Full disclosure: I played co-op and skipped 95% of the cutscenes. My review is strictly from a gameplay point of view. This game has some very satisfying movement options and gun-play. It suffers from being an open world game and having lots of extremely repetitive missions and visuals. You very frequently are walking through similar looking hallways, or doing the exact same objective. Open world really ended up meaning that you were going to do extremely repetitive actions such as clearing out FOBs, fighting absurdly tanky mini-bosses, running out of ammo since all the enemies are miles away from you and you need to cross and open field to rearm yourself. What initially started as a surprisingly good time quickly just become average, and then, towards the very end, a chore. Not the worst, not good. Average. Honestly the only reason its a 6 and not a 5 is because I watched no cutscenes, and was playing with a good friend. Decent co-op experience.

There are a few things I dislike about this game, chief among them are the insanely high encounter rate and most of Nortune (especially the fucking sewers). However once you get Thames this game is incredibly smooth sailing.

Gameplay is not the most stimulating considering every time I fought monsters for a bit I'd proceed to open my menu, check progress on deathblows, close menu, over and over and over (might have just been a me issue). Also inputting the same combo over and over to grind up deathblows, having to watch the animation tends to get a little stale. Had it not been for the incredibly interesting world/lore and an engaging story I don't think I would have been able to get through this game.

Overall I'd highly recommend this game with an emulator to make some of the encounter rates more bearable. When this game gets going, it gets going. Easy recommend (with emulator).

I really enjoyed this game despite the pony gameplay being really dull. But the narrative was fun, the puzzles made me feel smart and there's a fourth wall break that made me momentarily think a friend I hadn't talked to in months was hitting me up on steam...so thanks for that? Totally not bummed. Maybe its a sign to initiate the conversation myself.

Game was short and sweet, played it all in one session. The final core challenge was easily the highlight for me, really really enjoyed it. Shame most of the game was side scrolling pony action with the same few enemies over and over. Really brought down the enjoyment. Good parts real good tho.

It took getting the third orb before the game clicked for me. I think part of the reason for that is the game starts off extremely simple and then constantly builds upon the mechanics. What left me a little nonplussed at the start of the game I felt completely rewarded with towards the second half, where the puzzles solution had me grinning like an idiot.

Took me around 3 hours to beat, never overstayed its welcome. Probably my ideal type of puzzle game (my dumb ass never even felt compelled to look up a solution). Very pretty game with wonderful aesthetics and relaxing vibe, let down only by its very short run time and pretty easy puzzles. The truly good ones were far and few. Easily recommend.

Approaching one thousand hours in this game and have (like I assume most people with several hundred hours in any game) a very strong love hate relationship with it. It was not only my first BR but also my first PC online shooter that I ever got into. I went from a .4 KD in the first few seasons I played the game to averaging just over a 1 KD these days. My enjoyment stems from doing the early periods of a new ranked split with friends and then fizzling out when hitting plat to play other things.

Mixtape is my preferred game mode when playing alone since matchmaking loves the stick my "plays once a week" ass in master lobbies for the vast majority of PUB sessions. Blasting music super loud and shooting players while trying (unsuccessfully) to schmove on players is my jam.

I love the movement, I love tap strafing and supergliding, I have yet to successfully mantle jump mid fight. I tend to alternate in playing several times a week for a season, then quitting for the next two. The game became a lot more enjoyable when I decided hitting plat was enough, and climbing from bronze to plat every few months with my friends while trying to super-glide heady people with sentinel is where most of my enjoyment stems. I'll play this game off and on until it dies.

I think as a casual experience this game is miserable. I have only ever played it with the friends who joined at the same time as me. Getting anyone else into the game is an exercise in futility.

I don't regret playing this game, but it wasn't really good either. While I almost certainly am dumb as shit for not realizing this, I managed to make it to the final stage and final boss before actually understanding that this was a puzzle shooter. I had simply been shooting everything, assuming that the RNG gods decided whether or not I lived or died. Maybe there is some tutorial out there but from my initial session of hitting new game, to reaching the final boss, I never once actually knew how the puzzle segment of the game worked. Not holding your hand is fine is some cases but kind of baffling in this one. If you can almost beat the final boss (I literally doubled KO'D with the boss and had to reset) before understanding truly how the mechanics of the game worked, something has gone awry. I can't stress enough how frustrated I was thinking it was the games fault for me constantly getting, what I was initially dubbing as "impossible" runs, because spamming shots worked around 70% of the time. The biggest frustration with this game is definitively the run back to bosses. While in most schmups you get to learn all the patterns of enemies and master the game to the point of doing it in your sleep, in this game with its puzzle aspects, you are actually have to do light puzzle solving EVERY TIME you die to a boss. The boss run isn't something to be memorized but something to be solved. Couple this with annoying environmental enemies that damage you, as well as accidentally dying by boxing yourself in, it really left a bad taste in my mouth. Upon mulling it over I'd definitely say the game was more fun than not, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, not even enjoyers of puzzle and schump games.

It started off rough for me coming off of apex because it was just different enough to make most aspect of the first half of the game feel weird and foreign, despite similar abilities and weapon sets. However once I hit the halfway point it all clicked and I had a blast. The length suits the story it was trying to tell and never overstayed its welcome, throwing one good set piece after another at me. Really enjoyed my time with this and could easily see myself replaying it one day.

This game had all the makings to be my favourite Ace Attorney game. No psychic shenanigans. The music being the best the series has ever produced (in the four games I've played thus far). Some absolute bangers are finding them straight into a spotify playlist ASAP. This game also has my favourite supporting character in an Ace Attorney game, a Mr. Herlock Sholmes. He is fucking hilarious and grew on me far more than I initially expected. By the end of the third case I was convinced that this would top Trials and Tribulations as my favourite game in the series. However it loses a lot of enjoyment in one place in particular; very slow pacing.

Thankfully once each case gets going my grievances tend to fade away, but there are some parts in the investigation periods particularly where I just wanted things to hurry along. Also during trials some of the solutions would be glaringly obvious but you had to spend 3 minutes to let the in game characters to come to very obvious conclusions. However when this game gets good, the case is in its final stretches, the music is blaring, objections reigning out from each side, the game really scratches that Ace Attorney itch.

Gameplay wise this game also felt a lot more engaging, being able to interact and spin around pieces of evidence to discover clues that actively would be used to turn trials around, most notably an ENTIRE FUCKIN' BUS being evidence in which you can explore. My only real grievance with the mechanic would be that you don't get an indicator to show you've examined a particular area when dealing with evidence. This means that at times during trials I would miss a clue thinking I'd already pressed on that particular prompt. There is also the deductions of Herlock Sholmes which conceptually interested me but often went on longer than I wanted them too. The jury system also was a surprising addition but one that added to the gameplay. Summation soundtrack SLAPPING also helped.

Overall I really liked the game. The music is really freaking good. If you can tolerate some pacing issues here and this game is well worth playing.


Visually and musically an absolute vibe. The tone is fairly bleak but was also shockingly funny. The gameplay is point and click adventure with some light turn based combat. Thankfully you aren't pixel hunting as by default everything you can interact with is highlighted. As for the combat, I really wish there was something more too it. It is so undemanding that I wonder why it was even added.

I would say that the visuals and soundtrack are what I'll remember this game for, rather than any particular parts of the narrative. Chex2Cash is going into a playlist ASAP.

There are some games where after playing you can look back and say "man, there was a good game under all of that", but in exoprimals case, even after unlocking new games modes, several new characters, I was like "man, there is a completely bland game under all that padding and obtuse progression".

Intriguing in concept due to my enjoyment of the EDF franchise but really fell flat, with the friends I tried it out with tapping out after a bit over 1 hour. I was a bit more optimistic towards the game, but the fact of the matter is that the lobbies frequently take you into one map where you walk a few steps, kill dinos, walk a few steps, kill some more dinos, over and over until you get a PvP or PvE end scenario where you FINALLY learn if the match is going to be evenly matched or not. Thats a lot of down time to just get absolute diff'd in the final stretch.

When the game worked at its absolute best (two or three times in the 10 hours I played), the game was actually pretty fun. The problem was the enjoyment I experienced in-between all the other shit was less than playing any other online game that I enjoy. Hard pass on this one, especially with the length of matchmaking at the time I was trying it out (November 2023).

I'm sure there are other modes to unlock and new dino variants, but I have neither the free time nor the patience to unlock them. I honestly would have rated this game lower if I had bought the game instead of playing it on xbox game pass. I'd pass on this one.

As someone who was very disappointed by Cold Steel IV this game managed to rekindle a lot of my love for this franchise. I went into it with extremely low expectations and ended up playing over 10 hours a day (on my days off). My enjoyment stemmed in part due to having taken the first real break from the game (having caught up a few days before cold steel IV), and also because of the different structure the game.

Mechanically this game continues the cold steel tradition of adding a new mechanic with united fronts being thrown into the mix. However the real enjoyment of this game for me came from the Reverie corridor and more specifically daydreams. By exploring the corridor you unlock orbs that will let you see flashbacks for members of your party (like the doors in sky 3rd). It was nice actually getting to sit in shoes of characters that normally the game wouldn't focus all its attention on, letting you see side stories from Sky, Crossbell and of course Cold Steel.

Structurally the game is unique compared to other trails games. It allow you to play as three separate parties where you get locked out of them and are forced to play the other parties until they are all caught up, before moving onto the next act. It works in some ways and falls flat in others. Some stories are significantly more interesting than others, leaving (for me) Rean's act to be a slog. C's route was the easy highlight for me.

Overall I was pleasantly surprised by this game and at the time of finishing it (July 2023) its my GOTY. If you like modern trails games you should love this.

This game took me several tries to get into, being the first game I played that wasn't 0 or the two Kiwami titles. I knew in my head that yes, this would be a downgrade in terms of gameplay, but actually experiencing it made it so that I had to take a long break and two separate attempts to finally get into it. On my third and successful playthrough I just said fuck it and put it on easy to focus on the aspects of these games that I actually enjoy; the side stories and main plot.

The orphanage segments could have been handled better/been a bit less grindy (did I really have to do EVERY SINGLE KID?) but there were a few moments in them that I genuinely enjoyed. My favourite would probably have to be Kiryu hitting balls into the air and seeing the little ones run around trying to catch them. Conceptually I didn't mind it, execution wise solving the kids issues were some of the shortest sessions of me playing this game, doing them in 30 minute intervals each day. Once the game got going though I was playing around 3-4 hours a session and having a blast.

Gameplay wise I was playing it on easy and so never really felt a lot of the frustration I've heard of online with really block-heavy enemies, or getting gang beaten by every npc at once. I kind of just mashed buttons to get to the next story beat.

Probably my second favourite Yakuza game of the 4 I've played, not really close to 0, but wasn't a painful slog to get through like my experience with both Kiwami 1 and 2. I really liked the Okinawa setting itself, the sound of the waves crashing outside as uncle Kiryu goes around being a dad to a bunch of little shits. I idled the game a few times on the beach while browsing the internet, and the first hour of free roam in Okinawa I just went first person and looked around at thing (which is also what I did in Yakuza 0 way back in 2019). For what many consider to be the worst/one of the worst, I was pleasantly surprised. Now onto 4...

The fourth Ys game I've completed and easily the most...bland. I played it, I had an OK time. The narrative I fully admit to skimming through to get to the gameplay. Coming off Origins I got a bit a whiplash at the writing. While I know I could just refuse to heal, the fact that you can stock up on 40 health potions trivialized every single boss fight in the game. Where origin the first run through felt like I actually had to learn boss patterns, in this game I simply had to time a dodge and spam moves, drink a potion if I goofed, rinse repeat. I imagine a year from now I'll struggle to remember anything about this game.

Despite having to constantly quit due to hand pain and emotional damage (too good too good lol too good well played well played) I keep coming back to this game. Each time with renewed resolve, the will to learn...well at least for a little bit. I may take long ass breaks but I can never quit this fucking game. I absolutely hate it. 10/10 best fighting game

P.S. Shoutout Moky who destroyed my Ganon so hard on anthers that I switched to a high tier

The only thing I disliked about this game was that it ended too soon. The vibes? Impeccable. The music? Cozy as fuck. The gameplay? Really intuitive and satisfying (dive bombing from the top of the mountain to build speed only to neatly land in front of my aunt was deeply, DEEPLY satisfying). Even the writing had me smiling constantly. This is the gaming equivalent of being snuggled up under a blanket with a cup of tea reading a good book in the middle of winter.

The only reason its not rated higher was that its far too short and far too chill to leave a lasting impression on me. It's simply a good time with good vibes. As of the end of March 2024, it's the best game I've played all year. Highly recommend.