Top 50 Games

Someone has to be the one to say Love You To Bits was a good game, and I shall be the one to take that sacrifice. Also trying to keep this to one game per series. Mario stretched this rule out a bit with all the different series it keeps creating.


Some fun gameplay with unique twists for an RPG mechanics set, an excellent story, and the GOAT, Kel. Pretty much perfect all around.
The most uplifting and optimistic game I have ever enjoyed, with such sweet and likable characters with an engaging new gameplay style.
The best in terms of gameplay fun; some of the most engaging moves I have ever enjoyed experimenting with and playing around in. I don't think I can speedrun this game any% because I would just keep feeling compelled to just go out and get as much as I can in each level before moving on.
Looking for a good Katamari game? Why not choose all of them in a fun collection with a hilarious story of the King getting amnesia and having a paranoid robot King help out, with the same great gameplay the other games had?
Of course, the best Chibi-Robo game is Japan exclusive. Cleaning rooms is more in-depth than ever, and helping the family while cleaning the house is still fun.
In spite of all the bugs, all the glitches and bots, it's still loads of fun to just jump into a round to shoot some people while showing off taunts and cosmetics. It's simple fun, but it lasted this long despite Valve's best efforts, so I think it deserves its legendary status.
It's smash bros taken to its most logical conclusion with it being a celebration of video games as a whole. What else should I say?
Four great campaigns in one (and a versus battle mode) in one world filled with insanely likable characters and amazing 2D gameplay. While Pizza Tower is better than any singular one of these packs, them coming together for an ultimate grand slam with bonus challenges and what not pushes them this far up. Hey, maybe Pizza Tower will be given this deluxe treatment as well someday?
A tight story with some great characters, challenging puzzles, and some insane plot twists.
When I came in here, I thought I would just beat the game normally to see how much I liked it. P-ranking everything soon after, I realized I loved it.
If these games were separate, Cuphead would be lower. But thanks to how these two games makes up for each other's shortcomings, as well as just combining to be an awesome game and DLC pack, that pushes it up to get the full 5 stars.
Friday Night Funkin wishes.
After a decade-long wait, it was VERY WELL worth the wait with all new fresh and fun content, satisfying challenges, and intriguing secrets and worldbuilding thanks to Olimar's Voyage Logs and notes.
Roguelike delight.
Still the undisputed king of roguelike games.
Neku is the best video game protagonist I have ever played, full stop. And this game does more than enough from standard jrps to warrant my full attention and love.
This leans so hard into the Superhero Saturday Morning genre it's just a blast, and the beat 'em up style Platinum games has only makes it more engaging.


A lively cast of characters in the underworld as you play with some of the most challenging and in-depth roguelike gameplay with multiple weapon styles.
Really should be a 9/10, but goddamn this game just oozes so much style and character it's making Persona 5 jealous.
Some mind-bending puzzles are used to help create good moral lessons about looking at problems from new perspectives. And it gets better with repeat playthroughs.
One whole point here is that this has Margaret Moonlight. The rest is for how the gameplay feels much more fast-paced and engaging than the original game, and how there aren't any stupid fees you need to pay before challenging the fights.
Was well worth hunting down a PS5 solely for this long as it remains on the PS5 and doesn't go multiplatform.
Peak mobile gaming is finally here.
The gameplay is better than the original two Paper Mario games with a better story and character cast. Boom; send tweet.
I get it. This is what "soul" is.
While not as dark or funny as the original, it makes up for it with unique and innovative levels and powers relating to the themes of mental health.
This game was such a blast; why don't we have the other 2 games in this series?
The 3D platformer Indie Games desperately needed to prove that the market and desire for 3D platforming games is still there.
Yeah, this is the best Kart Racer I played; shame that the online is pretty much dead by now.
The best WarioWare that is a true love letter to the entire series, with some of the best microgames in the series, with some great sidemodes.


The best Pokemon game I played, no cap.
If this remake didn't exist, it would be World 2 here, but with my nostalgic love for the original as well as just enjoying how well-polished this remake it, Re-Pac takes it. Now if World 2 was remade...
Balan is jealous of its no jump thing working.
Some of the hardest yet most fun platforming I have ever played. Unlocking Kid will be a highlight of my gaming career.
Manages to blend the expanding mansion of the first game and the playful yet still haunting charm of the second game for a fun mix.
A game filled with wit in both its puzzles and comedy.
The combined strength of Mario and Luigi makes Kirby shake. Prove me wrong.
The amazing ending chapter to the Henry Stickmin series we needed, but didn't deserve.
Monty Python meets The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, and it is a glorious farce comedy.
A nice simple story about a girl climbing a cold mountain and making friends along the way. Wonder if there is another game with this idea...
Kirby took his sweet time becoming a 3D platformer, and it was worth it in the end.
Black and white and a lot of red all over some fun combat as some hilarious commentators mock you and the contestants.
The first real story-based game I ever played, where it felt like I was stuck in the role of a policeman being forced by laws and whatnot to uphold them while still feeling the desire to make the citizens of this world happy. It was actually very deep and thought-provoking for 14-year-old me.
The best platform fighter that isn't Smash.
This game embodies the toxicity chaotic nature of Mario Party, leaves the volume at 15, and walks off for a beer.
A fun and absorbing gothic-style adventure game with a wonderfully goofy yet still dark world.
Claptrap flirts with GLaDOS as he plays Poker with Sam the dog. Come on!
A chaotic, funny, and meta point-and-click adventure game that ends up dealing a bit with self-worth. The worst part is all the Youtubers thinking they are clever by saying "There is no video here!"
It may be a walking simulator game, but it goes further with the premise as you find out how each member of the how died, with you playing out their final moments of life. It's harrowing yet still demands your full attention to come to grips with the story and what's happened.


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