I really want to like this game more than I do, but something about it just doesn't feel right to me. The controls just feel sticky in a way I couldn't move past. I get why people adore this game, I really do, and I really wish I could be there with them. I love the art and the design. But it just never clicked with me.

Simply put? Too punishing by the end to be fun.

It's okay. It's a watered-down, kind of disappointing version of Rondo of Blood. It lacks the precision of level design and polish. The final boss is annoying and unfun, and I quit the game, only to return the next day after realizing I should just use the throwing axe.

I would love this game if it wasn't loaded with offensive trash

chapter 1: hmm this seems a little simplistic

chapter 4: i would die for these rectangles

One of my favorite multiplayer shooters, and frankly one of the best and most innovative multiplayer games of all time with, by far, one of the most toxic, bigoted, vitriolic player-bases I've ever seen that results in the game being virtually unplayable.

I wish I could say this game was a great, fun, agitprop romp. But it's just not very fun.

little nemo is the original 3d mario

an average shmup with an above average ost.

This game has no right to be as good as it is. LISTEN TO THE BASS

It’s bad but it knows what it is

For a lot of personal reasons, I prefer to this to League, but I think both games are well constructed. Ignoring the overwhelmingly toxic community, and ignoring the absurd patches, I just really like how this game feels and moves.

people like to sneer at League and feel smug and smart, but it is a good game. The community is toxic, sure, and I prefer DotA for a lot of reasons, but it is a well-made game with some good characterization.

My biggest issue is actually its business model, which single-handedly pushed me away from the game for nearly a decade. I hate the F2P model it has, and it won't even let me change my username without coughing up cash or playing for a stunning amount of time.

I really like what it's trying to do, even if I end up not sticking with it. It's trying something unique with the MOBA formula and refines it pretty well. I'm just really bad at team fights!