haven't played nearly as much as X1. despite that, i think the boss fights are a hell of a lot cooler, n the stages look nicer too imo

i reviewed the X legacy collection a while ago but i feel like giving my take on each of the X games individually.
i've played this game so much to the point where i don't know if the game is easy or i just know it too well now
anyway, banger

raiden is so cool they should give him a cool hack n slash spinoff

i had to play the first 8 hours of the game twice, except the second time i did it in like 2 hours, ended up finishing the game with a 6 hour save file lol

works great as a buildup to mega man 6, the best one

hella overrated if you've played literally any of the games after it but it's still p good

p spooky but i think re2r still has it beat a bit
also somebody get these mfs some better flashlights 'cause got dam

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i wanted to love this game even more than i loved the first one, gravity rush 1 was one of the most magical experiences i've ever had with a video game, but it's sequel was relentlessly frustrating.
the new gravity styles were such a cool idea, but were not fun to control at all, especially Jupiter style, in a game where 90% of the enemies are constantly flying across the room, and all it takes is a slight shift to left to go flying past them. made worse by the camera being practically attached to Kat's back when charging up.
despite everything, there were quite a few moments i genuinely enjoyed. the last couple chapters were a blast, i loved seeing everybody in hekseville again, and seeing how they had changed in the years kat had been gone.
chapter 4 also had a very cool(👍) final boss, as well as the ending scene, getting to play as Raven, if only for a short patrol around the city.
if it weren't for chapters 3 & 4, this game might've been like a 3 or 3.5★, and i'm glad i decided not to give up like i have with a couple other frustrating games lmao

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The Phantom Thieves reunite for one hell of a summer vacation, culminating in them taking on their ultimate opponent; Mark Zuckerberg.

this is my new favorite persona lmao what a cool game