This game is a masterpiece. It is one the games I know the most and played the most since when I was a child. Alongside Super Mario World and Super Mario Bros. 3, this game helped me growing up and having the love I have for platformers nowadays until the day I die.

The only thing I don't like is the time gimmick... which is the whole game is based upon. Having to finish the game many times just to get the different side-quests is a pain.

The game I played the most through my life, mainly as a kid. It is a true gem, and what I liked the most about 2D Mario.

I hate the boss fights in this one. Especially that big robot and the Omega Metroid. It is a good game, but tedious sometimes.

The game is creative, has good controls and a beautiful world... but the linearity and the repetition harms it a lot. I still like it, though (except the fetch quests and the flooded forest parts).

The first game I got with my Nintendo 64. It was a blast, played for so much time with my sisters... I miss those times. The game is a blast, albeit very short, and I never liked a fighting game like these series.

Clearly one of the best games of all time. For its time, it did what it could, even if it has some flaws. The characterization is on point, with a style that became the standard for Mario games, a concise and well structured hub world, stages with its own themes and style, many good missions, with just some of them being very annoying. The flaws of the game are the camera, which struggles to get a good view in some places, especially in small closed rooms, and its physics, as sometimes you will glitch through the edge of a platform, causing a seizure for Mario, and the controls, because wall jumping isn't what it could have been. Besides the bad parts, this game made the impossible paving the way to the other platformers that would come later.

It is like playing the original again, with new technology enabled and better controls.

This game is one of the only RPG games I like. It's simple strategic mechanics make it a lot of fun.

The world feels colorful and "real", and each character, including NPCs are charming and has their own personality. This is, for me, the best part of this game, how it all feels like a real Mushroom Kingdom, with many peoples and even a belief system, a "religion". It feels like a place that you want to live in. I wish Nintendo used this standard for the Mushroom World and expanded the lore of this land. But we know it didn't and will never happen...

This is the Smash game I played the most through my life, with a friend. It was a very good time everytime we played it. Of course, it is a little flawed, and was replaced by the better Smash for Wii U and later Ultimate, but it was a blast when it was released. Back then, we didn't even care that much about tripping and the slower side of the game.

I played this one many times now and it is one of the best games on the Wii U and one of the best co-op platformer multiplayer games. It is kind of easy most of time, but it know how to get difficult, especially in the later and secret worlds.
I never completed the secret worlds, but I really need to do it soon. But it is always funnier with a friend, and nowadays it is something difficult to gather.

This game is very fun, but when played alone it is not the best experience. Playing with one or two friends is the best way to experience it, especially if your friends are somewhat good in the game. It still is a great game.

Ocarina of Time 3D is currently the definitive way to play the classic. The gyro controls help adjusting the shots and the camera, the 3D is a nice addition, although not that important, the graphics are way better and the frames per second... oh so much smoothier. I recommend this version over the other one.

I still didn't play through most of it because my 3DS is showing signs of age...

I like this the least out of trilogy. It still is an all-time classic. My gripe with it is its difficulty: it is not that hard, but have some parts that are pretty annoying. But its style is way above the third game, also its soundtrack. It deserves a special space in any collector's shelf.