favorite game songs

Nothing here!

main theme

ive never played this game, always wanted to ever since i was young. the theme song has always told me ''your missing out'' it makes me mad how i had an ample opportunity to make it a definite spot in my top 3 games

sona mi areru ec sancitu- easily one of my favorite orchestral pieces, i have a bad habit of listening to this often. and no it does not get old. every bit of this song perfectly captures the adventure you experience from this masterpiece

phendrana drifts- first time hearing this as a little kid, i fell in love with it. its so hard picking which song is the best but for me personally, this is the one


fly like a butterfly- seething at the teeth rn that i cant play this

pearl blue soul- how the FUCK can you say no to this?!?!



heal- this song completely warms my heart and oh my god i love this game
girl of the spirit forest

reminds me of stuff like nausicaa its just so good

torvus bog- this song is super fucking atmospheric. i can feel the wet soil and damp n dank mood this song evokes. im putting words together like a dumb kid ik but i try

all star rest area- this place felt so uncanny yet warm and comfortable, obv its enhanced by its song. the first time ive wanted to explore and go out of bounds in an area

time rift

i was thrown outta left field when i caught this song, like jesus its so gorgeous and beautifully sad

id beginnings- this is the song i hear when i think about fire emblem awakening. it hits right in the heart man i get so sad and emotional thinking about the times ive spent with this game

the entirety of skyrim- i cant pick a favorite i love the whole ost
machine passage- this song FUCKS. its the fucking banger; its so alien and awesome


lets go away-
cmon you cant say no to that

nostalgia bias, song is better than sex fr
flight- i was looking into sega games at the time, and i wasnt too interested in panzer dragoon really. but i then i heard this song, and oh my god it blew me away... i was tearing up by how beautiful it was. this was THE hook that got me into this series. i will never forget the first time i heard it, it sounded so much different the first time

run- no explanation. never gonna play the game but this song will forever be etched into my brain. go listen to it right now, i am not asking this is a DEMAND


killing bedroom- this game was awful to play. but this song ALMOST makes up for the fact that i had to pay for guatemalan torture. the vibes of this stage paired with this groovy as shit banger is immaculate


1 month ago

I love Sky Sands from Kirby Air Ride.

1 month ago

Phendrana Drifts be drifting into my heart like some kind of phendrana.

1 month ago

@Geno123 it has no right being THAT good, its a crime its length is too short

1 month ago

@Vee well said brudda

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