Reviews from

in the past

An amazing, over-the-top sequel that takes a risk by changing the formula and nails it.

This game is oozing with atmosphere and story. I was not a fan of the controls at first when starting out in the village, but they grow on you (mostly). This game plays more like an action horror with survival elements. The limited resources keeps the survival elements alive. The story is ridiculous and top-notch. Leon reprises his role in this one and you are tasked with rescuing the president's daughter who has been kidnaped. You don't know much about what happened or who is behind it, but you learn as the story progresses. The story is pretty linear, and the puzzles are more straightforward. They really wanted you to experience the story and scratch your head less. The characters are all pretty solid, and the performances are amazing (for the time). The combat felt off, but I understand it was done to accommodate the GameCube controls. Once you get used to it, you're good. The monsters are varied in this one requiring you to use different mechanics. Not just for bosses but event for standard enemies, which is kind of nice. All of this comes together to create a really solid experience.

I played entirely on Steam Deck and it played flawlessly. I had it set to high graphics, and locked it to 60fps and 60hz refresh rate. It took me a little over 18 hours to complete.

Overall, the evolution the franchise took in this entry was thoroughly enjoyable. The monsters and action are more over-the-top and the story drives this game to make it a top tier experience.

Get the HD mod, and with its accessibility features, it becomes a near perfect game.

se eu tivesse jogado sem o mod do hd project seria menos 3

One of the best games ever made...?
sure ig.


No entiendo qué tiene este juego para recibir tantas alabanzas por parte de todo el mundo.

De Resident Evil no tiene nada puesto que yo conocí Resident Evil como un SURVIVAL HORROR donde tenías que explorar un escenario resolviendo puzzles y encontrando objetos que te permitan avanzar, enfrentándote a enemigos cada vez más peligrosos con munición justa dándote una sensación de indefensión.

¿Tiene algo de eso este juego? No, es un juego de acción en tercera persona donde los puzzles y la exploración están reducidos al mínimo y simplemente consiste en dispara y avanza, fin.

¿Dónde está la tensión? ¿En la falta de munición? No, te dan munición a más no poder y además puedes matar enemigos a base de golpes cuerpo a cuerpo para ahorrar más.
¿En las avalanchas de enemigos? Eso más que provocar tensión provoca hastío de ver cuanto pesado aparece, y más aún cuando te toca cuidar de Ashley.

Por no hablar de que para ser un juego de acción se siente muy limitado. No puedes correr mientras apuntas, no puedes cambiar de arma rápidamente, no puedes agacharte.

Si no es un Survival Horror, y como juego de acción no vale nada ¿Qué le queda?

Yeah this game is just ridiculously good and a fun time. Outside of the QTE's it aged so well. Actually makes me want to play the remake even sooner now.

What can I say about Resident Evil 4 that hasn't been said already? Well, there's this: I first played this game as a seven-year-old in 2006. My mother came home with a white shopping bag and said, "I've just bought your favourite game," and pulled out the PlayStation 2 version of Resident Evil 4. Why she declared it to be my favourite game when I'd never played it in my entire life up till then, I don't know. But 17 years later, she was right. Love you, Mom.

Resident Evil 4 is the definitive third-person shooter. It's as influential and revolutionary as Doom and Super Mario 64 and Final Fantasy VII and Grand Theft Auto III, in that it changed video games forever. Even today, every single third-person shooter has some of this game's DNA inside it.

And it's still as close to perfection as a video game can ever get. Despite having played through it more times than I can hope to count, I've never a dull moment with Resident Evil 4, and I'm always up for replaying it.

Over the years, I've encountered some whippersnappers who think RE4 isn't all it's cracked up to be, or that the controls are clunky, or that it wasn't 'true cvlt survival horror' and precipitated the downfall of the series. If I'm friends with these neo-zoomers, I just say, "Son, you had to be there..." I wish I could explain to them the magic of playing this game in 2006, a magic that still hasn't faded for me.

Of course, if I have no reason to be civil to such people, then I can say what I really want: Shut the fuck up. RE4 rules.

Tied for the best Resident Evil with Resident Evil 4.

Awesome game, controls are a bit dated but some will love them. Not normally one to complain about too much content but the game does drag on a bit tbh.

leon saying "way" changed the trajectory of my life

There is nothing much to be said that hasn't been mentioned by someone else. Depending on the week, I think it's the best game of all time.

Replayed with the HD project mod and it is just absurd. All the praise to Albert and Cris for the fantastic work. The castle section specially takes an additional feeling of becoming an art gallery/museum with all those high res paintings.

The worst continuation of the series of horror games that could be imagined. If the beginning still tried to seem like something with elements of horror, then a little further the game slides into a very primitive shooting gallery, from which literally stick out the details of an arcade shooting gallery. The whole game is full of absolutely useless mechanics, every shot to the enemy's head is accompanied by a special animation, turning the game into a headshot. Not to forget about terribly boring QTEs, which at one moment just turn into coloured buttons popping up during the splash screen, spoiling the last good thing that was left in the game. If a piece of shit was a game - it would be Resident Evil 4.

it's just that good
HD Project highly recommended

Tank controls aside, this is an incredibly well made game!

Played it here too yup no ones surprised just checking of every platform like a psycho

This game is a classic! Gameplay is super solid and well designed, HD (mod) textures look great. Played it with a wired Gamecube controller as God intended, but the worst part is that reaction commands are random and don't match so it's hard to push the correct button. And, unfortunately, I encountered a bug which crashes the game and I cannot advance further.

While the remake massively improved the story this is still a great action-horror game, with some of the most accessible shooter controls ever if you mod out the terrible QTEs. Women.

Esse pra mim, é o jogo mais importante da franquia Resident Evil, ele que introduziu as mecânicas, controles e o esquema de câmera que todos os jogos dali pra frente iriam usar.

Resident Evil 4 é um jogo extremamente bom pra época que foi lançado, contendo um gráfico muito superior aos demais e se destacando pela jogabilidade divertida e o seu alto fator replay.

Entretanto, apesar de ser um clássico que acerta em muitos pontos, ele também erra bastante em diversos dele, e um desses pontos é a história que apesar de boa, não consegue desenvolver direitos os personagens e nem lhes dar motivação o suficiente, é como se tudo que eles tivessem de bom fosse "ser fodões", mas se tirar isso eles são só uma casca vazia que falam frases de efeito a cada minuto, coisa que foi consertada no Remake.

Outro ponto negativo pra mim, são as texturas extremamentes malfeitas pra esse porte no PC, porque a Capcom simplesmente focou só em deixar em HD os modelos de personagens e largou as texturas do cenário de lado, um trabalho um tanto quanto preguiçoso pra falar a verdade.

Eu recomendo muito esse jogo pra todos os fãs da saga e até mesmo aqueles que têm dúvida de qual Resident Evil começar. Apesar de eu preferir o remake, esse é bem mais acessível a pessoas que não tenham um computador tão bom ou então que não tenham dinheiro pra adquirir o remake.


one of the bests games i ever played

People ask me what my favourite capcom game used to be.

Virei fã de Resident Evil por causa do RE2 Remake, mas já conhecia a franquia desde o 4, mas o estilo que a série seguiu focando na ação não me atraia e tirando algumas vezes que jogava não dava uma chance de ir muito a fundo, fiquei pensando se comprava ou não um bom tempo, até que foi anunciado o Remake do próprio e me deu um banho de hype e vontade de jogar e cara, o que era pra ser uma degustação pra antes do Remake se tornou um ótimo jogo que eu já deveria ter zerado a muito tempo.
RE4 é muito bom, tem coisas que me desagradaram como algumas coisas datadas, a versão HD de PC poderia ser melhor, tens uns bugs, excesso de click time events, a câmera que as vezes atrapalha e texturas mal acabadas, mas o núcleo, o jogo é sim bom pra caramba, fiquei viciado e entretido boa parte do tempo pela qualidade do mundo, inimigos "carismáticos", a trilha e os efeitos sonoros, história contada de maneira boa (tirando o final que esperava um pouquinho mais) e por ser RE, ele pode ser mais voltado pra ação mas tem várias coisas que faz com que seja um game digno da franquia com puzzles, momentos metroidvania só que mais linear e recursos que em certos momentos vai ter que tomar cuidado pra não ficar sem nada e junto com isso equilibra com a dificuldade que é boa, não mega difícil mas não mega fácil, além de novidades como o mercador que gostei bastante e mudanças pra franquia positivas, principalmente a mudança de ângulo, me estressei algumas partes com a Ashley como era de se esperar kkkkk mas foi uma experiência muito boa, a campanha tem uma ótima duração e tem uns extras bacanas, é bem surpreendente pra um jogo de PS2, tem conteúdo que vários AAA nem chega perto de ter, entrou no meu top 20 da vida, o que acho bastante, já joguei bastante coisa boa e RE4 é um deles.

A run :
- NG+ Pro
- NG+ Normal
- NG+ Amateur
- NG+ Easy

A reprendre :
- NG Pro
- NG Amateur
- SW + SW+
- Hunk Village

Quando penso em jogos que envelheceram bem, não consigo pensar em exemplo melhor que Resident Evil 4.

Mesmo sendo um jogo que definiu vários conceitos para a indústria, e estes mesmos conceitos tenham sido infinitamente melhorados pelos jogos que vieram depois, ainda é um jogo que se mantém muito atual.

Sem dúvidas é um jogo que merece ser jogado de tempos em tempos para lembrarmos o que o torna especial.

Considered by many to be not only one of the best Resident Evil games, but also one of THE best video games of all time, Resident Evil 4 brings the iconic franchise to a new territory, one that is filled with tension and bombastic action that remains a golden standard in the genre.

This incredible sequel brought so many features and improvements to the table, from overhauling the traditional combat and enemies of the franchise, turning the horror atmosphere into action, and so much more!

There are just so many things to love about this entry! One thing that robs it out of a perfect star, however, is the terrible port that does nothing to improve upon the graphics despite the name "Ultimate HD Edition" and a poor performance that often makes it feel like you're playing the game in slow motion.

Um clássico revolucionário, mas não consigo amar ele.

1998... I will never forget it.