Mega Man

Spinoffs are included


Mega Man Zero 3
Mega Man Zero 3
A giant leap in quality from its predecessors. The great story is backed up by an even more flexible combat system and some of the best levels in the franchise. A little more innovation would have been nice, but this is one of the finest action-platformers out there.


Mega Man X4
Mega Man X4
Zero's campaign is awesome!


Mega Man X2
Mega Man X2
Midair dash and double charge shot!


Mega Man 3
Mega Man 3
The slide is awesome and the level design is great for the most part.


Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11
Good levels and bosses, but feels very "been there, done that."


Mega Man 6
Mega Man 6
Power and Jet Mega Man are fun.


Mega Man 4
Mega Man 4
Occassionally cheap enemy placement and a lack of new ideas hold this entry back. The chargeable Mega Buster doesn’t enhance the gameplay as much as Mega Man 3’s slide. Solid music and level design save it from mediocrity.


Mega Man Zero 2
Mega Man Zero 2
The story remains good and the lack of grinding for the Cyber-Elves is much appreciated, but there isn’t much here to distinguish it from other Mega Man games. The levels were mostly forgettable and screen crunch is still present.


Mega Man Zero 4
Mega Man Zero 4
It pains me to put this entry so low. The powerful ending cements this spinoff series as having the best story in the franchise. Unfortunately, the gameplay is three steps back from Zero 3. The Z-Knuckle is a poor replacement for the Shield Boomerang and the Cyber-Elf system was made worse for no reason.


Mega Man X3
Mega Man X3
Recycled enemies, poorly-balanced damage numbers, wonky charge shot, and missed opportunities with the ride armors, pink capsules, and playable Zero make for an underwhelming follow-up to X and X2.


Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX
A MegaMetroidvania sounded awesome, but this is not the way to do it. The backtracking is tedious thanks to limited fast travel and the biometals rarely providing you with cool upgrades. It would have been better off having a level select, as the design for most missions is solid and the limited lives that refresh at save points is genius, predicting the balanced health system of Dark Souls.


Mega Man ZX Advent
Mega Man ZX Advent
The map and fast travel are improved and the level design in the last third of the campaign is surprisingly strong. Too bad the new Biometals are extremely situational. Since the old Biometals reappear, switching between all of them is a huge hassle.


Mega Man
Mega Man
Better than expected, but still rough around the edges.


Mega Man 2
Mega Man 2
Overpowered Metal Blade, tedious weapon cutscenes, and cheap hazard placement plague this so-called classic.


Mega Man III
Mega Man III
Mega Man 3 & 4, but with pixel-perfect jumps and worse enemy placement.


Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero
Good ideas in a lackluster package. The story is interesting and Zero has a nice arsenal of abilities, but they and the Cyber-Elves require too much grinding to be fully utilized. The missions also suffer from screen crunch and extensive level reuse.


Mega Man 5
Mega Man 5
Aside from Gravity Man and Wave Man, this game has no interesting ideas. It is a game that exists.


Mega Man IV
Mega Man IV
Mega Man 4 & 5, but with pixel-perfect jumps and worse enemy placement.


Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge
Just play Mega Man 1 or 2 instead.


Mega Man II
Mega Man II
Even more forgettable than Wily’s Revenge. Difficulty is nonexistent and it relies too heavily on its NES counterparts for inspiration. It has no reason to exist.



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