Reviews from

in the past

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Não tem como negar, esse jogo é visivelmente inferior ao megaman zero 3... Abaitolaram meu joguinho 😢.

De todas as armas do jogo, eles decidiram jogar tudo no lixo e ter apenas uma, a zero knuckle, ok ela é criativa, dando pra pegar as armas dos inimigos, e mesmo assim não consigo gostar muito dela, ela acaba sendo um uso momentâneo e que depende muito da situação. E o que piorou aqui foi as EX skills, eu não sei, eu não sei porque diabos eles mudaram o sistema de rank A para obtê-las, e trocarem por "vença o estágio com o elemento desfavorável", por que todo esse esforço pra fuder alguém? Que mecânica mais fútil, faz uma alteração ou outra na fase, nas continua a mesma bosta. Denovo, o jogo desperdiçando potencial.

E aqui eles decidiram remover o sistema de chips de fraqueza, do nada, no absoluto gratuito, aquele sistema ajudava bastante nas lutas de chefe, e sempre era útil usar em sub-chefes chatos, mas aqui eles só cortaram isso e ponto final. O que pode dar conter isso, é pegar algum inimigo elemental com a knuckle e lutar com ela contra o chefe. Outra forma também é pegando as ex skills, que se tu não soubesse do sistema de temporal, tu vai ter que enfrentar os chefes no pelo... e isso só seria prejudicial se eles fossem difíceis, porque eles tão muito perto do nível do primeiro jogo. Muitos chefes ficaram com padrões fracos, só tendo 3 chefes desafiadores, o unicórnio (não sei o nome dele), o craft, sendo uma luta divertida, e o boss final.

A dificuldade é mais deteriorada ainda por causa do novo sistema de cyber elfos, aqui eles decidiram remover todo aquele sistema de pegar elfos, e agora você só tem um, tendo que evoluir ele para surgir novas habilidades que tu pode escolher, e que apelão! Ficou mais fácil ainda aumentar a vida de zero, e esse desgraçado ainda dá novos ataques para o zero, ou poder aumentar o dano, bem fudido.

O que mais fuderam foi as armaduras, porque agora o jogo virou minecraft pra ficar craftando arma. Você tem que pegar peças dropadas de inimigos para criar armaduras, com 4 slots de item e várias peças, fica praticamente impossível descobrir uma na raça, e é por isso que os npcs ficaram úteis, já que agora, ao conversar com eles, eles podem dar uma receita de armadura, mas não são todas que são entregues, então boa parte das armaduras boas vão ficar nos confins da Internet. E os cyber elfos também podem dar essas receitas, conversando com eles através da tela de evolução. Eu não gostei dessa mudança, foi a coisa mais desnecessária de mudar, parece que até estavam tentando fazer o jogo ser mais simples!

A trilha sonora teve um avanço mais metal. A música começa simples e genética, pra do nada surgir uma puta guitarra pesada. Apesar delas não serem tão memoráveis quanto do zero 3, ainda possui músicas muito boas aqui, os estágios finais são um banger completo.

O que salva um pouco esse jogo é a história. De primeira, eu não gostei de descartarem os guardiões de neo Arcádia, e ficou pior ainda a desculpa deles não existirem no jogo, é porque eles morreram... sente isso? Parece que foi só um motivo qualquer pra justificar a falta deles no roteiro, nem acredito nessa afirmação, ainda mais que em nenhum jogo comprova isso, apenas tendo em materiais de fora confiáveis, bem decepcionante descartarem esse grupo dessa forma, ainda mais que eles não tiveram um final definitivo.

Indo direto para o assunto, ficou legal a apresentação dos vilões, com todos eles reunidos em uma sala para tirarem uma com a sua cara. Antes os vilões eram tudo caras desconhecidos que tu não de importava, e agora você tem mais motivo pra espancar esses malditos! E aqui mostra o zero mais objetivo, ele está realmente determinado a acabar com essa brincadeira de weil. O jogo como o último de uma saga, termina ela com chave de ouro, com zero disposto a se sacrificar para o bem de todos, independente se weil é humano ou não, zero quer dar um fim nisso, e dar uma era de paz para a humanidade, assim como ele prometeu para todos os refugiados de neo arcadia. E esse desgraçado morre no processo de parar weil, pois ragnarok iria cair e causar estragos, o que deixa mais épico ainda a música dessa luta, uma puta pedrada de toda franquia de megaman. Com ragnarok sendo parada, ciel não acredita na morte de zero, ela queria viver aquele mundo perfeito com o zero, mas... ele não voltou, e choca bastante ela, com todos já prevendo o que aconteceu com zero, enquanto ela ainda não aceitou a morte dele, então ela corre, e deita no chão, chorando, vendo os destroços da ragnarok, assim como todo homem vendo essa cena. E o que fode mais nela é a música, maldição só de escutar dá vontade de chorar, que jogo desgraçado!!!!

Apesar dele ser inferior ao zero 3, ainda é um bom jogo, apenas foi decepcionante ver a queda que ele teve, mas ele ainda possui a dignidade de fechar a saga zero com estilo, e que salva muito o jogo, num dá cara, conheço nenhum homem másculo que não chorou com essa cena.

Encerramento foda. Meu jogo favorito (com exceção de umineko) junto de MMZ3. Essa franquia dá o final que o Zero merece, durante a franquia X inteira ele morre várias vezes, porém aqui ele tem um final digno do melhor personagem de toda a franquia Mega Man, durante toda a franquia ele sempre se questiona pelo oque está lutando e aqui, lutando ao lado de Ciel ele consegue no final achar a resposta, simplesmente maravilhoso.

"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero... I have always only fought for the people I believe in. I won't hesitate... If an enemy appears in front of me, I will destroy it! Ciel... Believe in me!"
-Zero, in your last words.

Mega Man zero 4 é um dos meus jogos favoritos e adoro sempre rejogar ele, mas ele tem seus defeitos como o sistema de crafting e o farming infinito pelas partes certas.
Eu decidi fazer um desafio dessa vez que eu joguei, usando somente o Z.Knuckle e foi um porre de se passar de alguns chefes por conta dele ter um alcance pequeno, tirando as minhas frustrações com alguns chefes(TE ODEIO TOURO DO KRL) minha experiência com esse desafio foi divertida, teve seus altos e baixos mas no final tudo valeu apena.

Agora é ir fazer isso no Hard...
Ore ni tsuite koreru kana? - Fenri Lunaedge

i dont get why this is considered the black sheep of the series besides some jank with the collectibles

claims to be pro life
dies anyway

I have a... conflicting relationship with this game. On one hand, it's a frustrating, direct downgrade from 3 in many ways. On the other hand, it's the game that I keep getting drawn back into.

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Replaying as an adult via the Mega Man Zero/ZX Collection on Switch

Hmm. I didn't remember liking this one all that much when I was a kid, but with an average rating of 3.9 stars, I thought maybe I just had missed something. Nope, this is my least favorite game in the series. While it does improve on some things, other design choices are not enjoyable.

For the first time in the series, the story feels out of place and most of the plot points make no sense. Humans run from the city to a very obviously-chosen area, then Weil sends out his goons to destroy the area and the 10 or so humans that live there. The main non-Weil antagonist is a "good" reploid that does terrible things because he thinks there's no point in resisting, so I might as well assist in the atrocities. Zero and Ceil have no reason to feel any attachment or camaraderie with Neige but act as if they've been friends for years. Ceil has been mentally defeated by the seemingly endless fighting (good character development) but that is portrayed by just making her whine all the time and repeating the same lines about "are we doing the right thing?" constantly. Finally, Craft deciding that clearly, the solution is to kill all the humans is just nonsensical.

The combat gameplay in MMZ4 was done as well as ever (they didn't change much from MMZ3, if anything) and the level design was pretty good, but most of the bosses are forgettable at best and frustrating at worst. One boss can toss you into an instant-kill pit. One boss can't be hurt at certain phases of his fight, but it's unclear when that is the case and when it isn't. One boss heals for no reason, just prolonging a very repetitive fight.
The Zero Knuckle is the worst subweapon they came up with in the whole series. It was a great idea to be able to interact with enemies with this item. Remove shields, or take their weapons. But it is useless when it isn't holding anything and most of the stolen weapons are clunky and not terribly useful for anything other than novelty. You're almost always much better off just using the buster and the sword.

The cyber-elf system is a MASSIVE overcorrect from the complexities of the previous games. You have 1 elf that levels up as you feed it and complete levels. Not exactly the worst idea in theory, but the max level of the elf means that you only get to use a limited number of the elf's abilities at any given time, and not all of them are that great. This is very limiting and the progression system does not feel satisfying.

Another cool concept that didn't feel good in practice is the crafting system where you create chips from enemy parts.
Enemies don't drop enough parts to make you feel comfortable experimenting, and there are too few opportunities where you are given a recipe. There are a few clues that you can get to blindly use your parts to make a chip that you hopefully want, and there are a few people you can talk to that will give you a recipe. But the timing of when they'll give them to you means that you'll likely assume that the game isn't going to give you recipes at all and you'll have to find them another way. But you never find them! (more on this in a minute)

One positive thing! I enjoyed that you got an EX skill from the bosses, no matter your rating level, as long as you played their level on the hard version. This is a much better method. You get to play the game how you want without a feature being locked away from you just because you aren't speed-running. The weather system was a fun way to bring the whole "saving nature" narrative into the gameplay and it is a cool thing that you can go back to the levels under different weather conditions and you can run through them in a different way.

Finally, because everything was so simplified, there are no cyber-elves to find and so there was basically nothing to explore the levels for. There are a few levels where exploration rewards you with a rare part, and one where you are rewarded with a subtank, but other levels have areas that feel secret or optional but your reward is just an HP refill. How lame is that? There should have been a chip recipe hidden somewhere on every level.

This was the first of all 4 games where I was ready to be done with before it was over.

Okay, so. I’ll get out of the way that it simplifies things a bit much, and that does lessen how I feel on it versus 2 and 3. And the OST is notably a tad off, some tracks are just not good. Others still totally hit. I did an EX skill run this time, and something clicked that previously had not. The weather system dares to ask, what if X6’s nightmare system actually functioned, and had a reward to it, whilst providing a fun way of using the weapon chain in a game you don’t really need it in. Similarly, I think this can make up for the loss of the recoil rod and a lot of 3 and 2’s customizability, as it’s far easier to get a Zero loaded up on Z skills that you can chain together. Didn’t really think much of the system until this run, and it really improved how I feel on the game. It turned from something I thought was pretty great to something I fucking loved. Again, I don’t love the simplified Elf system or how it handled parts, and the knuckle, while cool, is situational, but yeah. I like the game a lot. Finale is still utterly perfect and the story is once again, really good. It’s the only time Mega Man really contributed to a narrative-based series, (as ZX was canned before tying up its loose ends), and it’s great for it. I just can’t make myself do anything but love this game in spite of its faults; my experience was so purely good.

que downgradezinho triste viu

Foda-se, só toma cinco estrelas aí. Te amo Megaman Z4.

Not mechanically as good as 2 or 3 but has my favorite finale in any video game, if that's anything.

I wasn't really feeling this one as much as the other games. The new mechanics they added here aren't all that interesting in my opinion and the crafting system feels unnecessary. I may go back and finish it, but I doubt it'll be any time soon.

Sinto que deu uma queda meio forte do Zero 3 pra esse, tentaram dar umas diferenciadas nesse jogo pra não ficar mais do que foi os 3 anteriores e não sinto que fizeram tão bem, principalmente as Gimics de cada fase e a mudança do Sistema de Elfos (Nunca pensei que ia falar isso...).
A parte principal dos Elfos que é aumentar a vida, defesa e proteger de coisas especificas até que gostei, por mais que precise de novo de Farm pra porra é mais pratico doq ficar caçando a fase toda por algo e ainda ter que gastar os Crystals pra usar, aqui você já tem tudo só precisa farmar, mas cortaram muitos efeitos de Elfos para virarem Equipamentos que nem no Zero 3... mas que ao invés de ganhar no decorrer do jogo ou explorando tem que Craftar.... acaba que o jogo consegue ter um Farm que só não é pior que o Zero 1...

He actually did it.

He found what he was fighting for.

I definitely liked this game the most out of all four games. It felt the most streamlined and absent of most of the annoying gimmicks or ideas incorporated throughout the series. That stuff was cool though, and there's definitely some stuff noticeably absent in this game, but I won't get into that. I just think this is a solid game all around.

I guess I'll use this to say my thoughts on the Zero series overall.

I think it was interesting watching the games evolve as I played. It was a continuation of the X series I wasn't entirely expecting, and there were elements I liked and disliked. The cyber-elf system felt initially frustrating, but once you understand how it all works, it gets better. I appreciate how it was improved upon in each game (might be subjective).

Zero was a treat to play as. The controls felt much more fluid and fast than most of the X games, and blasting through enemies with the variety of Zero's weapons was great. I especially loved using the beam saber, because shredding through enemies with it just feels great. The touch of enemies getting sliced in half when you kill them is great too.

Level design could be hit or miss. I think it was mostly solid, but I don't appreciate the spike fetish some levels had.

The story was kind of "eh," I guess. The themes it explored were new for the series, but they never go into too much depth with anything. I wish Zero got more development, because most of the time he's just a stoic badass who seemingly isn't fazed by anything. This is such a far cry from the X series. I haven’t played the ZX games yet, but I hope we get more into story stuff concerning this far future of the Mega Man series.

Overall, I liked these games. They had some problems, but it's good and definitely more consistent than the X series. They aren't too long either, so it's easy to get through and even replay them.

MMZ4 is the ending to the ongoing saga of Zero himself. It was going to be hard to top Zero 3, a game that I had nothing but glowing praise for and generally perfected the gameplay loop of the series. How does the grand finale fare?

Honestly? It's awesome. It definitely deserves the title of finale. The gameplay loop is a little weaker than before - the weapon selection is pretty uninteresting and the Z Knuckle just kinda blows. It has some interesting usages but I ended up using it very rarely. Furthermore, the crafting system - just like in previous games - feels like a waste. I didn't use it even once. Generally, just like previous entries, I found the game struggled to explain some core mechanics and features, like how to get EX abilities. However, the core gameplay loop is fantastic. It's good old Zero combat with clean level design, mostly well designed and memorable bosses and incredibly satisfying sound design. It plays like a dream. No major improvements from Zero 3 - but the core is intact, and it is glorious.
The story of Zero 4 is also super awesome, as is the final boss that tops it off. I don't want to spoil it if you somehow don't know - but it solidifies Zero as one of the coolest video game characters ever. Be sure to check it out! I really loved where they went with the character and the MMZ universe in this one.

There is nothing more to say, really. Mega Man Zero 4 is the conclusion the series deserved, and as much as I really did enjoy these games - even through my blind rage of dying a million times - I will be sad to see Zero go. I understand there are ZX and ZX Advent, but it won't be the same. Make sure to play this fantastic series, it is by far the best Mega Man has to offer.

Really great game. While not quite as refined as Zero 2 or 3, the core gameplay and level design was still a lot of fun. However, I did find some of the changes and new mechanics a bit disagreeable though. The part system managed to be almost as obtuse as X5's, the new cyberelf system removed the fun of collecting them, the change in EX skill acquisition was dumb, etc. The removal of elemental chips was genius though, as it alleviates the franchise's long-standing issue with weakness abuse sucking the fun out of bosses. Serves as an amazing epilogue to the Zero series, too.

this game makes me really angry, they took SO many steps back from zero 3 and you can really tell they were forced by capcom to churn this one out

the most effort that seems to have been put in was for the amazing ending (which prevents this game from being entirely a waste) and the music (which genuinely ranks among the best mega man soundtracks, imo)


I probably shouldn't have called Mega Man Zero 3 the best game in this series because it turns out the actual best game in this series is Mega Man Zero 4. For the most part, this game is the complete refinement of everything that came before. The level design is at it's best in this game, even getting a little bit ambitious. The elemental chips are gone, replaced by EX Weapons so long as you complete the stages in "hard mode", which made exploiting boss weakness with this a lot more exciting than just simply slapping on an element into the slot and letting loose a charge shot. The Elf System is also at it's best, streamlining the satellite system from the previous game, although a slight grinding issue still remains if you want to max it out.

If there's one negative i have to say about the game, it's the completely dumb crafting system that i never used. You can collect parts to craft chips except it's completely unintuitive and you do not need it whatsoever. But overall, this is definitely one of Inti Creates' best. In fact, i think it stands toe-to-toe with Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, which i believe to be Inti Creates' current best game and the only reason I will give Zero 4 a point lower than Gunvolt 2 is only because Gunvolt 2 is one of my personal favorite games of all time and while i do like this game, i don't think it makes that list. At least not right now, who knows, i may revisit it in the future and change my mind.

Most of systems-level changes are for the worse and the knuckle's a disappointment, but they did not skimp on the anime schmaltz for this one. Imagine thinking Zero is cool because of the Sequelitis moment with Vile rather than because of this game.

Me emocionei de verdade jogando, em questao de bosses e outras coisas ele pode ate ser inferior ao Zero 3, mas ainda acho um grande jogo, ainda mais por ser a finalizacao da franquia, e que finalizacao , meus amigos...

Zero 4 is good. It has Zero's fantastic controls, a great story, and another amazing soundtrack (Falling Down is my favorite song in all of Mega Man). That said, it changes up a lot of stuff from 2 and 3 seemingly just for the sake of it, and the gameplay suffers quite a bit as a result.

Maior parte das fases são bem medianas e o sistema de partes é muito chato de se navegar sem um guia
Mas pqp eu amo essa conclusão e amo as novas mecânicas

Ehhh, not bad at all, i just didn't find it as fun as the others.
8 stages from the start is great, but most of them are annoying and not very fun to play through. The bosses are fine though and the ending is great.

I didn't like the rest of the story that much honestly.

The elf system is a lot better now and i can finally get some Ex skills. It's weird to me that they gatekeeped them behind ranks all this time when the main appeal Zero has is his moveset yet most players won't be able to get them and will get stuck playing Elemental-Chip-Charge-Attack-Man. The chip system sucks, i didn't even bother with farming for that stuff, i looked up a guide and most of them aren't even worth it.

If 3 was the peak, 4 was the very aggressive, mostly unfun valley. Ending was amazing though.

An fantastic end to an amazing series.

I put this on equal footing to MMZ3 because the zero knuckle is just so cool, as opposed to the impact rod which I never bothered using except to get items. I don't care if the zero knuckle is weak or situational. What's yours is now mine