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Be gay stop crime.

Translation: I want this REALLY FREAKING BADDDDD

I really like my time with "Fashion Police Squad", it knows what it's trying to achieve and does not outstay its welcome (4 hours). It's super unique in its setting, fast pace shooter on the line of DOOM Eternal. For the price, it's an easy recommendation.

скучно, однообразно.

𝟕,𝟑/𝟏𝟎 🍹 𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭

Perhaps the best game in the retro shooter genre, which, unlike some "Ion Fury", isn`t a thoroughbred copy of the old formula, but offers a lot of its own gaming solutions, but at the same time, it is lame in its main task. So, let's go point by point, the authors came up with a very entertaining concept of the "Fashion Police" in itself, running after dull-dressed citizens, and helping them adjust their taste preferences in the right direction, with the help of paint and sewing guns. Despite the uniformity of tasks, such as "go and clean up the area", the game has a general plot, it is, of course, as "thrashy" and simple as possible, but its very presence in this genre already adds a few points to the game from me personally, and at least a couple of times, the game will make you smile. There is no lgbt+ agenda in story, it iss only in our most "fashionable" main character and a maximum of a couple of little things. Well, now about the most important thing, why in the gameplay of the game everything did not work out so well, the fact is that 6-10 hours of play can be both an incredible buzz for you and a "burning ass" mixed with a buzz, as it turned out for me personally, so I would advise you to play in general on easy difficulty, because, unfortunately, a small team of 3-4 people in their first game, alas, could not build the correct game design of the arenas, this is my main Complaint, which made me lower my final grade a bit, as much as I don't want it, Look, here we need a certain weapon to damage a certain enemy, at first you will have 2 guns, each has a main and an alternative fire, you will need to shoot at someone with the left button, at someone with the right, if you shoot the "wrong" cartridge, there will be no damage to the enemy at all, excluding 2 weapons, which already have nuances, but it given closer to the middle-end of the game, visually - this is, for example, dyeing the clothes of an office clerk or hemming a citizen in hanging clothes, And it's awesome! Such a system gives the gameplay a bit of "strategy", doesn`t allow you to walk with one weapon the whole game.. here, by the way, there are endless ammo,
different types of enemies spawn on the arena and the difficulty is to have time to switch to the right gun, BUT the locations themselves are not at all adapted to this,
most often these are very narrow rooms, where you can't even run in circles, sometimes the enemy spawns out in front of your face,even having prepared in advance, you are unlikely to dodge damage,
How, devs? In such a dynamic and "multi-layered" gameplay you lock the player in these fucking 1-meter boxes, some "mouse fuss" "on luck" turns out, you maded open street lanes at the beginning of the game, there were also squares, but most of the battles in the whole game takes place in small rooms, where 10 different bots spawn from all sides at the same time,
a banal increase in the size of the battle arenas would already partially solve the problem, there is also an enemy releasing a gas cloud in a huge area in front of him, it is very problematic to run away from several of these with 5 more enemies in the room,
or, for example, "electric scooters" rushing at you at an incredible speed, well, devs, make somewhere an opportunity to jump from them up to some small "tower", like on a beach location where you can climb on the cabins,
also defeated enemies do not completely disappear from the map and create additional inconvenience,
oh yes, we also have a local hook-cat here - a belt, on which we can fly up, but the "multistoried" gameplay in vertical space is practically not used here, a maximum of 2 "floors", and even they are quite rare,
yes, by the way, this is again a mechanic from Doom Eternal, which everyone uses now, but in the same "Shadow Warrior 3" and "Postal: Brain Damaged" the hook is used quite competently,
but here the Belt is also needed for small "parkour" sections, in general, the game has a lot of gameplay abstracted from the basics, which dilutes the standard formula well: Parkour sections with 2 types of platforming, 2 exciting sniper mini-games, 1 chase with a machine gun, mini-games between boss stages, these are the things I wanted even more than the main gameplay,
The bosses, by the way, are well balanced, they are moderately interesting, not hardcore, there will be checkpoints between the stages, I was pleased with the gameplay of the second boss, where you had to look for a suitable weapon while the boss was "stunned", And visually pleased with the third one, which throwing magic needles and scissors at you, and the first one is quite standard, like 3 side missions, by the way, which looks somehow "template" and "forced",
There is also an "UltA" - Style Glove, but you cannot "take" it with you to the next level, and it always accumulates at the scheduled moment of the level, at which the developers will spawn 15 bots at 1 point and you can hardly resist using a super attack for a couple of opponents at the end of the level, but there is also a little plot sense in using it.

I also want to separately praise the developers for the "water gun", shoot with a left button, then aim with the right button and have a strong pressure for alternative fire - this is perfect, it's perfect to shoot from it,
you can also spray "accelerating" water on the floor, which opens up the functionality for parkour and gives off strong vibes of the "Portal". And also thanks for the Russian. subtitles :)
In general, it turned out to be a good entertaining FPS, somewhat average, as, for example, in music, although it is quite "full of life" and fulfills its function, and the locations lack diversity (only city/beach/yacht), in some ways game awesome - in visuals, in concept and in some gameplay decisions, but also with a bunch of game design mistakes. I don’t particularly want to scold, but it's a pity that it didn't turn out better than it is, but the game will still definitely entered my top 2022, and I will wait for the 2nd FPS.

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Возможно лучшая игра в жанре ретро-шутера, которая, в отличие от какого-нибудь "Ion Fury", не является чистокровным копированием старой формулы, а предлагает множество своих геймплейных решений, но и в тоже время, хромает в выполнении своей основной задачи.
Итак, давайте по пунктам, авторы придумали саму по себе очень занимательную концепцию "Полиции моды", бегающую за уныло одетыми гражданами, и помогающую им скоректировать свои вкусовые предпочтения в правильном направлении, с помощью красковых и швейных пушек.
Несмотря на однотипность заданий, типо "сходи и зачисть район", общий сюжет у игры имеется, он, естественно, максимально "трешовенький" и простенький, но само его наличие в таком жанре уже добавляет немножко баллов лично от меня, да и хотя-бы пару раз, игра сможет вас улыбнуть,
никакой лгбт+ повестки в истории нет, она есть только в самом нашем "модном" главном персонаже и максимум ещё в паре мелочей.

Ну а теперь о самом важном, почему не получилось всё так гладко в геймплее игры, дело в том, что 6-10 часов игры могут стать для вас, как и невероятным кайфом, так и диким "жопогорением" вперемешку с кайфом, как получилось лично у меня, так что я посоветовал бы играть вообще на лёгкой сложности, так как, к сожалению, маленькая команда из 3-4 человек в своей первой игре, увы, но не смогла выстроить правильный геймдизайн арен, это моя главная претензия, заставившая меня немного понизить финальную оценку, как бы мне этого не хотелось,
Смотрите, тут у нас для урона определённому врагу нужно определённое оружие, поначалу у вас будет 2 пушки, у каждой есть основной и альтернативный огонь, в кого-то надо будет стрелять левой кнопкой, в кого-то правой, неправильный "патрон" не будет наносить дамаг, исключая 2 оружия, которое уже имеет нюансы, но даётся ближе к середине-концу игры, визуально - это, например, покрасить одежду офисному клерку или подшить гражданина в висячей одежде,
И это обалденно! Такая система придаёт немного "стратегии" геймплею, не позволяет вам ходить с одним оружием всю игру.. тут вообще, кстати, бесконечные патроны,
на аренке спаунятся разные виды врагов и сложность заключается в успевании переключаться на нужную пушку, НО сами локации вообще не приспособлены к этому,
чаще всего это очень узкие комнатки, где даже по кругу от врагов не пробежишься, иногда враг вообще вылезает у тебя перед лицом, ты даже заранее приготовившись, практически никак не сможешь увернуться от дамага,
Ну как вообще, разработчики? в таком динамичном и "многослойном" геймплее запирать игрока в эти грёбанные 1-метровые коробки, "мышинная возня" "чисто на лаки" какая-то получается, у вас же вначале игры были открытые уличные переулки, были и площади, но большинство битв во всей игре проходит в маленьких комнатках, где со всех сторон одновременно спаунятся по 10 разных ботов,
банальное увеличение размера боевых арен уже бы частично решило проблему, тут же есть ещё противник, выпускающий газовое облако в огромной площади впереди себя, убежать от нескольих таких с ещё и 5 врагами в комнате очень проблематично,
или, взять, например, "электросамокатчиков", летящих на тебя с невероятной скоростью, ну сделайте вы где-нибудь возможность подпрыгнуть от них на какую-нибудь небольшую вышку, вот как на пляжной локации, где можно было залезать на кабинки,
также побеждённым враги полностью не исчезают с карты и создают дополнительные неудобства,
ах да, у нас же тут есть ещё местный крюк-кошка - ремень, на котором мы можем подлетать, но "многоэтажный" геймплей в вертикальном пространстве практически не используется, максимум 2 "этажа", ито даже они довольно редки,
да, кстати, это опять механика из Дум Этернал, которую юзают все подряд сейчас, но в том же, "Shadow Warior 3" и "Postal: Brain Damaged" крюк используется достаточно грамотно,
но тут Ремень также нужен для небольших "паркурных" секций, вообще в игре много отвлечённого от основы геймплея, неплохо разбавляющую стандартную формулу: Паркур-секции с 2 видами платформинга, 2 увлекательных снайперских мини-игры, 1 погоня с пулемётом, мини-игры в перерывах между стадиями боссов, вот таких вещей хотелось даже больше основного геймплея,
Боссы, кстати, сбалансированы хорошо, они в меру интересные, не хардкорные, между стадиями будут чекпоинты, геймплейно меня порадовал второй босс, где надо было искать подходящее оружие, пока босс "застанен", а визуально порадовал третий, кидающийся магическими иголками и ножницами, а первый - достаточно стандартный, как и 3 сайд-миссии, кстати, выглядящими какими-то "шаблонными" и "вымученными",
Тут также есть "ульта" - Перчатка стиля, но её нельзя "забрать" с собой на следующий левел, а накапливается она всегда в запланированный момент уровня, в который разрабы наспаунят 15 ботов в 1 точке и врядли вы удержитесь придержать супер-атаку на пару противников в конце уровня, но зато в её использовании тоже есть небольшой сюжетный смысл.

Также отдельно хочу похвалить разработчиков за "водяную пушку", стрелять обычной струёй, чтобы потом нацелиться правой кнопкой и был сильный напор для альтернативного огня - вот это придумано идеально, стрелять из неё очень кайфово,
также "водянкой" можно распылять "ускоряющую" воду на пол, что открывает функционал к паркуру и отдаёт сильными вайбами "Портала". А ещё спасибо за рус. субтитры :)
В целом, получился хороший развлекательный FPS, в чём-то средний, как например, в музыке, хотя она достаточно задорная и свою функцию выполняет, да и локациям не хватает разнообразия (город/пляж/яхта), в чём-то офигенный, в визуале, концепции и некоторых геймплейных решениях, но и, также с кучей геймдизайнерских промахов. Ругать особо не хочу, но обидно за игру, которая однозначно вошла в мой топ 2022, буду ждать 2-ой ФПС.

Fps is a very funny and engaging retro fps game with a fun twist on the genre. Other than a few minor complaints (one or two enemies being not fun to beat and the drip gun being lacklustre). Other than that, made me laugh the whole way through with a smile on my face!

é fantástico

traz uma perspectiva diferente e única ao gênero de FPS, consegue ser bem inovador e divertido, tem uma campanha de tamanho mediano e conteúdo suficiente para deixar alguém bem entretido pelo tempo que o jogo percorre

só não dou 5 estrelas por que falta um pouco de otimização em relação ás GPUs, e a dificuldade do jogo pode variar bastante (joguei na dificuldade máxima)

meu primeiro review aqui kkkk

- Il gameplay non e' niente di nuovo, ma sono riusciti comunque a dare originalita' a un genere antico
- Ironia fatta benissimo, senza sfociare in battute forzate
- Una delle migliori bossfight in un fps

Tiroteos con armas tronchantes, memes por un tubo y variedad de enemigos con cabeza, aunque resulte un poco tedioso a veces escoger el arma por enemigo, vaya.

Buen diseño de niveles en general al menos, gran OST ... y ya. Pero, oye, súper estilosamente recomendado el juego, os lo digo yo. Para pasar un buen rato de veras, sí o sí.

absewlutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! it has such a unique personality and is so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This game has a cool premise but is undermined by the mechanics of the game limiting your options to a comical degree. Each enemy only takes damage from a single one of your guns depending on their type, the game tells you off for trying the wrong ones or even hitting an enemy with the wrong type by accident while aiming for another. The game has a super move that basically wins a fight instantly, and it will tell you explicitly when to use it so there's no point saving it for a hard fight later. Every arena is a box with no obstacles or verticality. The only movement option in the game is relegated to platforming segments that feel completely automatic. There's no ammo pickups. Secrets do nothing except give you concept art. There is as much player agency as possible stripped back in this game and it's all in service of a gameplay loop that feels like an OK doom mod at best.

Like a gay homage to Duke Nukem. Lots of fun but level design gets a little repetitive and drags out for a little long. Wish there were also a lot of intractables like Duke Nukem.

I do have my gripes regarding how this game goes about it's enemy design, especially since only certain enemies can be defeated with a specific weapon.

But I do think the game has a lot of fun encounters and it does balance itself out for the majority of it's gameplay loop, and it has a lot of charming and funny dialog overall.

Solid, unique boomer shooter. Music pretty great, the platformin sections were ok, though at times felt a bit jank. Gunplay/combat loop r pretty satisfyin & fun. Short for the $, so unless ur a boomer shooterer I'd say wait for a sale.

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for April 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before May 7th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Finally, someone arrests people wearing Socks with Sandals.

Fashion Police Squad looks like a Boomer Shooter, and it has a taste of that. Players will end up fighting fashion crimes, whether it’s people who have been turned gray, wearing neon shirts, or ill-fitting suits. Players will shoot them with a dye shotgun, a sewing machine gun, or sock gnomes. It sounds insane but it’s actually quite funny with tons of great moments and it’s also well written. I found myself laughing multiple times.

At the same time, this is a humorous take on the shooter genre, but it does have some issues. So far every enemy is only weak to a single weapon, so if you shoot someone wearing a bad suit with the dye shotgun, it does zero damage. In addition, the difficulty here more comes from the number of enemies than specific enemies themselves, and I’m sure the absurdity of it will wear off eventually, definitely not yet, and probably will last the full first playthrough, but it feels more like a joke that’s great the first time, but you’ve heard it the second time.

Pick this up if you want a refreshing boomer shooter. This is unique for what it is, and honestly, I feel compelled to play more of it just to see what else it’s going to do.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

ESSE JOGO E ABSOLUTE CINEMA CARA, QUE JOGO MARAVILHOSO, Fashion police squad conquistou meu coração com suas referencias a cultura pop e a jogos/animes, fases eletrizantes e uma gameplay sem igual e uma historia pra la de boa, vamo começar falando da gameplay que e a coisa mais insana de todas ja que no jogo não tem essa de arma mais forte ou mais fraca mas sim armas para certos tipos de inimigos então a gameplay nunca fica repetitiva pois voce vai jogar de varios modos diferentes e usar varios tipos de estrategia dependendo da fase, e ja que eu falei dos inimigos vamos falar um pouco deles e como cada um consegue ser diferente um do outro, nao tem inimigos iguais cada um e diferente e muito bem caracterisco e os desing deles sao a melhor parte com cada um tendo o seu proprio estilo como o inimigo que usa paleto e tem uma cara de morto de tanto trabalhar e quando voce derrota ele faz ele mudar de personalidade e estilo, eu não entendo muito de moda mas certamente os estilos dos inimigos são um crime e derrotar eles e deixar como um na moda e muito foda, agora falando das fases que tambem são muito boas e cada um se passa em um local diferente da cidade como area urbana, metro, praia e um fucking iate, agora falando dos chefes desse jogo que são peak dos games de jogos de tiro, no jogo nos temos 3 chefes no total e isso pode parecer pouco mas acredite em mim não e ja que o jogo e curto contendo apenas 13 fases mas isso deixa ele ainda melhor pois não fica saturado de jogar ja que se fosse muito longo possivelmente iria entrar na mesmisse e ficaria chato mas agora voltando aos chefes que como eu estava dizendo são maravilhosos, cada um tem batalhas unicas cheias de referencias e reviravoltas, principalmente o segundo chefe que e cheio de referencia desde o seu desing quanto a sua batalha que e frenetica do inicio ao fim, agora vamos falar das musicas que apesar de nem todas serem incriveis tem uma grande quantia que faz voce ficar animado e envolvente e a musica "Fashion Is Burning" faz você entrar no espirito DOOM da coisa serio mesmo quando essa toca você fica se perguntando se ta certo pois ela e a mais diferente de todas e por fim vamos falar brevemente das referencias que tem no jogo que foi algo que eu curti muito pois faz você querer explorar o mapa para ver as concept arts do personagem principal com outras roupas e essas roupas contem muita referencia a jogos e filmes no geral

Nota: 10

Fast and stylish, what can i say.
Waiting for the full release.

Lovely. Fun and unique take on the genre

Fashion Police Squad is very much one of those games where for everything it does well, it also does badly in equal measure.

On the surface, its a gleefully camp as heck throwback shooter filled with jokes, fast paced battles and colourful levels. More than once I laughed a bit as a new enemy was revealed or I spotted one of the many punny store names. Moving around is fast and the whip/slingshot mechanic feels super natural super fast and if old-school style shooters are your thing, you'll feel at home very quickly.

At the same time the levels are mostly pretty linear which, while it doesnt really hurt the game too much, makes exploration a bit of an afterthought. This especially is the case when it comes to finding secrets as most of what you'll find through secrets are jokes with the main character wearing various 'gag' outfits.

Also while some of the humour works, some of it already feels quite dated and boring (such as Karen jokes). I get that is the danger of having certain internet based jokes in but some feel more lazy than others.

Also while some of the fights are fun, frantic and tense affairs, you often get ones that feel unfair, pokey and clumsy. Having each enemy have specific ways to defeat them sounds fine in theory and works often but you'll still get those odd moments where you're stumbling through weapons trying to find that one specific way of beating somebody. Its a little messy.

Overall its a decent enough old-school shooter with some new-school camp but you feel the levels and gameplay could have been expanded just a bit more from what it is.

they done yassified the boomer shooter. fashion police squad (FPS) is a very fun, creative, and fresh take on the oh so very saturated genre that is the retro first-person shooter. similarly to doom eternal it has the player swapping weapons around a lot of the time in combat but not because of ammo economy but because some enemies can only be damaged by certain weapons. that combined with the belt whip ability to stun and grapple onto poles makes for some very engaging gameplay. the game also has a lot of variety throughout its playtime, never really losing steam across the different levels. also the boss fights arent half bad, they can get pretty good (especially the final boss)!

the only downside i have for the game is the movement. sometimes you slip off ledges, the air control feels a bit floaty, a decent amount of the time my jump didn't get registered during platforming because i was on the edge to make some very far jump (and there are quite a few long jumps in the game). there were a couple of lines of dialogue that i cringed at but i gotta give the game credit in embracing all of the puns it makes.

overall a pretty good game that any retro fps enjoyer should play. whether or not the premise of being a passionate fashionista law enforcer interests you, the game has a lot of love put into it which definitely enhanced my time with it. the devs care not only for the medium but also the genre that Fashion Police Squad falls into.

While clearly inspired by retro-FPS games, Fashion Police Squad puts an interesting twist on the genre by requiring you to solve fashion crimes (defeat enemies) in particular ways. At first I thought this would just be annoying, but I found it made the gameplay pretty hectic and fun in later levels where they throw multiple types of enemies at you at once.

My main complaint lies with the weapon design, some of them just feel clunky to use, and this is an issue since as previously mentioned the game requires you to use all of them. I would dread seeing certain enemy types because I knew I would have to pull out "that" weapon.

The game's swagger also deserves credit here, it isn't the prettiest thing out there but it wears its art style well. The dialogue is cheeky and got a chuckle out of me a few times, and the music ranges from meh to downright bops.

P.S. without saying too much, the final level is very creative and climactic.

Прикольно.(с ремня в качестве оружия и перемещения угарнул)

An immensely unique, stylish, and fun retro FPS that constantly throws surprises and fun gameplay twists back to back, never stopping the entire game. The gameplay loop manages to balance handling specific enemies with specific enemies in a way that manages to create a really satisfying and fun gameplay loop, the minigames frequently shaking up the gameplay in a really good way, and frankly some incredible boss fights for an FPS, every one being an elaborate, comedic multi-phased bout interjecting usages of all your weapon types, interesting gimmicks and minigames in really fun ways. Having a Tony Hawk minigame in your final encounter but not having it break the pace or be disruptive is how you know you're cracked

A very short and sweet shooter that knows exactly what it is and runs with it. It's fashionable style flows through the entire game with it's presentation. The combats "specific gun for specific enemy" works very well for this type of games.

Fashion Police Squad's diverse enemy and level set is pair with a low-power and limited Simon-Says arsenal. FPS' encounters are based entirely on matching the weapon you're holding to the enemy in front of you, and provides very few tools to actually decide how you can approach a combat encounter other than the order in which you attack enemies. The time and resources spent in an encounter are much more tightly coupled to the enemies in the encounter than the player's ability to deal with them. It leaves very little for the player to learn and work with, and it creates a slow laborious experience of needing to wait out specific enemy health bars before you can deal with a different specific enemy health bar.

Довольно интересный концепт с миром, который базируется на моде. Соответственно, преступники в таком мире - это недотёпы, которые носят уродливые прикиды. Естественно, они пытаются сделать вас такими же унылыми и страшными.
Если коротко: это шутер от первого лица с элементами платформинга, но основной геймплей представляет из себя Simon Says на спидах.
По сути вы должны перестреливать врагов с помощью подходящего исключительно для них оружия. К примеру, есть чувак, который носит слишком для него большую одежду. Чтобы исправить его прикид, вы можете либо: залить его водой, чтобы костюм сузился, либо расстрелять из швейной машинки и переделать костюм под его размер. Применять условную пушку, которая стреляет краской - бессмысленно.
Да, это действительно шутер. При том довольно быстрый и достаточно самобытный.
Проблема лишь в том, что не всегда достаточно места для сражений, а противников на квадратный метр бывает приходится очень много.
Могу также отметить то, что геймплей может надоесть к последнему уровню из-за специфики механики с подходящим для определённого врага оружием , но игра короткая, поэтому это не большая проблема.
Из плюсов отмечу то, что до самого конца игры вам постоянно дают что-то новое. Будь то оружие, его улучшение, новый тип врагов и так далее. Разных фишек и приколов в игре - мама не горюй. Иногда кажется, что их слишком много, но тут кому как зайдёт.
По своей цене более чем достойный проект.

Un FPS con delle buone idee che prende a modello un po' l'esperienza di Doom Eternal, tra platforming e utilizzo delle armi a propria disposizione. Tuttavia, causa qualità del level design a mio parere molto mediocre e l'eccessiva facilità, non vale tanto la pena giocarlo

The first 30 minutes are funny as hell, you just don't know that is going on and it feels great. But after that, it just feels kinda shallow, so you stop playing before coming even close to completing it.

(9-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I thought it was gonna be a 2D Brawler, and you also get to put clothes on people with tank tops. And you have to fight the evil businessmen. I mean, all businessmen are evil.

The platforming was awful but overall I had a good time with this game.

There's a gamer boss that you defeat by shooting him with soapy water