

almost finished, think I'm on the last set of worlds? tbh I got bored and just stopped playing
on justice for all. didn't put the game over on my new pc and I still haven't
I impulse bought the game and I haven't touched it since
its ok from what I played
tried playing emulated on my old pc, ran like shit, haven't touched again
kinda just stopped honestly, moved onto other games but will come back later
man I need to play this but I need someone chill to watch ngl
eh, not that big a fan of p3 in general
I respect dq but it kinda bores me ngl LOL
im bad

think I stopped at the fuckin robot
pokemon bores me tbh
probably gonna play the official release when chronicles comes out
not too big a fan of 3d platformer collectathons anymore tbh
honestly I have more fun with lego games with friends, I don't have any that wanna play LOL
this is very good so far, very unique
the language barrier makes it really hard to just sit down and play, honestly. having to turn my head a lot to look at the guide is not my thing. same deal with ishin
heard good things about crash and I bought the game but I just never got to it
some game quirks I don't exactly like but it's the only game I haven't played so I should just go ahead and finish
I honestly have no idea why I haven't finished, I remember getting bored on the mech levels though

played this for the first time like a year ago, I remember I didn't like the controls and just ditched it for a time
apparently this is a really fucking hard rpg, and while I like hard games, I can't say I like rpgs all that much anymore. I got it as a gift and reflecting on it makes me feel bad because I have never opened the game
got bored and stopped playing, think I just moved onto other games
cool as shit but idk it didn't hold me for that long
I bought this as a joke
the game plays like DOO DOO but better than kiwami 2 LOL. holding this off until after I finish the spinoffs available to me
cool game but I still haven't gotten to it
not sure if I'll return and finish it or not, honestly I might since I do actually like the tone and all that
same deal as rush, also not too big a fan of the jetski stuff and the crafting stuff iirc?
i got bored
I want a ds4 and to get used to the playstation buttons before I fully play this
ngl I'm not that big a fan of the gunplay it feels kinda weird


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