No, FF9 has totally bored me.

- Casual
- Most of the music is either fucking mediocre or ok, there's very little memorable music.
- Exploring locations is VERY boring, FF7 was way fucking better.
- VERY drawn out because of that camera overtaking thing
- The mechanics of the trans takes a very long time to charge, because of which very rarely get used in contrast to the limits of the seven. Well, and the fact that most of the buffs and debuffs make sense exclusively on bosses, while any ordinary enemy is killed by literally two blows
- very underplayed with the spirit of the fairy tale, if they had paid more attention to this atmosphere, then I might have finished the game.
- dull card game

Liked the ability learning system, but with caveats:

- A huge portion of the abilities are either too imba, which vanshots opponents, or only get in the way like the autozelier for example
- You have to keep your old armor and weapons and swing until you fill the skill scale, it would be better if they would allow you to use an item to switch skills between weapons and armor.
Often it happens that some of the abilities of the item can not be opened for a given character, because of this you have to either put on stupidly because of stats, or stupidly because of 1 skill.

I don't understand the mass hysteria about this part at all. 7th = better in all respects except character models outside of combat, including soundtrack, combat system, plot and exploration of locations

Well, I was hoping for a lot actually, the beginning was even disposing very much, but when I got to Midgar and saw those quests from Korean MMOs, I instantly turned it off.

I can praise the artist work, the quality of the animations and Uematsu's arrangement, that's it, that's where the pluses end.

Also - I hate it when they make slashers out of old jrpg's.

I saw this game as a typical Zeldoid, and it reminded me a lot of Twilight Princess, even though they came out in the same year. There is a lot of similar content: faceless enemies that appear on certain mini-arenas, "cursed" zones, on which you need to complete a quest to clear them (in Okami it's better, because in Twilight Princess we just collect beads), well, and some other stuff. Well, that's just a lyrical digression.

My main complaint about the combat system, it is boring and monotonous, much worse than the same Wind Waker 2002 (Yes, I will compare with Zelda for obvious reasons), where we can just press 1 button and draw on pause. The whole abomination of drawing on pause is the annoying looped music and having to exit and enter this "mini-game" every time. If the game had an option to slow down time and paint with a brush in those moments, it would be much better. Basically yes, I played this game for about 3 hours and it didn't show me anything interesting as the battles themselves are very casual.

The soundtrack is also very bland, but the visual style is pretty good and original.

Perhaps in the future I will try this game better and change my opinion

I don't like how the game acts like an idiot to you, that intrusive mini-map, those pink question marks, it's a disgrace. I know Dragon Quest is a game for the whole family, but hey, in part 8 I just had a compass and my desire to explore, in part 11 that's gone because the mini-map does everything for me.

The main problems with the game are casualness and Anreal Engen 4. The casualness of the game is that all the mobs are very weak, very. Even if you skip most of the enemies - still you are always strong and you don't have to think. If you turn on the difficulty boost, the game on the contrary will make you grind a lot. It feels like nobody tested the game in terms of combat system and tried to make just a very easy combat system. The problem with Anreal Engen is that almost all games made on it look dead and this game is no exception.

At the same time it borrows its own ideas, like the same prince who lies to his father, which was already in the great eighth part, which was done WAY worse than in the eighth part. An item like holy water is completely devalued due to the fact that mobs are now visible on the map. The new music, well, it's there, but it's not good, the good thing is the old great music.

Anyway, verdict. Those who have NEVER, I repeat, NEVER played a jrpg, in principle in games little played, books have not read - he will like it. Everyone else - play 8, look for mods for graphics and be happy. This game is not worth it.

Never play this game if you respect rpg and one of the greatest game series, it breaks what it has been building for almost 30 years. No more searching for books, no more complexity of battles, stealing story arcs from the greatest 8th part, turning the whole world into a "gut", camping that causes the hotels in the city to lose all their original meaning, lifeless world on one of the worst game engines of anreal 4. Better play the godlike 8th installment, the great 5th, the epochal 7th on Nintendo 3DS, the first 3 installments on SNES(Waiting for the new remake of the 3rd installment), including don't miss the 4th on Nintendo DS and give the 6th on the same platform a chance. But don't play the 11th part. It's a disgrace.

Well, this game can rightfully be called the best 3D beatemup of the 6th generation console era. Released at the dawn of the era, it didn't show beautiful graphics, wasn't technically up-to-date and didn't have an interesting plot. However, it gave full control over the actions of the protagonist due to a very flexible system of customization of blows and variety of these blows. The character is clumsy, because of which it is very difficult to change the direction of movement, but in battle it is compensated by the ability to sharply move away from enemies to the sides. Thanks to a very thought-out AI of enemies you are unlikely to have completely identical fights even for many passes, because of which the game can be called quite replayable not only in its genre, but also in principle, because the number of experiments with the variety of blows is quite large and depends only on your style of play. If you loved the old beatemaps from 8-16 bit consoles, you should definitely play God Hand, no exceptions. The only downside to the game is that the game's difficulty bar is dynamic and few people will be able to complete the game when the bar reaches its last mark. I'm not kidding, this is true hardcore.

This game is prescribed to too many things great and good. Yes, it's a pretty good Japanese RPG, quite significant considering it even partially influenced the formation of Pokemon. The story is indeed interesting to follow almost the entire time, but by the very end it disappoints with an overly mundane ending. When it comes to the DS version specifically, it's no different from IV or V, but it's got the best dungeons of the trilogy and the best story. But this game doesn't deserve as much praise while still being one of the best parts of Dragon Quest. However, it is recommended for any fan of the genre

A good start, but too few options, which makes the game get boring quickly

Maybe I just don't like Gogol, and disgusting combat with jagged animations, and monotonous locations, and dumb simolism for the sake of dumb symbolism, and the ability to abuse the game repeatedly, and the all too apparent lack of a budget

It's a disgrace, it's a betrayal, it's impossible to tolerate, it's just a dud on Anreal 4, why do I need this suffering after many dozens of hours of learning the lore of this universe and playing literally every part of the series? Yes, I bought every console to enjoy every part. And even 358\2 is more enjoyable to play. Yes, even Re: Coded is partially more enjoyable...

One of the most soulless remakes I've ever seen, even the animations are worse(Subjectively).

Some of the best DLC that is actually a standalone game that I've seen

Она состарилась не так хорошо как другие игры библиотеки ПС 1 с точки зрения геймплея, но планку хоррора держит

Тут сложно что-то сказать, на момент её выхода ничего лучше не было в принципе.

Этот евро-левый ад невозможно адекватно воспринимать без радужных очков с толстенными линзами.

Единственная версия ДМС 3, в которую можно адекватно играть на сегодняшний день и не грызть ногти от раздражения. Спасибо, Нинтендо.