I would like to watch Ben and Trilo get melted down and turned into a decorative balloon.

(Also Farewell, My Turnabout has no right being as incredible as it is)

Great intro to the series!
Turnabout Goodbyes as well as Rise From the Ashes are probably some of the best cases the series has to offer (though the latter should’ve been shortened like jesus lord).

love this game I wish gay people were real

the ost for this game rivals the mainline games jesus christ it’s incredible

For a spinoff sequel this was pretty great. Zenkichi and Sophia were both incredible add-ons to the group. Zenkichi was someone I especially wasn’t expecting to like as much as I did.
Everyone else felt like they had pretty good new arcs as well.
The musou gameplay was also surprisingly fun. The way the rpg mechanics were built into it were creative and fun to toy around with.
Decent sequel on nearly all fronts!

Favorite of the modern Persona games. This game improves upon the original P5 incredibly. The added quality of life features as well as the third semester are incredible. The themes and philosophical debate that the 3rd semester brings up are one of my favorite in any narrative let alone video game.
The characters are all pretty great, and as expected the UI is gorgeous.
Just an incredible game all around!

The first Persona game I played, and I enjoyed my time with it! While semi-lighthearted for a murder mystery, characters’ struggles still felt like they held a lot of gravitas.

The OST is also incredible. Something about just makes you feel like you’re in a different era, it’s great.

ive never felt like
doo doo doo
so miserable
doo doo doo

The gameplay was alright but I absolutely adored the narrative. The themes regarding the inevitability of death and what it truly means to live despite that constant dread are morals that’ll never be lost on me.
The characters’ individual struggles with death and how differently they’re all handled is also great.

tartarus can suck a fat one tho ;-; god

Just barely under Danganronpa 2 to me. Love the cast and thought the ending was neat. This game’s protag also has the best full-game arc imo. I thoroughly enjoyed Hajime, so I was pleasantly surprised by the end of this game.
The UI and visual aesthetic of this game was great, but I think I prefer the eerie serenity of 2’s just a little more.

Wish I could turn Oma into a basketball and dribble him til his heart stops he’s cool

Toko and Komaru deserve better than to be in this game ;-; I love their dynamic but jesus lord the rest of this game.
Publicly execute Haiji please and thank you.

but also this game has ball monokuma so maybe it’s not so bad

Favorite of the series and contains Nagito Komaeda. The atmosphere is great and Hajime is a great step up from Makoto protag-wise. All the trials (with the exception of the third) felt really engaging and intriguing.
I can’t really place why, but I just really enjoy the overall vibe of this game. I suppose the OST and tropical aesthetic really play into that.
Beautiful Ruin and Ekoroshia are tracks that have no right being as good as they are btw

this was definitely,
a video game of all time.

i need to put eric in a blender

Good lord the twists in this game are absolutely incredible. VLR tricks you at every conceivable turn and delivers such an incredible narrative through it all. The characters are great (for the most part), and so are their monologues. However, the game’s tediousness, visual presentation, and ending bar me from enjoying it more than 999. Still an incredible game! But man I will never look at a map in the same way ever again.

Favorite game out of the trilogy!
Such an incredible atmosphere and narrative. Not to mention how incredibly it used the DS not just for gameplay, but storytelling purposes as well.
Outstanding all around!

apologize to the funyarinpa.

This review will be adjusted once the final chapter is released. However, for the time being, Your Turn to Die is genuinely probably my favorite game of all time.
The game offers an incredible amount of content for what it is, and manages to also deliver an outstandingly heartfelt story on top of it. There’s so many aspects of this game that work in tandem with one another in a way that keeps the player engaged at all times. When it comes to other visual novels in the same vein, you tend to get at least some story beats that begin to test your patience. However, I never felt like that happened in Your Turn To Die. Every new chapter feels like it’s better than the last and I continually felt impressed as I went on. This is a point-and-click visual novel so you’d be hard-pressed to find a ton of intuitive gameplay so to speak. However, the gameplay that does exist is implemented incredibly. The game puts the player in situations where they feel like THEY are just as responsible as the main character for the events that happen throughout the story. It really pushes the medium and delivers an exceptional narrative.
This is one of few stories where I can confidently say that I love every member of the cast that you’re first introduced to. Even as they start to trickle off, dead characters stay relevant and in some instances get more characterization than when they were alive. No participant feels useless.
The slight psychological horror aspects aren’t used overbearingly either. They do a good job at building up the dreadful atmosphere that the cast is stuck in. The art and OST are great and supplement this as well.
Everything about this game just feels so, genuine. Characters hold believable levels of trust/distrust for one another, characters are given time to grieve realistically or act certain ways because of said grief, bonds that exist between specific characters don’t feel forced, and so much more.
The game is always 5 steps ahead of you and will trick you no matter how far ahead you think you’re thinking. It toys with your perceived knowledge and plays with your emotions at every turn.
This is a game that deserves to be experienced by all. If you like death games, characters you can get emotionally attached to, psychological horror, great art/music, or hate yourself, please play this game. It is VERY worth your time.