September, 2023


21h 8m


beat the game. The true final boss was the blue dragon outside of king allant's fight. fuck that thing. I feel like i might've been overlevelled, I beat allant first try.


August, 2023



I beat it. It was very very good but i kinda struggle to justify the $40 price tag with how much content is in the game. if you aren't a big fan of this kinda game then idk if its worth getting.


June, 2023


188h 51m


I didn't record any of my sessions here so this is just the date that i 100% the game.
Phenomenal game with only very minor issues, 100%ing it is kind of a nightmare tho. don't do it without a map, and even with a map its still a pain because you have to be VERY sure that when you check something off you ACTUALLY got it. I checked off every single korok but was missing 3 and i had to double check my map by slowly using the ingame map which is a NIGHTMARE.


April, 2023




very good dlc

Started / Finished



January, 2023


38h 34m


Pizza Tower was without a doubt, some of the most fun i've had in a video game in years. My only regret is not supporting the devs during development.
Absolutely will go back for 100%


August, 2022



I was basically bedridden all day, so I decided to play this game! Turns out i only had a world left, so I beat it in like an hour, but that doesn't mean the fun stopped there!
100% soon, maybe, probably not.



114h 34m


I was wrong, the """post-game""" after beating Shadar was approximately 4 hours long, consisting of about 10 minutes of essentially 3 new bosses, and then 3 hours and 30 minutes of 1 extremely long, tedious, completely symmetrical dungeon, and then the final final boss.
Now i'm in the actual postgame and I have no clue what awaits me.
Although... I'm honestly pretty disappointed with this ending. Over the course of the game the cutscenes with the White Witch and her council were some of the highlights of the story, the way she and her council interacted and schemed made them all very interesting characters.
But then, as soon as you beat Shadar, the game's plot moves at breakneck speeds. IMMEDIATELY, she essentially sends the world into an apocalypse with magic that turns people into basically zombies, but that magic is subsequently easily reversed before anyone knows what the fuck it is. This is the 10 minutes of 3 boss battles i mentioned.
Right after that, it's off to her castle to fight her.
And here's where the game really starts to fall apart.
The White Witch's castle is nearly 4 grueling hours (if you try to actually collect everything like i do, if you don't its probably 2:30 to 3) of exploring this massive symmetrical castle (it's essentially just a bunch of hallways, not rooms).
There's one interesting boss fight near the middle with one of the council members and then after that you get to the throne room, and surprise! none of the council is real.
You fight her, she becomes a monster in phase 2, and then becomes good again because Oliver said some things about hearts and feelings and kingdom hearts and then, surprise! the council is real now because her magic was so powerful that it became real.
Thats not a bad twist, but it just is so rapidfire that it is just confusing.
Side note: that final boss fight with the council is ridiculous. It's the 2nd boss in the entire game with minions, so naturally it becomes way harder. Annoyingly, it has an attack which i swear is nigh impossible to dodge for some reason, and another attack which seemingly does nothing, except it actually debuffs all your stats, which is fine, except it happened to me like 6 times before I actually noticed because its very hard to see what status effects you have.
Anyway you beat them and the game ends.
and then after the credits Oliver rides down into Motorville on a broom, even though magic brooms were never established as an ability he had, but who cares!
side-tangent, they just kinda drop on you that like half the kingdoms have an airforce?
I at least understand Hamelin, they're all about mechanical stuff, and it had been mentioned before that Xanadu, before it was destroyed had a massive airforce, the remnants of which became the sky pirates, but Al Mamoon? why do they have an airforce? why does Ding Dong Dell NOT have one? who cares!
Overall some of these complaints go for the entire game, the plot seems to move at breakneck speeds quite a lot, leaving very little time for character development or emotional moments to actually work well.
I decided to actually look into the development of the game a bit just to see if i could figure out why it seems to have so many weird issues, and I think the answer lies in the fact that both this and the DS version were developed simultaneously, but had different staff and the only connecting tissue was the general story, and the PS3 version released roughly 11 months afterward. Despite this they decided to add a """postgame""" to this version which is 4 hours long? why not just have the same story for each? but thats confusing too, because up until the """postgame""" the exclusive stuff (AKA, everything with the White Witch and her council) is fine, it's great actually!
Its worth noting that as of 2020, the developers, LEVEL-5, have only 300 employees, but released up to 5 games a YEAR until 2019. From what I can tell, the main writer for both versions of the game was the same, but he's also the CEO and main writer of basically all their games. thats spreading yourself pretty damn thin for any part of game development, especially writing.
I can't help but feel like the White Witch was a last minute addition, because the last Ghibli animated cutscene was after you beat Shadar. I feel like maybe they said "We need a reason for people who bought the DS version to buy this one, how about we add just a tiny bit of extra plot", even though they had already finished their work with Ghibli. Which is completely and utterly stupid. Why would you add the big finale of your game AFTER you stop working with them??? If they wanted to add more stuff, they should've just added more character building and story inbetween already existing stuff, since that wouldn't have warranted a long Ghibli animated cutscene anyway. On top of that, I highly doubt ANYONE would buy the PS3 version of the game after playing the DS version simply because it had a bit more story. If anything it'd be because it has different gameplay, and because it was a game they already enjoyed.
This game was good, but it could've been better, and I think a key part of doing that would've been scrapping the DS version entirely.


June, 2022


19h 5m


beat the main campaign on Watch me Die! with fast monsters and with all the funny demon runes. Also beat all of the """"Fun"""" levels.
I was so happy to finally get this over with, and i immediately uninstalled the game afterwards.


March, 2022


13h 1m


Honestly, the ending sucked, and maybe its because I went for a non-lethal run, but who knows. It feels like the game just sort of ends, although I'm not sure what I would've done if I was writing it, so maybe its for the best.

Also I thought I owned the DLC but I didn't, so I'll come back to that at some point


December, 2021



2h 12m



this really rides that fine line between "hard but fair" and completely bullshit a bit TOO closely.


Started / Finished



5h 22m



This game really isn't awful, but its not good either.
I played a modded version, which made more sense (and added a fUCKING MAP), but still needed to use a wiki just to know where i was supposed to go and what an item did.
gameplay wise, it's castlevania. you jump, and you whip.
hearts no longer are used for your subweapons (most of them at least...), and instead are a currency. You can also level up, which increases your health (but only on some levels?).
When you die, you get put back right where you died, but when you game over, you lose all of both.
This makes grinding almost necessary to get enough hearts to buy shit, and actually necessary if you want to level up.
The max level is 6 (and you start at 0), I beat the game at level 2.

The game's ending is also based on how many days you've taken, with 15+ being the bad end, 8-14 being neutral, and anything below 8 is the good/canon ending.
I might go back for the good end, idk.
Once you know what to do, the game probably takes like no time at all.
The problem is that you DONT know what to do EVER.
arguably the game is harder on the english translation, because of mistranslations and the fact that the manual doesn't have a map... WHY WOULD YOU REMOVE A MAP FROM THE MANUAL OF YOUR MAZE GAME.

overall, the game is ok. not good, not bad, just ok.

Started / Finished

November, 2021



14h 14m


100% beaten. well, at least, as much as can be done in one playthrough. there's still hard mode and beating the game in a reasonable amount of time... if i ever get to that.
overall, the game was pretty damn good. it's not the best or anything, and still has some pretty glaring issues in some places, but its nigh impossible to be perfect, and even super metroid isn't.



October, 2021


36h 31m


Turns out, Riku's campaign is way shorter... and actually fun?
So i beat it all in one sitting.

Legit like all of my complaints with Sora's campaign were just stripped out of Riku's campaign.
It's not quite KH1 gameplay, but its much MUCH better than Sora's gameplay in this game.



6h 37m


Honestly, the ending of the game depressed me. not because of the story or anything, but because the last 3 bosses were just awful.
2 of them were soul crushingly boring, and the final boss was soul crushingly boring AND barely did damage.
I've heard Retro got better at bosses in the later games, so I'm looking forward to that.

July, 2021


18h 53m


Very fun! now its time for round 2.


March, 2021


239h 7m


me and the squad jumping down to go fight burnt ivory king.

also beat the game


February, 2021

January, 2021



42h 25m


I did it, I beat the game, it was actually pretty fun.


November, 2020

October, 2020

August, 2019

October, 2018