Your mom would like it, so you should play it with her

Sonic Frontiers dares to threaten you with a good time

If you can't find this charming I won't watch Superman the Animated Series with you

This is the real zelda. Play it with someone you love. Have a good time.

Play city trial with friends and call me back so you can play with me

The vibes are worse but the game is playable

Someone took the bad parts of old RPGS out

This game is real fun to think about which is good because you'll have nothing else to do while waiting for the text to display- you go slow or you skip it all in one press! How was this acceptable? Games had good text speed before this! This isn't even a bit, it will impede your progress through the game and soil the good parts

Personal favorite but it maybe exceedingly stressful for others. Its edges are sharp and good and worth meditating on

I like look at the car guy tho

So much nonsense and yet so much to like

Megman x2 but incoherent instead of less good
Final boss is badder (not good)

Its Megaman X but less good instead of good
There are now several finalish bosses that are bad

It's megaman but good instead of hard
Final boss sucks tho