sickest game soundtracks i've ever heard in my life

it's my list i get to shove as much trash as i want to in it 🖤

click on the blurb for a cool song from the game (though i might link to full playlists for some of 'em)

not really in any sort of order i just really like ff7 and plok soundtracks. probably forgot something but thought i'd stick with 25 for now cuz it's aesthetically pleasing to me in grid form

Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls
yes girl pop off!!!
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
the girlies are fighting... :(
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure
Moon: Remix RPG Adventure


idk if its unpopular at all but i honestly disliked X's ost a lot lol
Gestalt tho (and some others) I definitely agree are goated, NieR probably has my favorite ost ever
Btw, seeing nocturne on here, I highly recommend the digital devil saga duology. 1 especially has such an amazing atmospheric ost, my favorite in all of megaten it's so good

5 months ago

Glad to see 3&K get mentioned I feel like it gets slept on because of CD (justifiably so)

4 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 yeah i'll probably give dds1/dds2 a full playthrough eventually. i did like two or three dungeons in dds1, but took a break and never went back haha

@Wollom 3&K's soundtrack is insanely good, it's mostly just a shame re-releases have had to change some of the tracks

4 months ago

uhm excuse me? i think your forgetting something,

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