It's like Hollow Knight but with more puzzles instead of fighting and I loved exploring it, felt rewarding.

I reached the credits with 40 eggs and I'm going to keep going because I LOVE EGGS.

EDIT: Got all the eggs and raising half a star because there was still so much to discover, and there is still more! The layers of secrets and fun things to discover in this game make it something really special.

Played until I beat Chronos and Eris but they still haven't finished the ending in this Early Access phase so I'm putting this down and will pick it up again when fully released.

You play as a glowing white Shiba, five stars.

Technically this game is super impressive, though I still encountered lots of annoying bugs, but I found the missions to quickly become repetitive and the story wasn't very appealing.

The story is pretty great for the video game medium. The gameplay has a lot of repetition and some things become chores. At some point, I stopped bothering with the side tasks (for the "collectible" stuff) because the rewards weren't worth the time and resources invested. The lack of enemy diversity makes the poor AI very noticeable and combat loses its thrill after a few familiar encounters. Several bugs popped up as I got closer to the end, some of them game-breaking without a reload.
Anyway, I loved the visual and sound design and the game actually felt spooky at least for the first half and especially while exploring locations for the first time. I love Twin Peaks and it was nice to see so many references, but I can appreciate how this game has a strong lore of its own, even without playing the original Alan Wake.

Chill game, I like many things it does but ultimately I'd rather be playing Elden Ring. I wish the exploration was more rewarding / less repetitive, and the story/lore doesn't appeal to me very much.
I'll probably try the sequel at some point (when I look up how to set it up on the Steam Deck).

really makes you feel like pineapple on a pizza

It's a Lovecraftian fishing game, therefore I love it.

The voice actor of Peppino Spaghetti is the same as Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos

Spooky and atmospheric. I loved the aesthetics, storytelling, and music (Chopin slapped).
Lots of cool references although becoming derivative.

Regarding the gameplay, sometimes I got a bit bored of the loop of picking a literal key to a door to get another key for another door, but many of the puzzles were fun.
I would balance the inventory space to have like 2+ slots or ignore equipped items / separate space for key items. Then it would have been fun to use the in-game camera more.

Also would have loved a Radio quick toggle button to blast Swan Lake on and off at will for dramatic effect.

Satisfying gameplay and a great Machine Girl soundtrack, but takes a bit too long to get somewhat challenging and the dialogue is just pure filler, so I recommend skipping it entirely unless you love visual novels full of anime tropes.

I put 150 hours into my first playthrough, where I always felt compelled to explore every corner of this world.

My only complaints are about balancing and some bosses/enemies that get recycled a bit too much:
There were a few times when fighting a boss felt completely out of place when faced once again in an awkward location, ruining the charm that was left from the first experience.

I think it would have been perfect if they had cut some of the fat, making it maybe 10-15% smaller.

Anyway, amazing experience. Even almost at the end, I was still being mind blown by how some hidden/optional areas connect to other different parts of this multi-layered world.

One of the best games for the PS1.
Beautiful aesthetics, cool soundtrack, satisfying gameplay.

I still remember the banger I composed when I was 10