This review contains spoilers

Take this review as my experience and what I remember of 2017, when Before the Storm came out. I have played up until the second game, but I will review the two of them in this.

In short, Before the Storm is nothing more than a hype train that went off-tracks. Chloe was already a pain in the ass and in this game she's even worse. Everything you hated from Chloe in the previous games is tuned probably 100% in this one; but that's okay, because this is a story about growing up, right?

No, that's where you are wrong. In my honest opinion, people treated Chloe like shit in the first game for all the right reasons, and in this game there are but a few people who actually shit on her - not even David is shitting too much on her in this game. He's actually being nice to her, despite their differences they have something in common, and if you played the first game up until the end, you'd know that.

Anyhow, surely it has a good storyline and a good mechanic like the first game, right? Max could rewind time and know things she should not know, so that was very cool and was the game-changing from all the other 'Choices matter' games, right? Well. Chloe can shit-talk people. Yeah. And I'd be more inclined to say it's a fun mechanic if the dialogues were actually funny or made any sense. The first encounter of this just... sucks. The second one with David? It's even worse; I just felt like crying. They reduced Chloe to this.

And the plot? I felt like they had no idea what they were doing. Out of the blue, this girl Rachel Amber just starts hitting on Chloe, and coming from the first game you'd think she is this amazing person, who had no reason whatsoever for her death - how can someone kill a person THIS nice?

Rachel Amber fucking sucks. She has almost 0 good traits and the reason a lot of shit happens is because of her, and not because people are sort of jealous of her or anything, it's because she is insufferable; and she is presented like this angel in both the first LiS and this one. It was easy to drop this game for that, I just couldn't relate to any of the characters.

I gave half star because of Frank and some of the songs, at least the OST they got it right and it got me into Daughter, which is amazing, so if you want to get the good part of this, just watch all scenes with Frank and listen to the OST.

I really wish I could give this game a decent review despite its rating, yet there is not much to say. It's a dropped project, which held great potential - and not even with friends this is a good game.

It has nice graphics and it had a nice idea, but that's it. An unfinished mess, left to rot in your Steam account (if you dared buy this game).

This review is based on what I remember from playing this game waaaaaay back when it was released, and the mind of a 12-13 Y/O probably.

So, Smash Bros was always a gem to me, I WANTED to play it so badly but I never had the consoles for it; and Nintendo wouldn't just throw it around freely, no. So All-stars was released and I lost my mind. Sony characters fighting each other? Dope!

I picked this up, slapped it on my PS3 and immediately I loved it. Sly Cooper, Kratos, Sackboy, Drake and so many other iconic characters, holy shit. This is the game.

It was the best, I could satisfy my needs of playing Smash Bros just with this game - awesome.

A few years later, I look back at this: and what can I say? I was fooled by my childish mind. This game is not that good, and some if not most characters just plain suck. It's not even fun to play some of them, if anything, I gave this game one star because they tried.

Well, they didn't try but I enjoyed seeing Sly Cooper getting some attention, and it's sad to see this is one of the last games he participated in.

No less, it's probably a good game if you are 14 years old.

Monster Hunter's bastard brother. Dauntless had the potential to be a good game, and somewhere in there, it is one. Read this review knowing I played this a few months after its initial release, and once more a year later.

I will say that I had fun while it lasted, the graphics are not that bad and they have a certain charm to them, the monsters' design isn't that bad either, however...

The game gets old very quickly, you will get tired of key mashing your mouse1+mouse2 buttons and drinking potions quickly, the world around is just empty and on top of that, there's an excessive grinding that you can only find in MMOs. But that's what I don't like, some people enjoy the grinding.

The online, however, is better than MHW. You don't have to play the entire game alone just to do CO-OP with your friend, so it's a plus. If you're looking for something short that you can play a week or two, this is probably a good game if you got good friends.

Nonetheless, I'd say this had potential and probably still has; but I'm not willing to give it another try. If you want something for the long term? You should seek other MMOs.

When this game was announced, a lot of people thought it to be the best MMO ever. The world was so big, there were so many things to do, and the combat was something out of this world. The graphics? AMAZING. Character customization? You were like a god.

I played this in 2018 probably, not sure when; but I don't think much changed. Of all the things promised, just one of them matters. The world is, indeed, big and beautiful.

But being big doesn't mean being good, the world is so big, in fact, that it gets annoying to go from one place to another - but don't take this as a bad thing, that's what they were aiming for initially, and that is okay.

Let's talk about what's not okay: the Korean game grinding, the pay to advance, the character customization, and so on.

Korean games are famous for having this system where your weapon can break, I have seen it in a few games (Blade and Soul being another) and I don't know how people enjoy it. You have this trouble of getting a good weapon, good armour and shit, just for it to lose its potential when you are upgrading it. What's the point? Giving you more playtime? This game is a farming simulator if anything.

The character customization is nothing special, think of each class as a separate character, and unless you do something very drastic like melting your character's face, they will look THE SAME always, with slight differences. It's a fake setup, you aren't changing anything.

Paying to advance, while I don't mind it for a "free game" this one is just... off-limits. BDO is often given for free if you get to level 50 in a week or so, which is pretty easy; but they give you the option of just putting in your credit card and becoming a God. Remember how I talked about weapons breaking? Worry not! For a few dollars, you can just avoid that completely. Have fun upgrading your weapon!

The combat is okay-ish, I had fun playing around with it, but it got old very quickly. It's probably because it based itself on Dynasty Warriors, and while that not being a bad thing, IMO it just gets tiring quickly.

I had a few problems running the game smoothly too, even on low settings it seemed to be very badly optimized; however take this with a grain of salt, most likely it was my PCs fault.

No less, I don't think this game should be played nowadays, there are much, much more to say here but I feel like vomiting my guts out just thinking about what to type. Avoid this mess.

Ah, the father of Souls. The first flame, so to speak.

Demon's Souls was the game I hated the most when I was just a little brat. It took me perhaps 3-4 years to finally grow up and beat this. I got it in 2010, I remember it well.

Anyhow. This remake is simply amazing, and it was good to see the good ol' scenarios again, much fresher and beautiful than before. The controls didn't change much from what I remember, and I'm not planning on finishing this game (unfortunately) because I only had 1 week to do it. I don't have a PS5 and I was on a trip when playing it.

However, my opinion on this is the same as on the original Demon's Souls, and I'm assuming most of the stupid bugs and shit were fixed in this version.

Oh, the famous Dragon God fight still sucks ass lol.

A beautiful and fun game, with lots of dangers and pirates to face in this big ocean world!

Yet, here I am giving it a low score. Why?

In my eyes, this game has so, so much potential, but it dies on the beach - much like many pirates. The experience with it is amazing in the first few hours, heck, days even. But quickly it gets tiresome. Taking care of the ship, fighting monsters and things that are supposed to be exciting just... turns into a chore.

Every time the megalodon appears I'm just like "oh, let's just keep moving forward because he can't catch me".

What about tall tales? Go from here to there, do a puzzle and you get rewarded with some... stuff.

The combat gets boring very quickly, too. Bosses most of the time feel like sponges, so you keep hitting them (sometimes with cannonballs lol) until either you get ganked or you finally kill them for that sweet, sweet loot.

And what can you do with the loot? Customize your ship, of course! No, you don't get stronger weapons, nor a stronger ship.

The world is beautiful, don't get me wrong. But this game, especially alone, gets boring very quickly. You will have a very nice time at the beginning with your friends, but trust me, it gets old very quick.

Not really my cup of tea. But as far as I can tell, it's a good game with some decent mechanics if you're into driving trucks and all that. It can be simple or complex depending on the player.

The scenarios are also very good for the vanilla game and I enjoyed driving around; but It didn't get me hooked up on it.

Having played it a bit, I don't feel like actually finishing it 100% due to the excessive amount of grinding and repetition.

Apparently, the game started out as a little fun project by the developers, and it exploded in popularity! That is good, because this game was made with actual love and interest, rather than money in mind.

With that said, the song and sprite work is quite good, it reminds me a lot of Castlevania and that's not a bad thing, there are quite a lot of characters and a ton of achievements to unlock for 100%.

Now, this is the sort of game that you can only have fun with at the beginning, in my opinion. I had the most fun not knowing what combos to make, and especially not knowing the combinations between items! When I found my first one, I felt like a god (and the rest of my build sucked lol). Now, I know what to build and it's not really fun because once you get them, it's almost impossible to lose.

There are some "non-idle" builds and that's good. But they are just so few that I cannot actually enjoy them, and there are still other slots to fill with powerful weapons and whatnot.

In the end, I really wanted to give this game more stars - but as it is? It just feels like an idle game. Sure, it is cheap as hell and you can have fun, but once you're past that, there's nothing much behind it.

My suggestion, now that the developer got quite the fame and money from it, is to actually develop a "playable" mode. What does that mean? One where you actually have mechanics, where you can aim your attacks, where enemies offer variety and become a challenge. There is ground for it, and it would make an amazing game.

(Also, to add, since Vampire Survivors got a lot of attention, I can already see a lot of other similar games on Steam, including but not limited to R18 ones. lol)

I had fun, I hope everyone is having fun too, if I could I'd give this a neutral rating, but... I think it deserves a positive review. Will change this if somehow in the future it gets a big update!

Good luck, survivors.

I do not remember how it felt playing BioShock back in the PS3 era, so I cannot comment much on how the Remaster affects graphics and things.

However, the gameplay, as far as I know, remains unchanged. And given that this is quite an old game - it... hasn't aged quite well. Changing between plasmids and guns definitely gets annoying with time, especially since doing a lightning combo with a wrench hit is something you will do often.

So, the gunplay and combat aren't the best, but what about the lore? The setting? That's where BioShock hits you. Rapture is amazing and the ambience, the theme, enemies and the hidden lore behind everything really get to you. You are left in the dark most of the time, sometimes having to find hidden radio boxes to uncover more about the incidents (and accidents) that happened within Rapture, but it's well worth it.

I won't be getting into spoilers here - so I cannot comment on a lot of things. But there is something that bugged me quite a lot in BioShock, and that is the noise.

There is too much noise. You are constantly bombarded with noise. Dialogue from radios, explosions, little sisters' noises, big daddies' noises, splicers, guns, plasmids, fire, lightning, water, security bots, everything you can imagine - it will be there. It gets even more annoying when you are trying to focus on either Atlas or Andrew Ryan talking with you.

Nonetheless, I assume everyone has internet nowadays and can calmly research the lore after beating the game - if they so want to.

It is quite good, and it's playable nowadays unlike some games from the era. Get it, play it, you won't regret it.

The second entry in a trilogy(?), BioShock 2 picks everything BioShock 1 did right and amplifies it. This time you play (as you may know) as a Big Daddy, which the first game didn't let you do.

This will be spoiler free - much like my review of the first game.

So let's get some stuff out of the way first. This Remaster port is quite unstable, it crashed a few times for me during random scenes (two times at the ending, mind you), and I have some friends who experienced no problems with it. Given that it's not the best remaster and definitely not the best port - I won't bug too much on that.

Now, some problems from the first game are still in - like noise pollution and the fact most of the lore is explained through radio tapes. While that is not bad per se, combined with all the noise surrounding you, it gets hard to grasp fully what's happening. However, as I said in the other review, it's something you can see later on the internet, so it's not a big problem.

The gunplay got a lot better, now letting you hit enemies with melee attacks regardless of weapon - and you also get a drill, isn't that awesome? Plus, you can use both PLASMIDS and GUNS. Now that's awesome. For a 2010 game? This feels spectacular.

Much like the first game, the ambience is top-notch - it's hard to compare to the first game but I would say it's slightly better. Sound, OSTs and visuals are all pretty good, and they improved on what they already had- so it's still unique.

You see some returning foes, and some new ones - like the infamous Big Sisters, your mortal enemy. But overall, not much changed from the first game in regards to combat - except for some QoL changes, like making all your passive plasmids just one big group.

... Unfortunately, changing between plasmids and guns can get pretty confusing on the computer, for they took out our precious weapon wheel from the first game. Good luck changing plasmids mid-fight.

Hacking was also changed for a much better alternative, and there's not a huge difficulty spike from early to the late game here like it happens in BS1.

And, bear with me on this, the story is much better than the first game. It still uses the foundation of what was shown - even mentioning the events of the first game - but it's on a totally different level here. Maybe someday I will elaborate on it, but my personal opinion is that there's much more gold inside BS2 than there is on the first game.

If you liked the first game, you will love this one. Maybe you will prefer the first one, maybe not. Just play it if you haven't already.

Could've been better. They had a nice theme with the D&D stuff but eventually, it ends badly.

While the art style is nice and there are often rewards for tuning in to streams from the devs or partners, it just reminds me of one of those mobile AFK arena copies- which, in a way, goes against what I expect of an idle game.

Mind you that I am by no means the biggest Idle player, but this one is simply not for me. I think there is room for improvement here.

By being a free-to-play game, it is quite easy to test it out for yourself, so give it a try if you have a few hours of your life to spend looking at the game now and then.

I've been waiting for this game for a while now, and after playing the demo that was released some time ago, I need to confess I was VERY disappointed.

The demo felt nothing like the trailers shown, nothing like the game promised and of course, it was a major letdown for me.

HOWEVER. Hope did not die yet, I got it anyway, booted it up and started playing. Sure, the beginning is quite slow - but from the very first few minutes, you can see some improvements. It did not feel like the demo at all, it felt faster, and less repetitive as well.

I played three to four stages, and sure as hell it was the game I was expecting. Badass songs, cool movesets, fast-paced action, brutal finishers, gore and so on.

Needless to say, there are clear inspirations in some other indie games here, a popular one I'd say is Hotline Miami - but it plays nothing like it. But much like HM, it is very fast and punishing, especially if you're playing on the highest difficulty.

I won't get into spoilers, and I have not taken the time to 100% it yet- but from the trailer, there are quite a lot of options for customization and challenges to do. If you're looking to get a 100% on this, you're definitely spending maybe 12 hours or so, depending on how good you are or what difficulty you are playing.

The writing is, as mentioned by others, not the best - but honestly, any of us is really playing this for the story? Given that the combat is the main focus here, the story we got is quite enough, being very fair.

A few things annoyed me. I wish other traits from the tree would be more useful, a few of them felt very... useless. Mostly from the grabber tree. The sounds of dying enemies can get repetitive too, one of the sounds being from Katana Zero too, so I'm very sick of that sound. Not that it's bad, by any means, but hopefully in the near future, the developer will change that.

A few levels are quite annoying, mostly because they have a lot of enemies with guns and you have to roll a lot. This can be avoided by simply playing on a lower difficulty, but you don't get gamer credits for it.

Also, add multiplayer coop. This game could seriously use it, it'd be awesome.

Nonetheless, Midnight Fight Express, ladies and gentlemen. Very good. Highly recommended, please buy it.

Loop Hero. It's a game I tried to like, I have attempted to play it, what, five times at this point?

So, the idea here is that you act more as a worldbuilder than a player, you mostly give your character challenges for them to overcome - in a brutal and grim world, or a to-be-world.

As you can imagine, every time you die, you lost resources and the world resets, and once again, you have to do the same. That is not bad per se, since that's a formula for most roguelikes.

But for me it feels too slow, most cards seem to not be useful unless paired with more advanced cards. Of course, that's intended I presume and I would have no problem with that if it was a little bit less grindy to progress in this game.

Not all roguelikes need to be easy, or not grindy, but when it is slow (even on 4x) and you need to do that multiple times, it gets on my nerves. You can't even alt+tab while your hero is running the loops, so it makes all of this more frustrating.

The graphic is amazing, the OST is pretty good and I think it fits nicely with the theme. I can't say much about the story, but from what I saw, it seemed quite interesting. Overall, I think it's a good game - it's definitely not for me, and it's definitely not a horrible game.

Alas, my main concern is how slow it is to progress. How painful it is to die, and while that may be what the developers wanted, I simply don't think it works out in practice. Especially in a roguelike.

Good game. Bad mechanics. Amazing art design, sounds and I go as far as to risk that the story is also top-notch.

There is not really much to be said about Overwatch 2 - it is mechanically the same game as its precursor, with perhaps a few new UI adjustments and minor game-changing stuff.

I don't think it's necessary to say that the launch day was horrible and the queue times were immense; and not only that, even after waiting for (apparently) 30.000 people to join, you still get 5 minutes match queue times.
