The n64's blurry filter and the game's janky camera has made it age really ungracefully.

It's a pioneer but there isn't much reason to go back to it.

This is the direction Mario games should've kept going in IMO and, I'm glad to see Wonder taking a decent amount of inspiration from this one!

I don't own a switch so I can't play wonder but this is very good all the same!

The definition of comfy.

Adorable visuals, wonderful music, creative ability combining mechanic that's more there to let you have fun than to "Beat that specific boss that's kicking your ass".

To the people that don't like this game, you should try playing it on a cold winter night under a blanket with some hot choco to drink, it'll bring you so many smiles!

The way this game controls. It feels less like a Kirby game and more like predecessor to the Smash series in a lot of ways.

It's silky smooth and feels wonderfully snappy.

I just wish it wasn't so oddly segmented, the only thing this does is make each portion of it feel shorter and simpler than it should be! I certainly look forward to playing the Ultra version to see how much they added.

Still, this is really excellent nonetheless!

Oh hey, I added this one to the database!

Okey so, this game is an oddball, as is the case with almost everything made by the SATam/Archie part of the sonic community from my experience.

But it's also actually really good...

The visuals are extremely unique. They have this really grungy, almost post-apocalyptic look to them, the same goes for all the characters.

Which... there are 30 of! 30 completely unique playable characters!

From classics like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and amy.
To expected SATam names like Sally, Bunnie and Nicole.
To oddball picks like the Chaotix, Sonia, Sir Charles and Rotor the Walrus.
And even modern characters like Shadow, Blaze and Cream!

The variety here is honestly pretty insane! And they all have unique abilities as well.

The levels themselves also have this really grungy look to them, and while the design itself of the levels is quite unremarkable, they're still pretty fun to go through! They have a really good sense of speed (which is something ironrind excels in in general actually).

Definitely one of the most unique fangames and, games in general I've ever played, you should give it a try!

Well written characters, clever puzzles, AMAZING hand-made sketch style visuals and portraits.

One of the best detective games out there with a really tense and exciting plot, I loved my time with this one a lot!

Genuinely one of the best 2D platformers I've ever played, and one of the best Mario games I've played in general!

The movement feels crisp, the level designs are super creative, the easter eggs and secrets are a joy to find, and the story is shockingly good!

I genuinely really adore this one! Any fan of 2D Mario and especially Mario 2 US should play this one!

This will mostly be a review of the Sonic World portion of Sonic Jam, if it was a review for the compilation part I'd just give it a 10/10.

But yeah, Sonic World.

When you compare it visually and controls wise to a lot of n64 era platformers, it's aged pretty amazingly! The aesthetic style of it fits right in with current day "PSX" style games.

The pixels are wonderfully chunky and everything is bright and beautiful, I genuinely adore how the game looks!

I also really enjoy how Sonic controls in it. While he doesn't feel as fast in the adventure games, he still feels plenty fast enough and super responsive.

His moveset is extremely simple but it works for what it is, it makes me wish we could finally see the Sonic Adventure Saturn prototype one day, I'd love a sonic game with these physics and style one day!

The biggest issue with it by far is length, you can finish all the missions and see all gallery content within 1 hour, it's a really short experience and I wish there was more! But still, I'm very happy I gave it a playthrough!

Alongside SMT 4, this is one of the best SMT games you can start with.

Alongside not having you deal with demon negotiation and fusion like the mainline/devil summoner games, instead having you upgrade a regular party throughout the game; it's also one of the easier games in the series, with the bulk of the difficulty being learning how the press-turn system works and how to best take advantage of it.'s also a great starting point because it's one of the best games in the series! The character dynamics are genuinely wonderful, the story is esoteric and you always want to know what happens the next, the environments are an amazing mixture of post-apocalyptic with religious undertones, and the music is some of the best in the franchise as well!

This is one of the best JRPGs ever made as far as I'm aware, it's aged wonderfully well and is still a joy to play!

And somehow, the sequel is better than the original, which was already a masterpiece in of itself!

The story continues to be amazing, with a ton of reveals and explanations in response to things left unfinished in the first game.

The environments are some of the most beautiful and comfy I've ever seen in a video game.

The adjustments to the skill-tree system and the equipment system make it more free-form and enjoyable.

And good god the music is something else, it's SO fucking good.

As much as I love this one and want everyone to play it as soon as possible, you should absolutely play the first game beforehand.

This is the definition of a duology, both games need each other.

You'll get about 50 hours from each game, so, 100 hours total!

Gameplay was incredibly fun and the atmosphere is chill, but the characters and story completely failed to hook me.

I can absolutely see why people adore this game, it's just not for me I guess.

This review will be focused on the specifics of 3 portable instead of being a review of Persona 3 as a whole and, the first thing I want made very clear is.

This game is piss easy.

It was my first Persona game (and I guess SMT game by extension?), and first RPG in general, and I was able to beat the entirety of it with just a Jack Frost and Jack Lantern that I upgraded the stats of.

...Which does make it perfect as a portable game, it's incredibly comfy and very easy to go back to wherever you leave it off, you never leave the game and dread coming back to it due to how stressful it is.

The pick up and play nature of it helps a lot with the monotony involved with exploring Tartarus as well, which makes it a lot more bearable.

Considering though that this was the version Atlus released on home consoles and PC, I'd recommend you play this game in short bursts to not get bored of it.

This was my first ever SMT game.


I fucking hated my time with it initially, that game made me angry beyond reason, it was a legitimately awful experience as a new-comer.

It's hard as balls, the dungeon design Will kick you in the balls, and the story just wasn't clicking with me.

But the more I looked back on it... This is honestly a pretty excellent dungeon crawler, and one of the better written SMT stories out there.

And as well, the issues I had with dungeon crawling were entirely self-inflected from picking this game first. I'm more than sure I'd do a lot better on a re-play now.

This should absolutely not be your first pick for an SMT game but, as a 3rd or 4th pick? Yeah, absolutely give it a shot!