Childhood Game Collection (INCOMPLETE)

The games that I owned throughout my childhood. Not a complete list as I simply cannot remember every game I’ve ever owned, but all the major ones will be here. I haven’t played many of these games in a very long time so I’ll only have stuff to say about a select few. For the purposes of this list I’m classifying everything before high school as my childhood.

My ass did NOT know how to use a computer
My ass still did NOT know how use a computer
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Color
Gameboy Color
This game was incomprehensible to me as a kid
They Reminisce Over You will always be the NBA Street theme song in my mind
I remember seeing a TV commercial for this game and then immediately asking my mom to buy it for me. One of the few times I displayed any sort of good taste when I was little.
I didn’t even see the movie until like a year after I got this game
The disc on this one got so scratched up it would crash midway through the tutorial.
I never beat either of the Sonic Adventure games as a kid because I would eventually reach a point where I stopped having fun and turned the game off. But I was always down to play City Escape.
Gameboy Advance
Yes, I owned this on both GBA and GameCube. I was obsessed with Spider-Man.
Gameboy Advance
Yes, I owned this on both GBC and GBA. No, I don’t know why.
Gameboy Advance
My mom let me pick out one game at Walmart, and for some reason, out of all the games on the shelf, I picked this one. It’s a choice I have never and will never forgive myself for. God, they probably had Superstar Saga or Golden Sun and I picked this bullshit.
Gameboy Advance
My introduction to the pants-shitting cosmic horror of Sinistar
Gameboy Advance
Fun story: I accidentally stole this game from Walmart. This happened when I was 7 years old. After getting the game off the shelf, I, absolutely enamored with it, walked around the store with the box in my hands staring at it the entire time we did the rest of our shopping. When we went to checkout I was still holding the box and neither my mom nor the cashier noticed that I still had it, so it never got scanned. It wasn’t until we were halfway home that we realized we had left the store without paying for the game. This turned out to be a good thing because this game sucks.
Gameboy Advance
Never owned Mario Party but my mom made sure I owned plenty of other shitty party games.
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
I feel like if you remember this show you should be legally considered a senior citizen.
Gameboy Advance
It’s crazy how good this game is. RIP Vicarious Visions.
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
I put both this and Season of Ice on here not because I owned both but because I can’t remember which one I owned, I just know I owned one of them. Anyway, it seems Vicarious Visions’ calling was converting Playstation 3D platformers into 2D GBA games.
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Dude why is Chick Hicks so fucking fast in this game?
Gameboy Advance
I don’t care what anybody says, this is some peak
Gameboy Advance
Somehow worse than the movie. I also owned the PC version which for some reason is a stealth game???
Gameboy Advance
I don’t know if this is nostalgia or something but I remember this one being weirdly good
Gameboy Advance
This version of the game is so bad
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Don’t have much to say about the game but this season of the show was peak
All the criticisms of Gameboy Advance Video are extremely valid, but being able to watch TV shows and movies on my GBA blew my mind as a kid.
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Don’t ask because I do not know
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
Gameboy Advance
PlayStation 2
The first first person shooter I ever played. I unfortunately didn’t appreciate it at the time because I was a dumb kid who wanted to be playing CoD 4 like everybody else.
Most underrated Ratchet & Clank game, this shit is heat
At the time I didn’t care much about Star Wars (watching Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith had convinced me that Star Wars was boring) beyond thinking Obi-Wan and Yoda were cool, but this shit was my life in middle school.
I’d had four different consoles by this point and owned only one decent racing game on any of them. This isn’t it, by the way.
One of the most boring racing games I’ve ever played
My mom couldn’t afford to buy me actual Bionicles but she could afford to buy me this game.
It’s like Twisted Mania but on motorcycles and also very bad
I promise I will kick anybody’s ass in this game
The actual game isn’t very good but I did love driving around the open world
I played this damn game ONCE and the next time I booted it up it had stopped working entirely
This game is to the Hulk what the Spider-Man 2 game was to Spider-Man, except unlike Spider-Man 2 this game is actually good.
Hear me and hear me good, I’m here to double down, this shit is a two-pack of ASS! The fuck are y’all talking about this shit stinks!
Odd game that was both an original story and a tie-in with the Sam Raimi movies.
I’ve heard all the defenses of this game and I can see where they’re coming from, but this is one of the most miserable experiences I’ve ever had playing a game.
Nintendo DS
It was this weird touch screen based top-down third person shooter with first-person brawling sections. A real odd title.


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