pretty fun game but the open world can be a bit of a slog

love this game so much and the dlc just made it even better

finally played this after 4 years and i was honestly expecting the story to be worse? in the end i ended up actually liking abby's character honestly (also liked abby's story because theres seals and i love them). there are some things that could've been changed, pacing and also maybe we should've played as abby first and then ellie? other than that of course the story is nothing groundbreaking but people really blew it out of proportion i feel. the gameplay is the best part, super satisfying. i think the negative reaction to this game had a lot to do with the leaks that came out before which got people riled up. and if you think ellie forgave abby youre an idiot. its a good game.

was very pleasantly surprised at how fun this game was. really good murder mystery, the voice acting of the thought cabinets were amazing and the fact that they weren't always right or useful always had me second guessing myself. i was hooked on this game until the end

really fun game when playing for the first time. open world is a bit repetitive after your first playthrough but it's still super fun


i was excited for this but it was just boring for me

recently 100% the game and i don't think i could ever get bored of the world of dishonored

boring game if you play by yourself but if you play with a friend it’s a great experience

intro area let’s you see kiryu oiled up in a fundoshi