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Gameplay is fantastic and a great improvement over the first, I love the parkour systems and the combat is simple but satisfying. The main character's voiceover is also insanely good, I was shocked at multiple points. The story starts good to fine and slowly devolves into the worst video game story I've played in recent memory. The last 4 or so missions are a mess on every level, featuring the worst story beats, the most confined and unfun areas, and a ton of glitches (the game nearly crashed on me 3 times at least before finally doing so in the credits). I was a champion of the first, so it's a bummer to see this one turn out like this... not outright bad but has a lot of issues.

Didn't actually get any gamebreaking bugs. Apparently the devs have said that some glitches only appear for some players meaning it's really just a "works for me xD" kind of thing.

It's ok, wouldn't bother giving it a 2nd playthrough unless for the sake of coop. I skipped almost every bit of dialogue, the little of the story I did see was pretty uninteresting. On the topic of the story I find it quite funny that even after they cut ties with Avellone they still kept painting this as a whole "choose-your-adventure" kind of thing even though in the end you simply pick what ending you want.

I think the core gameplay is an improvement over the original for sure but I think something like this still wears rather thin by the end of a single playthrough considering you kind of unlock everything you want by the 70% mark of the game and after that it's just rushing through the rest of the game so you can say you finished the game. Of course that's mostly anecdotal evidence so it really depends on how much you enjoy doing open-world copypasted activities.

I'm not sure I'd recommend it but that's not to say it's anything bad. It's a matter of whether or not you care for open world games, which typically I only play to waste time. In this case I was kind of keeping an eye for this for some time considering I played the original so much and I'd say it did it's job well enough. It gave me something to do. Wasn't exactly time well spent but at least the first 15 or so hours was enjoyed a bit. As I said though, I started getting rather bored by the halfway point.

greatly improved gameplay from the first in my opinion, but the game, for me, went really down hill in the second area.

The dark timer was a really cool mechanic that i adored. I recommend playing with the timer off to make it much more immersive.
The second area was to open for me and it felt like it was either just moving up warns or jumping over cars and nothing else.
The story was also really really un interesting from the second area onwards.

overall i wish the story wasn't the main focus, and instead, they focused more on giving fun gameplay scenarios.

A fine game, interesting game play that gets repetitive after a while and a story that while interesting, forgets what it was talking about last constantly.

Just fun movement, especially after the turning point about 5 hours in
The effort made in player choice

Story somewhat disconnected and confused about what its doing
Kind of boring gameplay after a while but it did last fine

Always choose the survivors and never the cops, trust me.


This review contains spoilers

A pretty good follow-up to the original. The parkour has been refined to remove some of the cheese you could do in the original. Traveling at night can feel more dangerous at the start of the game, but as time progresses, it becomes less of an issue, thanks to equipment and items, especially if you're exploring dark zones. It's a shame that volatiles are not present on the map at night, except in chases, as that added some tenseness to the original game that is missing here.

There are some good choice options here that do affect the ending or outcomes in the game. However, the Survivors vs. Peacekeepers bit felt a bit muted, as I didn't really feel like giving resources to either faction was helpful outside of some niche benefits. Peacekeepers focusing on weapons and traps, whereas Survivors focus on traversal, which mostly become useless when the paraglider becomes available, and a revive.

There are also a number of audio and graphical glitches in this game. Sound will sometimes create this very audible and very annoying buzzing noise that will be all you can hear. As well as this, there are times where character models freeze or don't load properly. Cutscenes can also just freeze the image, but continue the audio.

Good game, but needed some more QA time.

There is a lot to talk about with this game, and I think it's a bit of a mixed bag that thankfully ends up being more positive than negative. It has plenty of elements that work really well and help it stand out as one of the most exciting games of the past few years. But then at the same time it has some glaring issues that would make even Ubisoft blush.

Dying Light 2 offers some really fun parkour and hilariously goofy combat but struggles with it's mission structure and narrative. 90% of it's characters are completely certifiable which both works to its benefit and its detriment. Some moments are goofy and ridiculous, while others can be obnoxious and grating. This mixed bag of emotions and tones leads to a story that can often times feel like you've just been made chief diplomat at the nut house and it's your job to sort things out... while also on a tab of acid. At first, being tossed into a war between two deranged factions was very entertaining, and made it genuinely interesting to try and figure out which group of 60IQ individuals was more reasonable to side with. And while your major choices DO ultimately matter for the endings, their immediate effect on the world and characters has been DRASTICALLY downplayed from what the original gameplay demos might lead you to believe. The game has an initial appearance of deep RPG systems, and while there are some really fun choices and decisions to make (particularly with side quests) it ultimately feels more surface level than it should be. Though it's still way more of an RPG than Cyberpunk, so thats something I guess...

The main story itself is also a puzzling affair. And by that, I mean that I find it puzzling that writers are still dumb enough to think that a story about searching for a loved one we have ZERO attachment to will ever work in an open world game. Just like in Fallout 4, the most interesting parts are the factions and side characters, and I can guarantee you that 99% of players forgot Mia's name within 3 hours of being set loose in the open world. And while the endings themselves are mostly... fine, the wording on the final decision is needlessly fucking vague and my friend and I picked the wrong thing because we thought it meant something else. That was a nice slap in the face that didn't need to happen.

My biggest issue with this game however is definitely the cutscenes during missions. I know this issue is exacerbated by the fact that I played it in co-op (which requires a full cut to black when loading) but it happened for all 40 hours I spent with this, so im gonna complain about it. For whatever reason, this game decided that you need to load into a cutscene for every basic character interaction, and then load back into gameplay for every tiny section of walking. There is literally a mission where you run for 15 seconds, have a 5 second cutscene of someone opening a door, then load back to 10 more seconds of running, then another 5 second cutscene of a door, then 10 more seconds of gameplay and then another cutscene. What the fuck is this?? Just make it all gameplay or all a cutscne. Pick one. Please. This happens so frequently and it gives Ubisoft a run for it's money in the pointless bullshit department. It's irritating because the game has some genuinely fantastic set pieces that are (unsurprisingly) moments where the game just lets you take full control. But several other set pieces that should be fun are squandered by this hot potato of cutscene to gameplay. It feels so obvious that their AI and level streaming/loading are not quite as good as the should be since they need to hide it so blatantly, which is disappointing. And the amount of times they have your character momentarily pass out so they can load something is staggering. It had to have been at least 10 times during the last few hours of the game.

Back to a more positive note, from the visual side of things, the environments look really good and the ray-traced lighting is a great edition. Some people complained that this game is more colorful than the first, but I don't see that as an issue. The last game featured the ULTRA VIBRANT brown, grey, and tan color palette... so I think adding a bit more visual flair to the sequel was the right move. I also like the use of particle effects throughout the world, like leaves blowing in the wind, odors rising from the chemical dumps and dust and debris trickling off rooftops. I think they go a little too far in certain areas, but I'd rather that happen then not have it at all. Sonically, the game is no slouch either, and showcases some good world ambience and fantastic music from the legend Olivier Deriviere. The voice acting however, is only just decent-to-good with Rosario Dawson being the big standout.

In the end, I think this game is a really interesting one, and a title that I'm happy I played. But I think it falls flat in several key areas. Is it fun? Definitely in co-op, and it's fairly fun in solo mode as well. Just don't expect too much narratively.


Não achei a história absurda mas ela é daora de se acompanhar
O combate me divertiu por pouco tempo, após umas horas me senti meio saturado e o sistema de RPG até que é daorinha
O parkour é de longe a coisa mais divertida do jogo
com certeza jogarei novamente pra fazer outros finais

Let me start off by stating that this game is absolutely better then the first game, so if you enjoyed that you will likely enjoy this one. That being said this game is one of high moments and low fustrating parts that will make you go "Oh come on".

I give Techland a lot of credit for being ambitious, the game looks very pretty and when you're in a groove of parkour or combat it's extremely satisfying . It's when the flow gets interrupted where it loses some of its shine as your player movement becomes awkward.
While the game has some uneven writing to say the least i'd be hard pressed to not give a shout out to the mission design as a few specific levels near mid game will likely be in my top gaming memories of 2022.

All in all the game is rough and idiotic at times, but I kept coming back because it wast mostly fun.

Als riesen Fan der Mirror's Edge Reihe habe ich mir sehr auf Dying Light 2 gefreut (der erste Teil ging irgendwie komplett an mir vorbei). Und was das Parkour-Gameplay angeht wurde ich nicht enttäuscht. Das Sprinten und Springen über die Dächer macht Spaß, auch wenn die Umgebungen nicht so gut durchdacht sind wie die Level in Mirror's Edge. Dafür hat Dying Light aber ein wirklich fantastisches Parkour-Kampfsystem, welches extrem befriedigend ist. Generell steckt in den Attacken eine solche Wucht, dass man selbst vom Standard-Zombies Töten nie genug bekommt.

Auch die Skill-Trees bieten eins der besten Level-Up Systeme, die ich in einem open world Spiel bis jetzt gesehen habe. Fast jeder Skill bietet grundlegend neue Gameplay-Elemente, wodurch jedes Levelup wichtig und belohnend ist.

Bei der Präsentation hat Dying Light 2 Höhen und Tiefen. Soundtrack und die wichtigsten Voice Actor sind erste Klasse, aber die Dialoge und die Story sind teilweise zum Fremdschämen. Circa nach der Hälfte der Spielzeit fingen wir an alle Dialoge zu skippen, da wirklich fast alle Unterhaltungen einfach nur ein Austausch nach dem Motto "bring mir das und ich sag dir was du willst" sind. Das wirkt sehr schnell ausgelutscht und viel mehr haben die Quests auch größtenteils nicht zu bieten. Das ganze mündet dann in einem Finale, welches sich viel zu lange zieht samt schwachem Bossfight.

Neben den Haupt- und Nebenquests bietet Dying Light 2 dann noch reichlich Aktivitäten in der Open World. Wir haben nicht all zu viel von diesen Nebenaktivitäten gespielt, aber diejenigen, die wir gespielt hatten, haben sich dank des überragenden Gameplay-Loops wirklich gut angefühlt.

Ein weiterer Kritikpunkt sind dann noch die wirklich vielen Bugs. Ich habe die Story komplett mit einem Freund durchgespielt und dabei gab es immer wieder Synchronisationsissues und andere kleine ärgerliche Bugs. Nichts Weltbewegendes, aber der ein oder andere frustrierende Tod oder Neustart war schon den Bugs geschuldet.

Insgesamt macht es eine Menge Spaß dieses Spiel (vor allem mit Freunden) zu spielen. Besonders gern habe ich Gegner von Dächern gedropkickt oder ganze Horden von Zombies mit Explosionspfeilen hochgejagt. Diese Momente sind purer Spielspaß allerhöchster Güte, aber leider bremst sich Dying Light 2 durch Bugs und eine schwache Story immer wieder selbst aus.

I haven't and probably will never play this but everytime i see the cover i mistake the machete for a microphone so it looks like the king's speech or something

Dying Light begged for a follow-up and now, almost seven years later, Techland has finally made good on that idea after a worrying period of silence and multiple delays. The wait has given the time for Dying Light 2 to evolve into a more nimble and agile zombie, one that has stronger traversal and combat systems. But those upgrades have come at a cost as this undead corpse, in typical Techland fashion, is also covered with a fair bit of rotting, bug-infested flesh.

Read the full review here:

Decent. Minor spoilers beware. Those who love the original Dying Light will absolutely enjoy this. Those who weren't such massive fans though...I would recommend waiting for a sale. Overall, Dying Light 2 does improve much over the original. Sadly, it also takes a few steps back in terms of story and characters. The combat against humans is a tremendous improvement over the original's in my opinion. Adding parries and blocking was a right move, as it gives players more options in combat. Combine that and some parkour skills and you have a pretty decent combat system. The best ever in an FPS game? No. But it is extremely fun to dropkick thugs and zombies off buildings. The dropkick is extremely satisfying to use. Especially after parrying an enemy, jumping over them and drop kicking another grunt right after. Makes me wish that parkour was utilized in combat a tad more. Maybe they did. I wouldn't know. This is the same game that locked SLIDING behind a skill tree. Really? I was shocked to figure that out. First impressions would've been better if Techland actually let you use certain skills right away. But most players won't even unlock all of the skills since it is locked behind exp progression. It may take a while for Dying Light 2 to reveal its full spectacle and I understand that may be a problem to some. If you really want to unlock the whole skill set available to the player, then I recommend playing through many side quests that there is no shortage of. Unfortunately, most of the time, I barely cared. In fact, I didn't care much for the story itself.

The story in Dying Light 2 is a mash of bland and uninspiring ideas that could've gone somewhere interesting, but was ultimately brought down by the underwhelming writing and subpar characters. Techland desperately wants the audience to care for the characters in the story but their attempts at making them relatable and charming fell flat. Relationships with the protagonist, Aiden, felt forced and rushed. Hakon's relationship with Aiden went by faster than a bullet train with how quick it went from Point A, Hakon befriending you and saving your life, to Point B (plot point I won't spoil but it's really nothing interesting). It just gets worse from there. Lawan is an even bigger sucker for Aiden for no reason at all. Aiden is a forgettable protagonist with the blandest personality out of all the cast but yet everybody still wants to sleep with him. On a mission where Aiden's life is at risk, Lawan gets extremely upset and worried and ends up risking her life as well. Then later, she gets pissed at Aiden for making her worry and trekking all the way to where Aiden was in danger and doing so ruined her favorite shoes. Like...I'm sorry? I only knew you for a few hours. Why would I even remotely care? Because you're the embodiment of the tough, snarky, badass girl that every AAA game pushes into their narrative to act like they're progressive? She is literally the exactly same person as Jade from the last game. She was just as forgettable due to the fact I had to google what her name was again. At least make her interesting and unique. Actually, that goes for everybody in the cast. Make them all interesting and unique. It's even more hilarious when I found out that she's romanceable. Seriously? Where does that fit into things? It came completely out of left field. Once again, Aiden only knew her for like a few days. From the moment where we met to where she's romanceable spanned throughout only 1/4th of the main story. Talk about rushing things. I wouldn't be upset about it as I am if it had some whiff of decent writing and charm. Sadly it is an apocalyptic AAA shooter. Every main character has to be as boring and one dimensional as possible.

The only thing that really impressed me throughout my playthrough was a minuscule comment made during the main quest regarding the choices that I've made in the open world. An NPC mentioned how they need an electrical station up and running but another character noted that I've already turned it on during my exploration of the open world. Then everybody in that room proceeded to thank me. The mood turned sour when they found out I decided to give the electrical power to the opposing faction. It was only two lines, but those two lines felt like my actions during side quests actually have weight to it. Yes, many other open world games react to the choices the players make but only choices made during the main quest. This was something I did out of my own curiosity while free roaming, outside of the main quest. This was the only time this happened to me during my playthrough but I don't doubt there's more like this. At least, I hope there is. I beg for more games to do this. It tremendously helps to make the world feel more immersive.

Ultimately, the free-flowing parkour and tense combat are all the positives I have for this Dying Light 2. I haven’t tried out the co-op but I expect it to be the same quality as the first game. Graphics? Pretty good. There’s a noticeable improvement in the gore and first-person animations which is nice. Soundtrack? There’s a few note-worthy tracks here and there, but nothing too special. Performance? On my RTX 2060, pretty damn well. Day One patch fixed all the issues early copy reviews had so no problems there. Although every time I boot up the game, it would suffer heavy stuttering and frame drops for a few minutes. Weird. Zombies? Yeah, that’s one of my few nitpicks with this game. Why are all recent zombie apocalypse games all about human conflict? Yes, I understand that human conflict is the reason why zombies are there but come on, not even one zombie boss in the main story? Even The Last of Us 2 had a sick boss fight against a disgustingly incredible zombie midway through. Nearly all boss fights in DL2 played the exact same way. With the exception of the final boss which is a huge upgrade compared to the original. Then again, not hard to improve on QTE: The Boss Fight. Those willing to try out Dying Light 2 should wait for a sale.

Practically a perfect sequel to one of the best zombie games from the past decade. Dying Light 2 further refines the elements that made the first game so special while also expanding in scope narratively and mechanically to create a gameplay loop that is immensely satisfyingly to play,

Messing around with side quests and generally just enjoying exploring the different environments, I wrapped up the story quest line around 30 or so hours and I personally felt that everything was improved from the first game. Better voice acting, plotlines, and enough player agency to make you feel like the decisions you made make a difference. I'm interested to discuss with my friends who have completed the game what happened in their storylines.

This game was completed on PC and I was lucky enough to have a practically bug free experience, the only actual bug that cropped up during my run was the looping death audio when a partner got downed online, and the character would continue to grunt and wince during cutscenes! This only happened twice though. I was able to play online seamlessly with different people throughout different parts of the game with no issue.
Alongside that, no major performance issues or crashing, I did not have a single crash and the only notable performance issue would be from what seemed to be a memory leak, play sessions pushing over 4 hours saw lower FPS but thankfully a quick restart helped, again this was not much of an issue. The game held around 120FPS during all sections and I can only assume performance may get better as time goes on.

The parkour has made a huge stride and the paraglider is becoming one of the best rips from BOTW as it makes traversing this huge and vertical map a breeze!

Looking forward to the long life of support that title will get moving forward and seeing what types of DLC Techland has in store!

You know when I first started the game I wasn't enjoying that much it really felt like a downgraded version of Dying light one. But as I continued playing and unlocked more skills and got engrossed into the world with its character I will say this games becomes so much better as you start unlocking more skills and just continue with its story. And by the end of it all I found myself immensely enjoying Dying light 2 but sadly it was held back a BIT by its various bugs and issues and sometimes confusing performance issues on PC. Hell I even got hit with a Blue screen of death because of this game that others ran into which luckily never happened again but none the less was scary to encounter lol.

Overall very fun game that I feel is worth its price tag ! there is so much content in this game.

It improves a lot and makes everything else weaker. Still fun though

Solid core gameplay to stick with for a many hours, but disappointing and weak story to come back to it later.
Also I bumped into many visual bugs which really took me out of so called story. Like something I couldn’t understand what’s going on, cause my character was talking with an emptiness. Funny but distracting

Dying Light 2 macht trotz irrelevanter Hauptstory wahnsinnig viel Spaß und schafft eine lebendige Welt, in der man sich einfach gerne über die Dächer bewegt. Die Nebenmissionen bieten lustige Situationen und bringen Tiefe in die Charakterentwicklung, das Movement ist der absolute Star des Spiels und grafisch sieht das ganze auch sehr sehr hübsch aus.

It's good looking and Parkour is good enough to be worth playing for but it's buggy and everything else is mediocre.

The story is not great. (what is Rosario Dawson doing in this game??) But the drop kick is extremely fun so that takes this game from a 6 to a 7 out of 10.

This review contains spoilers

I personally think this game is very disjointed, the multiple choice system has caused multiple problems, an example is how when the bazzar was under attack aiden was talking to the woman from the peacekeepers as if we had spoken before eventhough i never seen here before. and the map design was kinda bad, to meet the old GRE feild doctor i had to cheat the game and do some hard parkor that was not the way it should be done and that took me out of the game. the last thing i want to say is that waltz is not a great villan, he was absent during the game and never gave a reason why destroying the city would save mia oh and mia's story is just bullshit we had spending the whole game trying to get to her and find info on her just for her to have 5min on screen the die. thats just lazy writting in my opinon. all in all i think the first game was better story wise, but gameplay wise i enjoyed the game

Truly incredible. I saw someone else say that this game can flip flop between being the best game and the worst game in the same ten minutes and good god, they were right on the money.

- This is the most fun I've had with first-person parkour in any game. Not Dying Light 1, not Mirror's Edge. It's a bit floatier than DL1 because you now lightly snap to thin/narrow terrain. After about an hour of play you get used to it. After a little more time and a few more skills, the convoluted paths laid out for early-game Aiden are more a suggestion than anything. This game hits new heights once you can completely disregard the paths laid out before you and blaze your own trail.

- Gear just does not matter at all. You get 5 pieces of gear with bonuses of 1-2% each. I usually just pick whatever gear has XP bonuses.

- Things like the immunity system actually make night and dark areas scary again. Sleeping biters are a fun incentive to come back to places in the middle of the night.

- The new upgrade system sucks. I don't mind the inhibitors, but all the skills in the skill tree feel kind of limp and way too situational to ever be useful. Compared to things like "you get a grappling hook" or "here's unlimited combat stamina" from DL1, the Big Final Perk in each tree is worth less than dirt.

- Rarely, Aiden will giggle or cheer himself on when you do one of the parkour skills you've learned, and it's so goofy and childlike that it's really endearing. I notice it once every 6 hours or so (infrequently enough to avoid annoyance) but it does a lot to make Crane 2 feel more organic than Crane 1 ever did.

- I quite like the new grappling hook! I know people are disappointed it doesn't just let you Spiderman around (it actually uses physics now) but I like this system a little more, feels a little more skillful, a little more interactive.

- The heights of the second half of the map are thrilling! I don't much care for the paraglider and generally try to avoid using it as much as possible, but when you're running on the side of a skyscraper it feels a lot different than making small jumps between mid-rise residential buildings (like those in Old Town in DL1).

- The story. Oh boy the story. I was essentially neutral on the story until the epilogue - the voice acting oscillates between passable and mind-boggling, and Rosario Dawson makes a prominent appearance as an insufferable Marvel character.

- The ending. I'm not going to spoil anything, but in the ending I got on my first run most of what happens was essentially pulled out of thin air. I think I confused the game with my choices because I watched a character shoot themselves in the head in the center of my screen only for the epilogue to say they're ruling the city.

- The faction system had the potential to be interesting but I just cannot bring myself to care about the Survivors at all. They are just a thoroughly charmless group who consistently treat you like you're the biggest asshole they've ever met. I saw no reason to not side with the Peacekeepers until roughly halfway through the story when the game decides some shit needs to happen so I can make some big story choices.

- Why would you remove text chat? Accessibility issues aside, I'm not trying to hear chip bags and music from two rooms over.

Rating overall: 3,2/5
Hours of time played: 26h
Fun: Playing an open world RPG coop with a friend is just a blast and the parkour elements and parkour combat never gets boring till the end. Only a few bugs and clunky mechanics dampen the experience.
2/6 Story: Yeah well, it started off interesting but the quest design and especially the dialogues are really out of place sometimes. In the end we had more fun just skipping through the dialogues.
Graphics: Beautiful Game which is running fluently too enjoy the parkour around the city.
3/6 Atmosphere: Playing alone sure makes this game scarier but the music is great and the voice acting by Matt Mercer is nearly too good for this game. The sound design is great too.
Gameplay: There are a lot of bugs happening here especially while climbing, but these are minor flaws in the perspective of using tons of skills and gadgets to move around quickly through the city and killing zeds.


Still the best element of it is parkour and figuring out on the run the best way to reach your target. Everything else is mid at best. The combat is especially junky and tedious at times.