Master Chief’s uncontrollable AI fetish is beginning to get in the way of his mission.

I enjoyed the gun play and often found myself utilising creative ways to defeat enemies. There is absolutely no reason for the open world element to exist however. It sapped any pace and urgency from the campaign and had me engaging in dry box ticking when I should be getting some sense of a wider conflict and story beyond fairly uninteresting audio logs. Zeta Halo seemed considerably less interesting than the setting of the original Halo game.

Note* I do not play online multiplayer, so that could be exceptional for all I know.

Eddie Low's going to get you.

In terms of having an authentic and well paced storyline this is probably Rockstar’s best offering in the Grand Theft Auto series, unfortunately it just lacks some of the abundant fun of the iterations that preceded and followed it.

Imagine Spider-Man, but he can’t go outside when it’s raining.

If you liked Spider-Man on the PS4 you will also like this. It is iterative rather than a complete progression. I was after a bit more personally and found Miles to be a less interesting protagonist than Peter but there is no denying this is a very well polished and fluid experience.

George Stobbart, the only likeable American tourist that has ever set foot in Europe.

If you do not love this game, you do not love life. I have nothing more to say. Truly the bedrock of why I still to this day adore adventure games.

Note* It is an abomination that the 1996 release is not available under its title in most countries 'Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars'.

For a brief moment there it felt as if GameCube would rule the world...


Zagreus is definitely the winner of "my Dad's harder than your Dad"

Bring back the days when we named games in the same fashion as PhD thesis titles.

The Master Chief is serving Master Beef.

Don't waste your life looking for Koroks, they aren't even grateful. Scumbags.

It's endlessly amusing that the greatest game ever made came out on a console that was built on the concept of waggling.

The souls I sent to the briny deep still haunt me now. I'll kill you all again, you dogs!

Wife Guy 2, with Finnish sunlight deprived delirium.

Stop right there, CRIMINAL SCUM! You wouldn't think a game concerned with closing gates that morons keep leaving open would be so compelling and frankly hilarious.

It's like consuming The Guardian in enema form.