Holy fuck. What a beautiful game. The gameplay is probably the best in the series so far and the story was just so good, like it’s predecessor the twists recontextualize the whole experience.

The ending had me crying like a god damn baby. The ladder sequence also made me cry, such a simple moment but it was so impactful. The theme song is also probably my favorite video game theme song ever. After beating the game I just let it do it’s thing and the theme song played. I sang along and the lyrics were also recontexualized for me as if it were being sung by a true patriot. Like seriously, I just cried trying to sing along to the song. Ugh it’s so fucking good.

I’ve been going through a tough time lately and this game helped me out so fucking much. These games make me want to live! What a masterpiece.

A fantastic game that has an interesting story and awesome gameplay mechanics. Main thing that held it down for me was how hard it could be with lack of direction. The codec helps most of the time but sometimes there were moments where I needed to look up a walkthrough. Also that torture sequence was absolute bullshit, took me too long and I needed to use a pen lmao. Overall a great start to what hopefully (for me) will be a great series. Also I love the ending. Choose life.. and then live!

Yeah, this was absolutely bonkers in every way possible. Crazy ass story that’ll make you wish you had whatever drugs Kojima was on when writing this while simultaneously giving you an existential crisis because of how this game gets into your head. This was right up my alley but I do have minor complaints which are basically the boss fights and the crazy amount of long cutscenes with crucial story information (which I heard are staples of this series). Luckily enough for me I was reeled in from the start but I can see this game being exhausting for those who weren’t absolutely sucked in.

Gameplay is fantastic like it’s predecessor and the level design is good for the most part. I liked the weapons and there’s one you get at the end that’s conceptually really cool but it’s a bit finicky especially in the final boss fight. This game overall is probably one of the best ever made, may be overrated to some (I hate using the terms overrated/underrated) but it’s definitely a well appreciated piece of art that more people who consider themselves gamers need to play. Metal Gear Solid 2 is one of my favorite gaming experiences, it had me smiling all throughout and the ending had me tearing up. Definitely a game I’ll come back to every so often. On to Snake Eater!

I thought this was a neat little liminal adventure. It can be beat in an hour-ish. Definitely doesn't have any replay value but it's fine if you have a few bucks and you want something with creepy atmosphere.

Damn. Truly one of the best pieces of media ever. Horror as a genre is punk as hell and this game just elevates that on so many levels. It's not a joke when people say this game is a masterpiece. Like yeah, it may not hold up great gameplay-wise today (I love tank controls, fight me) and while REmake 2002's gameplay is definitely the pinnacle of tank control survival-horror, Silent Hill 2 excels in every other way.

When I was younger I would just watch let's plays of this game because I was too scared to actually play it. I played it all the way through for the first time these past few days and let me say that it was one of the best experience I've ever had with any art form. The game is gut-wrenching, horrifying, beautiful, and depressing.

I'll admit, I haven't been feeling myself for a long time now. Not many other games have really touched me aside from Disco Elysium, TLOU2, and the Mass Effect Trilogy. This game really spoke to me and that could be due to the ending I got for this playthrough (which trust me, I'll continue playing until I get all the endings) but I was entranced by the whole experience.

Yeah, there were moments where I needed a walkthrough but for the most part I managed to get through by myself despite how fucking scared I was the entire time lol. The game is also extremely charming with it's awkward acting (which some would say adds to the uncanny valley, making it even more unsettling), the outdated graphics, and again the archaic tank controls. Some may not be able to look past these things which is fine, I'm sure the remake will be sufficient enough in those departments. However, I highly doubt the remake will capture the magic in this game (if you see the trailer, James' car door is closed. The implications of that alone goes to show that they don't have a clue as to what that means). The story, the atmosphere, the sound effects, the music, oh god the music is so damn good. I'm just utterly in love with Akira Yamaoka's soundtrack.

I could go on and on about how greatly this game affected me but I'll save that for another time. It's no joke when people say this is one of the best games ever made. I think it's possibly the greatest horror game ever made, I don't know, I got to play SH3 which I know is a favorite for many as well. Amazing game, an amazing experience, absolutely stunning, I recommend. I personally played the Enhanced Edition on PC but I'm definitely gonna find a copy to play on my PS2 and buy a CRT tv because this game is worth it. On to get the rest of the endings!

This was a surprising game in many ways, while outdated in graphics and controls (fuck the ladders in this game), the way it allows you to approach any situation in a multitude of ways and it's story are ahead of it's time. While it's depiction of Asian people, Hong Kong and Chinese culture along with it's voice acting are definitely not the best, the rest of what the game has to offer is damn near perfection.

This game is philosophically stimulating and I wonder if I made the right choice with my ending. Given that it's cyberpunk, perhaps there are no right choices but just ones that you can justify more. I like how it takes the conspiracy theories of its time (and even now) and turns them into tangible and well thought out levels, factions, and ideas. Just the levels in general are amazingly crafted, they really account for all play styles, it's awe inspiring.

I'm just in awe at how many ways this game could progress, there's so many "turning points" that it would take you about a dozen playthroughs to see everything and even then I'm sure there's more hiding in the shadows. I know the series is pretty mixed after this debut entry which is a testament to how revolutionary and sadly unique this game truly is.

I tried to model this JC Denton after me, usually in these types of games I'll try to be the most compassionate I can be and go as non-lethal as possible. At a certain point in the game I just let a lot of that go and decided to become a murderous ninja so couple that with the ending I got I wonder how the world would look like based on the choices I've made. Such a fascinating game and one I'll come back to explore intimately. If you can look past some of it's outdated visuals and controls (seriously, fuck the ladders), Hollywood levels of poor taste Asian stereotypes and bad voice acting then you'll be in for one of the best games of all time.

A game that combines some of my favorite niches into this beautiful blend of surreal meta fiction, survival horror, and just plain weird. Pretty much everything I loved about Control is here and the mystery and intrigue of the first Alan Wake comes back tenfold.

While this game isn’t perfect, I find the overall experience has resonated with me in a way that only a few pieces of media can. There’s some collectible stuff that isn’t too intriguing and also some parts could’ve been more gamey instead of drag and drop to listen to a character’s thoughts but the minor gripes I have with the game don’t subtract from my overall experience.

When you play something like Alan Wake 2 and you fall in love with it, it makes you wish that you can make something on a similar level. I relate a lot to Alan here and I really loved Saga as well. Remedy really knocked it out of the park and while many would probably disagree that this is goty, I’d say for me it is (I’ve yet to play RE4R despite having preordered it lol or TOTK). It’s just right up my alley and does almost everything to my liking. So my rating makes sense to me but obviously everyone will come out of this game with different feelings.

A fun game to play with friends. It’s one of the funniest games ever and the tensions get very high especially when you’re really into your role. I can’t wait to see where this game goes, it has so much potential to become one of the best multiplayer games if refined and expanded upon.

This is undoubtedly one of the best games of all time. It’s definitely dated in some ways like how you can get softlocked at the end there. The game also doesn’t hold your hand which is both one of it’s biggest strengths and also one of its biggest weaknesses. I had to transform into a 90s kid because I needed to use a game guide to get me through this game lmfao

The soundtrack is fire and the spritework is nothing short of magnificent. People say the environmental storytelling is some of the best in gaming but I wasn’t too impressed by that aspect.

The rate at unlocking everything is well paced and it really makes you feel like you’re actually on a mission to save this cute lil metroid. The ending is dope, however, the final boss took me well over an hour to try to beat. I was ready to give up and watch the ending on youtube but I persevered and actually got it done. What helped was that I destroyed those barriers then I went back up a floor to restore all of my energy and missiles for the fight. I managed to do it in one go after that.

So yeah, this was awesome and I loved it, despite the moments where I became frustrated (I notice games do that to me a lot lol). What elevates this for me is the aesthetic, I just love the borderline-horror sci-fi shit that’s going on here. I’m a big fan

Okay so this game is not perfect by any means, it’s often annoying with how clunky it is and how broken the enhanced edition can be. Quests can break and sometimes you’ll have to reload a previous save to redo a whole section just to see story relevant information. The whole game is outdated but it’s also one of the best written pieces of fiction I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading. Most of my time playing this game was reading, like others have said this is just a glorified visual novel.

The characters are great and there are really poignant lines of dialogue that I’ll never forget, especially at the end of the game. I played as a mage for this play through and it definitely helped with dialogue because the stats overlap for the “optimal build.” There are definitely parts in the game that I could’ve approached differently, especially some beginning sections but that’s the beauty of rpgs. This game definitely encourages multiple play throughs.

I’m a fan of Dungeons and Dragons so this was both familiar and also new territory. The world of Sigil and the other areas you go to was a delight to explore. I loved the visuals of the game, it was really well made and each area felt distinct from one another.

The rpg mechanics are a little lackluster and the combat irritated me until I learned to actually pause the game and manipulate each party member’s actions individually. It took to me too long to figure that out instead of just having everyone selected and attack one enemy. That was a recipe for disaster from halfway onwards.

However like previously stated the best part about the game is the story. It’s just so captivating, beautiful, poignant, and often times mind-bending. The deep philosophical themes and the fullest use of itself setting to tell a story that not many other fictional settings can is some of the game’s strong suits. The stuff with your companions are great and learning more about this awesome but you gotta go out your way to do that.

I played this on my Steam Deck and despite how unoptimized it was, I actually feel like this is a perfect game to play on the go. I don’t like sitting down for long periods of time so it was a blessing that I could just take this game anywhere and play. I definitely recommend this game if you can handle how old it is, I say the story is more than worth it. The game is glorious. You’ll just have to endure. Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

I wrote a whole review for Half-Life 2 and it's story expansions but I scrapped it because I don't think I can adequately describe how awesome this game is. I'm a little emotional, just finished Episode Two, and I'm sitting here amazed by how this game presented itself. The story, the gameplay, mechanics, physics (oh god the physics), the weapons, it's all immaculate.

Some might see the combat sections as a downgrade from it's predecessor and I may be inclined to agree but this game is far larger in scope and I think it did a solid job. I think the episode expansions tried to bring in some more elements from the first game and while I did find the episodes to be good, they could've been better. I enjoyed the stories for both but some of the chapters were lackluster. That however shouldn't deter anyone from playing this amazing game.

Seriously, if you haven't played Half-Life 2 then do it. Right now (as of June 30th, 2023) it's on sale for $2 depending on the bundle you get. For the longest time I've been a Halo kid, thinking that those were the best campaigns that fps' had to offer. Today after finishing Half-Life 2 and it's story expansions for the first time, I will say that Half-Life 2 has the best campaign for a fps. It's the real deal and it's now one of my favorite games of all time. It's a shame that we'll never get a Half-Life 3 because I think the industry, nay, the fans need it right now.

This game is a mixed bag for me. It has some of the best moments that Metal Gear Solid has to offer but also some of the worst. The gameplay sections are hit or miss and the story stuff in the middle for me was annoying. I disliked most of the boss fights save for maybe the Mantis fight and Liquid Ocelot at the end. I wasn’t huge on acts 3 and 4 but I liked most things preceding and succeeding it.

There’s also so many cutscenes that it feels like the gameplay is there as an extremely brief respite. Some of the acts also had action set pieces which were also hit or miss for me. I actually thought I was gonna hate the game in act four because of how much I was annoyed. Act five and onwards made me appreciate the game despite all of the fan service and emotional manipulation lol

Overall I say I liked the cutscenes more than the game itself. Liquid was consistently awesome throughout the game and I liked Snake and Raiden’s arcs. I didn’t like Akiba, he’s not funny. Meryl should’ve been with me, not him. It’s not fair! Sunny was a little annoying but also endearing and some of the twists are more contrived than anything we’ve seen before. I’m usually all for Kojima bullshit but some of the stuff here was a little too much. However this “game” is basically a victory lap and I accept it for what it is but man I wish the game itself was better. I wasn’t huge on the globetrotting and the different acts being different levels. Some sections feel like they should be cool but they’re halfbaked compared to the movie length cutscenes.

What sucks is that I genuinely love the experience despite all of the negative things I had to say. Is this game garbage? No. Is it masterpiece? Not even close. However I do find it to be special and it’s something that I’ll cherish for a long time. I doubt I’ll play this game again anytime soon, I’ll just watch the cutscenes on YouTube or something lmao

The ending was beautiful as always. Metal Gear’s endings always hits. I’m glad I played this game and I’m glad that I actually bought a PS3 just to play through these games lmfao. I’ll probably play V on PC though. Anyways, MGS is probably my favorite video game series and despite MGS4’s extreme amount of flaws it is also an extremely epic conclusion to the mainline series. Bravo 🎉

What can I say? It’s Metroid! I decided to play this after taking a little break from Baldur’s Gate 3 due to playing that for 80 hours straight and burning myself out.

I had a lot of fun with this one, albeit I was annoyed by the last section. It was conceptually cool but man was it frustrating. When you get the fully upgraded suit it was cathartic so I guess if that’s Nintendo’s intention then they nailed it lol.

I also love how after you beat the game you get access to the original nes version. The difference is insane, I definitely prefer Zero Mission lmao