April, 2024




finally getting around to playing armored core. its pretty damn neat! The controls definitely are pretty stiff and confusing at first (took me like 3 hours to feel even remotely comfortable with them and even then I barely use the triggers), and at times the game can be pretty brutal, but it holds up surprisingly well.

Honestly i'm trying to decide what the most frustrating thing is right now, the camera or the unfortunate fact that the game runs at 20 fps. The camera is only annoying sometimes, like when you jump, but the framerate is a constant, and when you're moving as fast as you are it can be very hard to keep up. At least in Ocarina of Time you don't move at 80mph, so 20fps works out a bit better.



March, 2024



17h 59m


shit dude return to drangleic started like 2 weeks ago how did i forget. doing a build that primarily uses resins and shit. apparently they do not scale with elemental attack ups unless the weapon already has that elemental damage, which is CRINGE.

Did FoFG, quit in lost bastille cause i was tired



February, 2024



57h 35m


I should've timed this because i forgot this is one of those CRINGE games that doesn't save after you beat the game. so the 2 hours is an approximation

Anyway. I was worried sephiroth would be a pain in the ass, but it turns out that with how stats work in this game and how many defense ups i used it was fine and i beat him first try. So that just left beating the game, which was, naturally, even easier.

Shame the PC port sucks and doesn't stop your pc from going to sleep while its open, so while i'm sitting back and watching cutscenes it just blips out and then that breaks the framerate of the FMV videos.

can't wait to... start 358/2 days from scratch because i lost my savefile. ugh. I'll play it on a real system this time, it'll be better that way, even if the resolution sucks.





my 10 billionth long war playthrough. I actually started one a few days ago but i changed something that I shouldn't have and it kinda broke the game so i restarted with the thing i changed already enabled so that it wouldn't break a pre-existing game


January, 2024



57h 35m


Woke up and felt an overwhelming urge to die in proud mode.
woo masochism, my favorite



December, 2023



its over




felt like playing bastion again! despite it only being 3 years since I played it, I remember nothing.


September, 2023


21h 8m


beat the game. The true final boss was the blue dragon outside of king allant's fight. fuck that thing. I feel like i might've been overlevelled, I beat allant first try.


August, 2023



I beat it. It was very very good but i kinda struggle to justify the $40 price tag with how much content is in the game. if you aren't a big fan of this kinda game then idk if its worth getting.




got dam.
this game is everything i wanted and more. I love it.



21h 8m


This game is way more jank than dark souls but that makes sense and honestly i'm all for it




i'm free



June, 2023


188h 51m


I didn't record any of my sessions here so this is just the date that i 100% the game.
Phenomenal game with only very minor issues, 100%ing it is kind of a nightmare tho. don't do it without a map, and even with a map its still a pain because you have to be VERY sure that when you check something off you ACTUALLY got it. I checked off every single korok but was missing 3 and i had to double check my map by slowly using the ingame map which is a NIGHTMARE.





I started playing with the steam release and it just felt off. Despite running at my refresh rate it didn't feel smooth at all, so i downloaded vkQuake and HOLY SHIT ITS A VIDEO GAME.
I did about 1.5 episodes tonight.
to be honest, I think i like Doom more, somehow this game feels less polished?
The actual movement and gameplay are phenomenal, super duper smooth and responsive and just fun. bouncing grenades off of walls, blasting enemies with a big ol shotgun, and even just jumping is a hell of a lot of fun.
but the enemies themselves felt very.... eh?
for what its worth, this has nothing to do with art design, quake is a very different art style to doom and the actual enemy designs are great. although aside from melee attackers, the only ranged enemy that i can actually go "oh, they're attacking me" is the shambler. I can't tell if the ogre is attacking me, i have no clue what those flying guys are called but i have no clue when they're attacking me. I just strafe and hope for the best.
I also don't mind the more gritty and down low sounds, the weapons all sound super punchy and great, but i can't hear any sound cues that would be important to me. not only do i not SEE attacking enemies but i can't HEAR them either. gone is the very distinct teleporter sound from doom and in its place is the same "shoomp" stock sound that mario 64 uses for stuff like entering the secret slide. its quiet, not very distinct, and honestly kind of out of place.

Another thing i noticed was the enemy behavior, which seems like a direct downgrade from doom. They do not seem to have an infighting threshold, and just swap targets to whoever most recently hit them. They don't seem to have reaction time because they attack nearly as soon as they see you. I got killed by a fiend that teleported into existence and instantly attacked me one time. fun.
in fact, most of my deaths are to fiends, which is guess is... fitting. I have no clue how much damage they do, because sometimes it feels like 1 damage and sometimes i think i'm at full health and armor and then i'm dead in 1 second. it feels... wrong.
Another thing i noticed which kinda bugs me but probably is completely intentional is the way the game is balanced. I'm playing on hard mode, so maybe this is a hard mode thing, but enemies take so many god damn hits.
The ogre is the main enemy all over the game and they take 3 super shotgun shots or 3 rockets. 3!!! with that ammo in doom i could kill a single heavy enemy or several smaller ones. Quake's enemy design feels like its meant to be quality over quantity, but they end up being boring when there's just one of them so they tend to put you in tight hallways or against 4 or 5 different enemies. Which still isn't as much as doom, but whatever, maybe it was a hardware limitation moving to 3d.

If it seems like i hate this game, i really don't. I wouldn't have played for nearly 3 hours, past midnight, nearly through 2 chapters if i didn't. I do really like the game, but i just... don't like it as much as doom



May, 2023




beat the game.
I realized that even without the self-imposed limitation of not being able to kill people, I just tend to not do it anyway, so this playthrough wasn't really too different from my original one.
I think i might do the DLCs loud and maybe go back and do a third playthrough of the main game loud as well



April, 2023




Decided to try and play the game on the hardest difficulty with a different, lethal, build





very good dlc

Started / Finished



I forgot to actually time this so i estimated based on the general playtime steam gave me.
game... fun


March, 2023


38h 58m


I had the idea for this character during my last run, so I made it as soon as i beat the game.
big and smart, aka Spellhoarder Crelm (DS2 has an absurdly small character limit on names so i couldn't use the name i wanted and just did "big and smart" :(
Anyway, the idea is a heavy character (nearly always 100% equip load), high vit, high int, high adp, less of a focus on spells, but a big focus on a great hammer with magic damage
I did FoFG and then lost bastille through to Ruin Sentinels, and then stopped.




66h 21m


2 tries to beat burnt ivory king, about 5 to beat sir alonne, and then 1 to do the whole end game gauntlet, very nice!





I may have beaten the game, but that doesn't mean its over!
Still need to get all the boos, get gold rankings on all the missions, get all the gems, and do scarescraper stuff!


February, 2023



66h 21m


Return to drangleic 2023! doing an archer build because i wanted to for some reason. archery is actually pretty damn fun in this game!





felt like replaying this game. I do like this game, but its definitely the worst of the 3 luigi's mansion games. The mission system may be "better" for a handheld but god it sucks. finish the mission and you instantly get sucked back to the hub, no "do you want to explore and get more shit" option for some reason.
The gyro to turn while using an action is interesting, not sure how i feel about it.
I think the biggest issues so far is e gadd's incessant calls, albeit i only did the first mission it might get better, but holy fuck. the original had 1 optional tutorial for sucking up ghosts.
Here you get a tutorial telling you to run, how to use the poltergust (NOT HOW TO SUCK GHOSTS), how to use the fucking flashlight charge and what to use it on, how to stun ghosts with it. Like seriously, I get that you don't want to throw everything on the player at once but the fact that everytime they need to give a tutorial luigi stops in his place, and you have to tap the bottom screen to answer (why???? in the first game its automatic AND YOU CANT DECLINE SO WHY BOTHER), wait for luigi to slowly pull out the DS, and THEN the call starts.
In the first game, luigi stops, quickly pulls out the GB horror, and dialog starts. thats it.
The other big issue is the framerate. Now, this game looks pretty good, especially for the 3ds, but man the framerate jumping up and down pisses me off. in some select scenes it can get up to 60, usually its much lower, and when you go into a new room it SPIKES downward i assume because of the wall becoming transparent or some shit. consistent framerate is better than occasional high fps imo, ESPECIALLY when you're below 60 and on an underpowered handheld. Oh well, i bet emulators can hit 60 consis- oh right... LM2 is like 1fps on citra... maybe one day...


January, 2023



Pizza Tower was without a doubt, some of the most fun i've had in a video game in years. My only regret is not supporting the devs during development.
Absolutely will go back for 100%








Beat the game! also went back and did some old missions with all the red bricks enabled, for fun (to get more blue studs)
very close to 100%, just need 46 more blue studs to buy every map in the game, I need to play 19 free play games, win 5 "defeat the leader" free play games, win 5 "brick hunt" free play games, and cry because i have no one to complete the multiplayer achievements with.
oh and also i need to unlock santa, but i don't want to change my system clock (i have games that don't like that) so... i'm not counting that.


December, 2022




Fun little side game while i need some time to kill





Couldn't find my old cartridge, but with the power of a newly homebrewed 3ds, I can continue to play on (mostly) intended hardware! which is much better than playing on PC and constantly trying and failing to move with rightclick like any other RTS game.
So far the game is ok. I certainly remember it being better, but now with more knowledge and skill I find myself missing features that are standard in games like starcraft, and annoyed at the terrible framerate. The game itself is pretty good, but it certainly is made harder by lack of QoL features that probably wouldn't fit well on a tiny DS screen or controller, lack of a left handed control scheme (for people like me) so i'm constantly having to use the dpad for camera movement and then my thumb for actual actions, and just lack of polish in some places, like hitboxes and AI. In specific, you have to tap in very specific spots to target an enemy, and the unit AI will constantly get stuck and just stop moving, making moving units around any solid object a pain in the ass, and more recently I've started to see them just do absolutely nothing despite being in the middle of a battle.




Got the last 2 sea charts, double checked nearly every single power gem location and still don't have it, then went to go fight the final boss without saving (critical error) and after beating the game it didn't save so that little bit of stuff I did got wiped. Oh well. Probably won't go back and get platiinum on beedle's membership or try and get that last power gem but will consider it 100% anyway, too much tedium for me to bother.
