What can i say that has not been said already?
Silent Hill 2 is a gem and a timeless masterpiece full of deep and dark twists, thought provoking symbolism and one of the best atmosphere you will ever experience.

This is my GOAT.

did not care for the aksually biopic

I love the unorthodox storytelling this game follows.

"Anime was a mistake" - Hayao Miyazaki

Bloodborne is not perfect but its close, contrary to many people my favorite part about this game is not its gameplay or its bosses, but its lore and atmosphere.

Great combat system and enemy design, but after hearing for 2 years that George R Martin is going to be the writer of this world i expected more, i expected political intrigue, factions, towns, npcs, wars, storylines beyond saving zanzibart.

But besides that, everything else lived to the expectations, there is great level design and great fun combat to be had here and i loved it.

Its a good game but people keep praising its combat so much and i still dont understand why?
There is no combos, no deep mechanics and barely decent customization.
The combat feels good because its punishing and hard but thats where things end. You can beat 90% of the encounters by simple parry L2 or L1 i forgot. I wish it had more depth to its combat so that it will gain replayability, because besides that, the world and the level design are top tier.

This review was written before the game released

I replayed it many times, if you ask me i think this game is flawless.

This game is my jam, it has charismatic characters and crime centered plot.
I feel so bad i didnt enjoy this as much as other people.

The story was good for some few chapters then it started to become a trainwreck.
The gameplay was exciting in the first hours but became boring quickly as i kept fighting the same baddies doing the same strategy.
I tried doing side quests but i found them pointless, most of them are pranks that had no meaning whatsoever.
I loved the world, Kamurocho is immersive and is packed with fun content and minigames.
The music is awesome.

I'm still not sure if i should play the rest of the series.

This solved my sleep deprivation