Shura/Purification ending playthrough, this definitely helped increase my love for this already amazing game, still has phenominal combat and lore and very satisfying endings, undoubtedly one of From's best works. Easy 10/10

Immortal Severance ending: fantastic game, great boss lineup [Forgot to do Father Owl :(]and fantastic combat. Currently playing through for Shura ending

This is the worst game I've ever played

The combat is pretty ok gets a bit repetitive near the end of the game, but the story and characters and just about everything else is really great. Another small issue I have is the game having really bad audio bugs and occasional crashes, at least on previous gen consoles, still a great game

Everything about this game is great except for how the difficulty is complete horseshit, DKC 1's difficulty was far from perfect too, but I much prefer it's occasional difficulty spikes rather than this games being completely unfair the entire way through

The difficulty sometimes doesn't know what's fair and what's horseshit but this game is still fantastic amidst all of that

This game is fucking amazing

I have a lot of problems with this game but there's also a lot I love. The level design is solid, the weapons are unique and super cool, and the music is also really great. However the game is SEVERELY lacking in difficulty with every boss in this game just being incredibly easy. The areas while have different layouts look incredibly similar and almost impossible to tell apart. And chalice dungeons while being unique and a great concept become mind numbingly boring after a little bit. Overall, I don't hate this game and can definitely see the appeal, but I just have so many problems with it, If the dlc is good I can see the rating going up but as of right now, I'm pretty disappointed in what many consider to be From's best work. I'd give it a 6.5/10, with the potential to be a 7-8 if the dlc is good