music
-whether it sets the tone for the game itself
-the graphics on display
-the formatting + the fonts
-does it make you feel something?
i'm ngl i may have forgotten a bunch and also i can only look up so many title screens SO i'm leaving it for now but i genuinely believe ocarina of time has one of the greatest title screens of all time

i have genuinely cried over this title screen. this title screen might be the perfect title screen. the music is emotional, the shots of hyrule really sell a lived-in game world, and link on epona really uh god i'm kinda crying over it NOW i'm cutting this short
velvet walking forward and becoming part of the logo will always stay with me, and the music is so haunting in a good way
i think legend of zelda title screens are just really good? i've also cried over this one
amazing music, it looks gorgeous, and i love the cat. it has a cat. a tiny one
i love love LOVE the way it has gameplay and cutscenes playing and it's a really good showcase

1 Comment

9 months ago

Cool to see Sin & Punishment 2 on here, I remember just sitting there and taking in the music for a while the first time I booted it up.

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